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12:01 pm

"We've been sitting here forever, Travis." I whined, shaking my legs and causing him to put his hand over them to stop them. "I'm bored."

"Watch the movie and you won't be bored." Travis gestured towards the tv and I sighed. It was an old one. Tommy Boy, I think it was.

I let out a dramatically audible sigh and let my head rest against the couch. Travis's hand loosened around my leg and I noticed his fingers gently brushing my legs back and forth. Was it weird that it made me want to kiss him? It was a weirdly intimate feeling, which should have made me pull my leg away, but I didn't move. I think I enjoyed the feeling too much to move. Besides, he was staring at the tv so intensely that it looked like he was doing it subconsciously.

Is this what he did to his fuck buddy and now he just had a habit to do it. I guess it wasn't helping that my legs were thrown over his. But the thought of his fuck buddy made me want to pull away. I wasn't Travis's fuck buddy, and I didn't want to be. I pulled my legs off of him and climbed off the couch, deciding to head to the kitchen and look around even though I wasn't even hungry. It would at least put distance between us.

"What are you looking for?" Travis called after me as I opened up a cupboard.

"Food." I shrugged casually.

"Do we have any chips?"


"Do we have any pop?"


"What do we have?"

"Frozen pizza and hot chocolate."

"Should we make pizza?"

"Maybe later."

"Hot chocolate?"

"Not in the mood." I sighed.

"Then what are you looking for?" Travis chuckled.

I wasn't looking for anything specific. I just wanted to think for a second and not be touching Travis every second of the day. I had just met the guy and we hadn't separated since. It was probably just his fuck buddy and that leg touching that was keeping me antsy. Was it so wrong that I wasn't interested in being treated like his fuck buddy? It just gave me feel weird and made me feel wrong.

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