Hey everyone! So, I'm here to tell y'all where I've been. I mean, there's not much to tell. I've just been doing other stuff IRL and I haven't had time for writing.
But the main reason is because, to be honest, I'm growing out of MLP. I haven't wanted to write MLP stories, so I haven't had any stories to post. I've started multiple, thinking it was a good idea, but that was a little bit ago when I was still kinda into the show. Now, I'm really not. I'm moving on to other shows and fandoms and such, like Stranger Things for example. Best show ever..sorry. (I recommend it!)
Anyways, but yea. So I'm gonna be making a new account which won't be MLP-related. I'm making a new one so that this account won't just be totally deleted, cause some people liked some of my MLP fanfics on here, so I'll go ahead and leave them up so people can still read them. But I'm pretty much leaving this account behind, I won't be replying to comments anymore or anything like that. If you wanna follow my new account I'll be making, which will probably be mostly Stranger Things stories and theories btw, I'll leave a link once I create the account (if I can still do that).
Thank you to everyone who followed me and commented on my stories and opinions and supported me. It means a lot and always will. The MLP fandom will always hold a special place in my heart, and I'll always have deep respect for the show, it's just not really for me anymore. I guess all I can say is I'm growing up lol. Ofc don't let that make you think you have to stop liking it cause you're "too old", cause you're never too old. Some people grow out of it as they get older, some people don't. Whichever happens/happened with you is totally fine. If you still like MLP and you're a full-blown adult, GREAT FOR YOU! Keep being you! Never change! Trust me, there's way more people in the world that understand you than you think, which depending on how long you've been in the fandom, you've probably figured that out by now. Thank you for all for the memories, I've loved being in this fandom for as long as I have been, and I always thought I'd be in it forever. And while that may not exactly be true, I'll always treasure my time in it. It made my whole childhood, so thank you.
Thank you, and goodbye. MLPfanficStories out. ✌️🦄
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