"Get the fuck out cockhead," was all Post got out as he held a pistol to Lord Farquaad's head. The barrel of the gun only pushed further forward at his lack of action.
Hurriedly, Lord Farquaad ran for his bags before a gunshot mere millimetres behind him plummeted through the drywall. He froze where he was standing, not daring to make a sound.
"Leave the bags and the hat. You have 10 seconds to get out of this room," was all Post Malone said before firing another bullet almost in the exact same spot.
"Why are you doing this?" Lord Farquaad choked out, tears stinging his eyes. His boner still hard in his boxers didn't help either.
"I am a werewolf mafia boss who is a rockstar," were the final words Lord Farquaad heard before a bullet went straight into his dick and another not long after to his head.
The end omg yasssss
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