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Draco walked up to the door of the house and knocked very loudly.

"I'm coming" a voice said.

The door swung open to reveal Ron and two more people behind him they were twins.

"Uhhh dude what are you doing here"

"I'm here for your sister"


"Because she thought it would be nice to get in my phone and tell Harry some bullshit so now she's gonna pay"

Ron's eyes widened "wait that was her"

Draco rolled his eyes "yes now move" he said barging in and walking to the back of the house.

It didn't take Draco long to find the room. It was a heavily decorated door with pins and other miscellaneous things. He grabbed the bedazzled door handle and opened the door.

Ginny was sitting on the floor on the phone. She didn't even look up as Draco opened the door. Draco walked over to her and grabbed the phone out of her hand.

She gasped finally looking up.

"Get out and give me my phone"

Draco gave her and annoyed look "fuck you and you're stupid phone. Why the fuck would you text Harry that shit"

Ginny crossed her arms. "Harry didn't believe me when I said you were bad for him so I made him believe it" she said snottily

"You fucking bitch" Draco muttered. "You are going to find Harry and you're going to tell him"

"Says who"

"Me" Draco said coldly. "And if you don't I'll come back here and drag you to his house and make you" he finished by throwing her phone on the ground and walking out.


Lmao what's a schedule

Q : fav line of this book?

A : "well you are a bitch"

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