Chapter 4

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Neclace at the top ^

Bernard's POV

Once we separated from the hug I looked into her eyes. "You should probably get to bed. It's late and your going home tomorrow." He says. "That's ok. I'll still see you, in school." She says. "Yeah." I say with a smile.

"But, if your having trouble at home with your ADHD or you miss me. Press the button on the back of the crystal." I say getting out a blue crystal neclace.

(Putting it here just incase it doesn't show on the top.)

"Oh my god, its beautiful!" She says. "Turn around." I say. She turns around and moves a little bit of her hair out of the way. I put the necklace around her neck and clip it together on the back.

She hugs me again and says. "Thank you so much B. I've only known you for like an hour, maybe 2 hours, I've shouted at you and your still really nice to me." She says putting her face into my chest. "Hey it's no problem." I say.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed." I say taking her down the hallway. "Hey why isn't she staying in the same room as me and Charlie." Scott asked. "Because you sharing a room with your daughter is wrong." I say making Y/n laugh.

I walk her to her room and she gets into bed. I go to leave but she grabs my arm. "Can you stay? I don't really like being on my own at night. I get night terrers and I have sleep paralysis." She says with a scared look.

"Ok. I'll stay but only until I take you home." I say. I get into bed next to her and stroke her hair. "Oh I forgot to mention something..." She says. "What did you forget to mention?" I ask. "So I wasn't expecting to go on a trip like this sooo... I don't have my sleep tablets or ADHD medication. And I have insomnia..." She says.

"This is gonna be a longgggg night." I say. "Sorry." She says. "It's ok." I say. "Actually, I think Judy has sleep tablets." I say. "I'll be back." I say before getting up and walking to the kitchen where Judy is.

"Hey Judy, do ya think you can make some cocoa and get a sleep tablet." I say. "Sure. Who's this for?" She asked. "Santa's daughter, she has alot of mental disorders. ADHD, dyslexia, insomnia, sleep paralysis, she even has night terrors so I've got to stay with her for the night." I say.

"That poor girl. I feel so bad for her." Judy says. "She does have 2 other disorders that have something to do with being nervous." I say. "And what would they be?" She asks making the cocoa. "Anxiety so she has alot of panic attacks and nervous tics to go with it." I say.

"Oh no, I feel terribly bad for her." Judy says. "Same, I've got to leave tomorrow because I've got to be there with her in high school to help with her ADHD, she's a sophomore." I say. (Is that year 11? I think it is, someone please tell me if it is.)

"Does that mean Curtis will be in charge for a while?" Just asks, adding the last touches to the cocoa and grabbing the sleep tablets. "I'm afraid so. If he changes the rules. Tell me somehow, I'll give him a peace of my mind." I say. "Will do." Judy says with a giggle.

She gives me the cocoa and sleep tablets and I start walking back to the room. When I get there she's gone so I put the stuff on the bed side table and run out to the workshop.

"Curtis, have you seen Y/n?" I ask. "Yea she ran outside." Curtis said. "And you didn't try to stop her?!?!?!" I ask. "Have you seen her height?! She'll probably trample on me!" He said. "Oh please she's shorter than me. I'll trample on you for not stopping her. It's freezing out there!" I shout.

"Yea whatever." He says. I run outside to see Y/n having fun in the snow making snow angel and running around. "Y/n it's freezing our here. You need to come in now. You need sleep." I say going up to her and she has a snowflake on her nose.

"Come on snowflake. You need sleep." I say grabbing her hand and pulling her off the ground. "You know, I bet you don't know EVERYTHING enough me." She says. "Oh yeah, what do you think I don't know." I ask. "Do you know the dad's trying to get me a diagnosis for narcolepsy." She says looking into my eyes.

"Oh you poor soul." I say pulling her into a hug. "It sounds like you have a really hard life, ADHD, dyslexia, sleep paralysis, insomnia, you could possibly have narcolepsy and you have night terrors. I feel so bad for you." I say. "I've gotten used to it by now." She says.


844 words

This one's a little short. I'm really drowsy at the moment and I'm struggling to stay awake becuase I do actually have narcolepsy. People keep saying I might have ADHD and dyslexia so I'm gonna try getting a diagnosis for them and I have insomnia. My mental health is also really bad at the moment so I will right the next part when I have time, and when I have the motivation. Love you my Kings and Queens! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx ๐Ÿ˜˜

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