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|Draco Malfoy - Paul Craddock|

|Harry Potter - Mikey Murphy|

|Pansy Parkinson - Vittoria Ceretti|

|Ron Weasley - Oliver Dale|

|Hermione Granger - Lou Deng|

|Blaise Zambini - Adonis Bosso|

|Luna Lovegood - Nastaya Kusakina|

|Neville Longbottom - Alex Storm|

|Daphene Greengrass - Hyun Ji Shin|

|Astoria Greengrass - Hye Park|

|Gregory Goyle - Ji Sangjun|

|Vincent Crabbe - Brian Whittaker|

|Ginny Weasley - Luca Hollestelle|

|Theodore Nott -Younes Kahlaoui|

|Dean Thomas - Léo Chocolat|

|Seamus Finnigan - Frank Rosie|


These are just what I imagine them as in this book
Some characters have yet to be introduced but they will be later
If I missed anyone tell me and I'll make a part two thanks

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