11. Field trip!!

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The following Saturday I woke up fairly early. I was on a mission. I stood up from my bed, still tired as hell, scratching my eyes vigorously.

"Already up?" My mom entered the room, handing me a plate with some eggs. She's the best mom ever.

"Yeah, I'll go pack." I said grumpily.

"Alright." She chuckled and walked out of the room.

Of course, I didn't want to pack at all, but I had to. Groaning, I grabbed a giant luggage from the closet and started folding some shorts and shirts.

Then I ran into the bathroom, packing my flat iron, hairbrush and all kinds of hair ties and clips.

I threw the small bag into the luggage, before throwing myself on my bed. A couple of minutes, maybe even half an hour have passed of me packing.


I changed into some comfy shorts and a T-shirt, before grabbing my bag and heading outside. My headphones were blasting BTS's 'Make it right', as I skipped down the street.

As I walked down the street, I felt someone tap on my shoulder lightly. To my surprise, I turned around to face Soo-Jin.

"Soojin-ssi? What are you doing here?" I asked a bit flabbergasted.

"My friend lives nearby, and I was about to leave, but spotted you." She smiled in her usual, calming voice.

I could always trust Soo-Jin. She was smart and fierce. And a fighter too!


"So, where ya heading?" She asked curiously as she walked with me to my destination.

"Oh, just the beach. There's a small dock near my house, and I just thought I'd go there for a while."

"Ahh, can I come with you?" She said pleadingly.

"Arraso." I smiled.

Me and Soojin-a walked to the beach together. It seems Soo-Jin had never been at this beach, because she gasped when we walked up the hill in the park, revealing the beautiful beach.

The sun was shining brightly, which meant the sea sparkled with it, making everything look so magical.

"Waa, this place is beautiful!" Soo-Jin exclaimed astonished, still looking around the place like a lost puppy.

I just giggled at her playfulness and walked down the hill with her, making sure to be careful. As soon as we managed to slither down the hill, I took off my slippers and walked in the sand barefoot.

The feeling of walking on sand felt so refreshing. Soo-Jin followed me, but wasn't brave enough to take off her shoes too.

As we walked to the dock, she finally gave in and also took her shoes off. We got to the end of the dock, sitting down and dangling my feet off the dock.

It seems Soo-Jin was a bit lost, and just kept doing everything I did, to which I giggled. I pulled out my notebooks from backpack, and started doing some math problems.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously, peeking into the worksheet.

"Just some homework, so I won't have to worry about it after the field trip."

"Ahh." She said before pointing to a math problem. "This one's wrong."

"So, it's supposed to be this way?" I ask rewriting the answer.

"Yeah." She smiled. I always took her as my inspiration. She's so extremely smart, but also beautiful and fierce.

I kept writing, as me and Soo-Jin talked and laughed. She's also a very pleasant person to be around. She's nice and funny, and makes me laugh with her small remarks.


About half an hour later, I finished writing on the worksheet. Now it was about 4pm, and I was quite surprised how much time Soo-Jin was spending with me.

I suddenly heard her phone get a notification, as she looked at it heartlessly. Suddenly all of her good energy just disappeared and she stared at the text before sighing.

"I better get going." She said faintly as she hugged me.

"Alright, see you on Monday!" I said excitedly. She pulled away from the hug, before smiling and waving one last time, and then walking away to the pathway.

A couple of minutes of just staring at the sparkling ocean later, I decided to go home too. I grabbed my backpack, as I headed back to my house.


The rest of the day, I kept checking all of the field trip papers, and checking if I have everything. I was nervous but excited at the same time.

We were heading to a giant field park, right on the edge of Seoul. It wasn't that far, but it was quite a distance.

Suddenly I got a text following a couple more notifications. It was from our group chat with me, Ju-kyung, Su-a and Soo-Jin.

They smiled at the text happily, before texting back. I was extremely grateful to have friends like them, caring and thoughtful. Funny and kind. They were nothing like my 'friends' back in y/c.

Those people back at y/c, were toxic and gossiped about everyone. At times, they even ignored me, but then said it was a joke. They were terribly rude people.

Thankfully, the only nuisance here, was Han Seo-Jun. Annoying and loves to tease people. Fine...I admit it, sometimes, when he really, reeeealy tries, he can be nice.

But that trying is rarely ever. I mean it, even in class he sleeps. It could be the most interesting class, about motorcycles or cars, or whatever the hell guys have interest in, but he'd still sleep through it.

Whenever the teacher calls him out to answer, he never knows anything, and always just mumbles something inaudible, before the teacher just gives up and moves on.

Or sometimes, he doesn't even wake up, and imagine how'd that go in Mr. Park's class. He would lose his mind, but Seo-Jun already knows that. He's surprisingly not that dumb to not notice, how Mr. Park's patience is always barely hanging on by a thread.

Mr. Park was our Geography teacher, and everyone knew that he immediately hates, anyone who doesn't do as they're told. Mr. Park also has amazing memory, which means, he'll remember any face of any student, even if he'd be woken up in the middle of the night.

I swear, everyone is petrified of him, that's why everyone is dead silent in class, and always does as they're told. That's why almost all of the grades for our class, are straight A's in Geography, except for one person.

Of course, Han Seo-Jun. He does listen in class, somehow. But always flukes his tests. I guess Mr. Park understood that Seo-Jun just isn't the best at tests.

But thankfully Seo-Jun doesn't act, the way he acts in other classes. The other teacher are more laid back, and don't mind Seojun-Jun's behavior..somehow..


Heyy avaeryone. I literally can't believe it,, this thing got 400 reads!!!😍🥳

I literally don't get it, thx so much!
Anyway, make sure to eat something if u haven't, and luv u!<33

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