Chapter 18: Quinn

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"So how does it feel to be the only female to have both Hargreave men chasing you?"

We were in the middle of dinner at Breadsticks when Chelsea had popped that question. She was perching with her chin on her fists as she innocently asked me before I could take a bite off my salad. 


"Don't be shy, Quinn.  Who is the leading contender?" Chelsea did not feel the need to repeat herself and sat there enjoying everyone around her squirm.

I could swear I heard their grandmother, Constance Hargreave gasp. 

Neil turns his head and glares at his stepsister while Iain appears to be mildly intrigued. 

I'm so glad that my mother didn't decide to join us as she had a late prayer meeting with her friends at church because I just wanted to die right now.

Instead, I feign ignorance and pretend that I misunderstood what the irrepressible pre-teen just said. I blink and purse my lips as I say "I'm sorry?"

"Chelsea," Neil warns as he starts to intervene but changes his mind when Chelsea quickly adds. 

"Are you just playing hard to get? Stop looking at me like you're going to kill me, Iain because you're not going to and it's no secret that we're rich. The jig is up. Besides, Quinn's probably known that the minute she's met you."

Mortified, I look at Iain who turns to me expectantly. His facial reaction is contained, but I can tell from his body language that he wants to hear what I have to say, I swallow and lick my lips nervously.

"I know I've got this in the bag." Neil turns and winks conspiratorially at me and I can hear Iain harrumph surly in response.

The entire conversation was so outrageous that I end up doubling over in laughter.

 I never laugh when I'm nervous and this has got to be the first time I've done so. 

I cover my face with my hands and lean back and let the nervous giddiness take hold. I laugh so hard that everyone in the table also start to laugh along that when I do come out with my explanation, the expressions on their faces makes me want to laugh again.

"Seriously, Quinn. What would it take for a man to impress you?" Constance Hargreave prods, because she's fascinated by this debacle.  I initially was nervous at first when I met her.  I took Neil's advice and wore a simple lacy dress from Acne and my cowboy boots along with the gold pendant with a cross.  She didn't look unimpressed either, but it's hard to tell from these Park Avenue ladies anyway.

"I---I----I--- don't know." I breathed in the middle of the peals as I take a peek at both brothers' astonished looks as they turn to each other and exchange frowns. 

Seeing their reaction just makes me double more in the hilarity of this absurd situation and I continue to giggle. Neil starts grinning in amusement as if in truce and Iain's eyes crinkle in amusement.

"You can bring up the bling, child." Constance promptly advises.  I'm surprised by her use of common millenial linggo seeing how immaculate she's dressed.  It's obvious she's dressed down in low key Channel everything, but I'm more drawn towards that mischievous glint in her pale blue eyes.

  "A diamond-encrusted tennis bracelet is ok," she says, as if she's been there before.

I didn't even dare ask her if that happened to her as that incredible suggestion just pulled me over the edge that when I thought I'd stop laughing, I start bursting out another round. 

"I-i-is that what wealthy New York socialites do?" I manage to say between the fits. 

No longer did I feel self-conscious, I lift my gaze to Iain as he's been remarkably silent throughout this whole scene. "What would you do if I ....I asked you for a diamond bracelet?"

Iain smiles at me, his eyes gleaming wickedly. He's regarding me closely, slowly taking in the flushed appearance of my cheeks as I take in how his dark, almost black hair glints like raven and ebony silk under the recessed halogens of the dimly lit restaurant. 

His bright blue eyes are shining with amusement and something else that makes my heart do double flips and starts to pound overtime as those blue orbs darken and a lock of his hair tumbles carelessly against his forehead as if for added effect. 

He doesn't breathe a word to answer, but I know exactly what he's thinking which makes me stop laughing as I stare boldly at his scrutiny then when I remember that we're not alone, I gaze downward as if to hide my eyes.

"On second thought," Constance amends as she correctly interprets Iain's thoughts. "Forget the bracelet, dear. Go straight for the entire set, including the ring."

"Well now we know who won," Chelsea murmurs.

 She turns and looks at her stepbrother sympathetically and clucks her tongue. 

"Sorry Neil."

"You're the one who's going to be sorry when I smack your butt with this." Neil growls as he warningly lifts his hand. But we all know it's a ruse and Chelsea doesn't seem affected in the least.

So far the whole meeting went well, I guess. It surprised me by how down-to-earth Iain's immediate family were.  I was nervous at first, knowing how awkward it might have been for Neil to meet his family. 

 But once it happened, it was as if they all knew each other for years.  There was a little emotional moment when Constance hugged Neil and whispered something inaudible to everyone's ears, when she let go, her eyes appeared misty, but she quickly masked this expression by something regal as she lifted her head high as she blinked several times.

I figured Chelsea went out of her way to make a reunion less awkward by sorting out the obvious and more awkward topic: My little tryst with two Hargreave men.  

I could've also gotten my revenge with her, but because she was such as sweet kid, I couldn't help myself.  I liked her immediately.

Time passes very quickly after that. 

By the time the bill was set up and the plates were cleared, I felt closer to the Hargreaves thanks to Chelsea. 

With democratic impartiality, the little outspoken girl had switched her attention from me and aimed her series of impertinent comments to her grandmother's alcohol addiction and then at her brothers. No one was spared at the end of the meal that Chelsea's victims had bonded in shared helplessness, sympathy, and hopeless laughter.

Judging from Iain's knowing and sympathetic grin, I'd come to assume that he had lived a life of elegant leisure far above the stress of ordinary humanity apart from the melodrama that occurred between his parents.

 I knew he had once mentioned that he had a sister who was a 'pain in the ass', but the realization that he had to 'endure' the whims of a precocious child made him now seem very human and likable. 

Chelsea gave her grandmother absolutely no mercy and Constance generally let her get away with it. I notice with trepidation that the young girl might be right about their grandmother's fondness for liquor as I notice that she's already down on her fifth bottle of champagne.

Iain, on the other hand, had limits at Chelsea's jibes which mostly involved his work. He ignores Chelsea's jokes about his personal life and the women whom he'd allegedly been involved, most of which are familiar names of starlets and models, other than his longtime girlfriend Lily who sounds like a cross between a demented version of Santana and Baby Jane Hudson. 

When Chelsea gets to remake about his business and work, Iain's jaw tightens and his voice turns ominous as he says "I wouldn't go there if I were you," which she surprisingly stops in midsentence and does not "go there."

The car ride home took less than fifteen minutes. Because Neil now is under the custody of Constance, since she was named as the next of kin by their father he was now living with them and was staying at the Presidential suite of the Courtyard Marriott. 

Turns out there really was indeed a Presidential Suite, as I was given a quick tour by the Hargreaves into the entire penthouse floor of the hotel of which came with its own butler service, its own spa, and gym.  

Anton is acting as their chauffer and it's amazing that they managed to hire a full scale limousine at such short notice. Iain still chooses to stay with me until my mother comes home so we're dropped off in front of our house. I say my goodbyes and thank Constance for the meal and reserve my smile at Chelsea and say, "Thank you for the making me feel like a member of your family."

For once, the girl was at a loss for words as I hear Iain murmur goodnight to everyone as he gently takes my elbow as we stroll side by side towards the front door in silence. Great, just when I thought I'd gotten used to Iain now that I know more about him and his family, I wouldn't feel as unease as ever. I realize that Iain just about feels the same awkwardness and I break our weird interlude.

"That was interesting. Chelsea's a riot."

"You were the only interesting topic," Iain smiles as he corrects me which strikes me as something significant. I blush in spite of myself and he quickly adds. "She also went beyond exercising her usual modicum of restraint to make you feel at ease."

I turn my head to look at him to deny it but the minute I look into his eyes, I knew I could never lie to him. "You're right." I admit feebly. He relaxes his stance a little and shoves his hands in his pocket and looks at me in silence.

"Is it because of me? Or does my family intimidate you?"

Since the day I've met Iain, all plans of trying to flirt with him have flown out the window because I knew that I couldn't bullshit my way around him. It was like he has this unnerving ability to read my own thoughts and actions because they mirror his own. I have lately come to realize that I can also read through his own actions and right now though he looks as cool as a cucumber, I understand that he's also wary that I would think differently of him because of his social status and money. In fact, that would have also been true but seeing how gentle and patient he was in front of his sister and seeing the easy camaraderie he shared with Neil had made me change my mind about him being too capricious and cold. I've given up with playing games and for once, I try honesty instead.

"Just you," I say lamely averting my eyes from his direct gaze.

"Why? Do you find me intimidating?"

"Yes and because you aren't like most guys I've ever met."

Iain regards this in silence and nods. He knows he's nothing like the boys I used to date. It's the darn truth and I look at him and can see that he seems relieved by this admission for some unfathomable reason.

"That's right, I'm nothing like Frankenteen and that Mohawk punk. And don't you even dare compare me to that Ken doll."

My eyes fly to his face and he looks to be smirking, as if amused by what he's just said.

"Fact is, I like you Quinn. More than I really should. One of the things that I like most about you is that you are actually refreshingly open and honest especially when you're alone with me. You don't say it verbally as you could, but I can tell from your actions anyway. Unlike the rest of the world who sees you as the untouchable Queen Bee, I see something else. You and I aren't that different from each other which is why I get you more than anyone else you've met."

I don't answer him because I know it's true. In the distance I can hear crickets chirping and watch as a lone firefly make its way doing rounds in the lawn. I bring my arms closer towards me, utter grateful that Iain had lent me his jacket as the added warmth helps tremendously with the pressure. I stop and unconsciously rub my chin against the softness of his wool jacket, taking in the scent of Iain that's mixed with Bergamot and sandalwood from his expensive bodywash.

"So was Chelsea right about you being attracted to me?" He asked bluntly.

I look at him sharply because he already knows the answer. I was about to retort a sarcastic question but stop myself in time and bite my lip in response as I play with the gold cross pendant around my neck, waiting desperately for his reply.

:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+

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