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"Baby let me love you goodbye."

The simple words send shivers down Lord Farquaad's spine. Should he accept the offer? It's nothing he can't do, but what if it makes it harder to leave? Also why did he quote One Direction? This is all so unfamiliar.

"I can't let you do that. It's not going to make goodbyes any easier," he voices his concerns, "I j-just don't want to do something you'll regret by the morning."

"I won't regret anything when it's with you," Post Malone states, obviously meaning it by the amount of sincerity laced in his eyes.

"This is just a big thing though, sure we've done it before but we were happy then. We aren't now," an unusual amount of seriousness present.

This would be outrageous to go through with, feelings don't disappear overnight - even if they're only one-sided. Why are they even in this predicament? Lord Farquaad should just grab his possessions and leave before anything ensues.

"I don't want to pressure you into this if you really don't want to," Post makes clear.

"Oh no trust me I'll take free dick anytime! You know me better than that. I just don't want to hurt you," Lord Farquaad informs. The statement makes Post Malone release a brief chuckle but it seems fake.

"You won't, I promise," Post briefly mutters.

"Are you entirely sure though?"

"Most definitely," Post Malone makes clear, never looking more certain about anything prior to this. It's somewhat odd, maybe Lord Farquaad is doing the wrong thing by leaving, but also the same by staying longer than necessary.

Lord Farquaad can still see the man he originally fell in love with. His bright blue eyes shined like the ocean on a hot summer's day. The tattoos littering his skin looking stunning as always. How was he going to leave this all behind? One night more isn't enough. If only destiny held more time for them both.

"I'll make you a deal. We do it once more and then I'll pack my bags and be gone for good. Out of your life forever," Lord Farquaad compromises.

Post Malone obviously contemplates this for a moment. He looks completely lost in thought as he considers such an offer.



They both quickly clean the kitchen and dining room so they can get on with it and finally be free from the shackles that hold them both down. The paint on the wall is slightly chipped from the impact of the plate, which is going to be a pain in the ass to fix. The oakwood chair is also put back into place although it will be a long while till it's occupied again.

"You're certain this is what you want?" Lord Farquaad can't help but ask again. He doesn't want to end it all on a sour note, "I can pack my stuff and leave now if you prefer."

"No, no I'm sure. If I have any regrets know that it will only ever be the dread of letting the one I loved go," all sincerity is intended with that statement. Too much some might say.

It makes Lord Farquaad's heart swell knowing he had such an impact on someone. He is beginning to regret the decision of leaving soon.

No, he has to leave. It's all too much to continue with it. They'll both be happier even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

"O-ok. Let's do this before it's all too late," Lord Farquaad gestures for Post to follow him down the long, brown hallway.

As they walk down the hall that seems to go on forever, Lord Farquaad is reminded of all the memories they shared. The small side table with the blue vase on it, which was Lord Farquaad's favourite place to rail the other.

The tall wooden door that they shared their first kiss infront of. All the memories that are being washed down the drain in an instance.

Lord Farquaad's sinus' begin to act up as he bears the bedroom door, Post Malone following not far behind. He needed to pull himself together, not for Post's sake but his own aswell.

He has to do this, he needs to end it right.

"You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Post Malone replies with a gulp following soon after.

Should he really go through with this?

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