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3rd person

"What did I ever do to you?!"

A loud voice echoed across all of the corners of the penthouse that the wedded couple shares. Jennie and Yoongi have been yelling at each other and arguing ever since Yoongi made a comment about the dates that he keeps having with Eunbi that keep getting ruined.

This made Jennie talk back to him, feeling that Yoongi is implicating his complaint against her since she is usually the one who is always preparing everything for Yoongi and Eunbi's dates.

Yoongi is about to leave for his meet-up with Eunbi while Jennie is going to take over the penthouse in the meantime and have her members come over.

It was supposed to be a normal night for them but the stress from work, problems rising because Yoongi and Eunbi's dates keep getting ruined, the mysterious man in black Yoongi keeps seeing, and the deadline for their mission for Eunbi and Yoongi to end up together is almost near.

The tension is probably so unbearable that the two finally combusted and ended up releasing their anger at each other.

"You're ruining everything!" Yoongi yells back to his wife.

Jennie scoffs in outrage at her husband's accusation, "I did my best and put every bit of effort just to help you be with my cousin and now, you're blaming me for everything that's happening?!"

At the other side of the door of the penthouse, Jisoo, Chaeyoung, and Lisa immediately paused as soon as they heard yelling from the inside. The oldest member was about to knock on the door but because of fear, she stopped before she could interrupt the two.

"Should we do something?" Lisa asks her two other members.

Chaeyoung sighs, "I swear to god, if Min Yoongi does something he is going to regret, I will make sure to make him remember his mistake for the rest of his life."

But the oldest stopped her from raising her hand to knock on the door, "Wait, not yet, let's leave them be for now. Let's just let them work out their problems on their own first and if we need to step in, we'll break down the door."

Then, just as the other women were about to say something, they heard another yell from the inside.

"If you just stayed put and didn't meddle with things, everything wouldn't have been ruined!" Yoongi raises his voice.

His wife crosses her arms with her eyebrows knitted together as she argues back to her husband, "If I didn't meddle, you wouldn't even survive your first date or even have a chance with my cousin!"

Yoongi wanted to deny it but it's true, he has gone a long way with Eunbi because of Jennie's help and influence but he still couldn't help but feel suspicious of her. Out of everyone, she is one of his main suspects for the person who is helping the man in black to ruin his dates with Eunbi — even though he doesn't get why the man in black is involved in this.

"I'm losing every chance I've got to be with her! I thought you wanted to help me? Isn't this your plan in the first place? For me to end up with Eunbi so we could convince our parents that we need to get a divorce?"

Yoongi couldn't get it out of his head, probably because he doesn't have anyone else to blame for his problems with his dates with Eunbi getting ruined and his denial of the fact that it is actually Jennie and not Eunbi that drove him to the conclusion that Jennie is the traitor.

But why would she do it?

Jennie wants to see him and Eunbi happy, she wants to be free of the bonds that she is tied with — her marriage with Yoongi.

Why would she waste all of her time and put every bit of effort to help Yoongi and Eunbi if she is just going to ruin them?

Jennie is hurt. She's hurt because out of everyone, she is the only one that Yoongi doesn't trust. He doesn't believe her and it pains her.

Yoongi's eyes narrow as he stared at her, "Maybe, you're not cut out for relationships, Jennie. This is probably the reason why your relationship with Kai ended too fast."

At the sound of this, Jennie is taken aback, "That's not true! You don't know the real reason we broke up, you know why? Because you didn't even care about me or how I feel, not even once. You know nothing, Min Yoongi."

A sudden ache came in Yoongi's chest, he was a bit surprised when she told him that he doesn't care about her.

"I care about you, Jennie, more than you think I do. But I'm too busy caring about Eunbi to even think about that pathetic relationship that you had with your ex."

Once again, Jennie scoffed at what he said and with every bit of bitterness in her voice, she talked back, "Well, maybe, have you ever thought about the fact that she doesn't like you in that way or she doesn't care about you as you do about her? That you're chasing her around like a madman when she's clearly pushing you away?"

That made Yoongi bite his tongue. He doesn't know what to argue back to that, what would he say? Nobody wants to admit it — Yoongi doesn't want to admit it to himself either.

The only logical thing he can do is stare at his wife.

Receiving no response from him, Jennie releases a loud and frustrated sigh, even running her hand through her hair, "God — why am I even wasting my time over you and your dumb crush on my cousin when I have better things to do?"

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Yoongi managed to say a couple of words.

Jennie doesn't respond at first, she walks over to her keys on the table and takes her coat from the couch but before she could even walk away, he looks at him over her shoulders, "Leaving you to solve your problems alone."

After this, she walks away from him as Yoongi stood there in the middle of the living room like a statue.

Jennie arrives at the door that she immediately pulls open to reveal her three members with shock written all over their faces. Instead of getting angry because they were listening, she sighs and slams the door close behind her.

"Let's go," She tells her members. "I'm gonna need more than a couple of drinks tonight."

"Are we going to a club?" The maknae asks her.

Jennie smirks, "Even better."

Yoongi left the penthouse about half an hour later to meet up with Eunbi bit his argument with Jennie is still lingering in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about it. This is why for the whole hour that he is spending his night out with Eunbi, he is so distracted that he isn't even listening to whatever she's saying anymore.

"Yoongi," Eunbi calls him with a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him.

His eyes immediately switched to Eunbi who is sitting in front of him, he was staring down at his feet while thinking about his argument with her cousin.

"Hm? Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" Eunbi asks. "You seem... distracted, do you want to share whatever it is that has been bothering you?"

Yoongi immediately shakes his head in response, "No, sorry I'm just really —" But before he could finish his sentence, a loud notification noise interrupted him.

Knowing that Eunbi already has her phone in her hand, Yoongi went to check his and he was right. There is a new message from one of his closest friends.



Hey, where are you? The sanctuary is lit tonight, you should join us. Even Jennie is having fun over here, the woman's trying to poke dance and everyone is hyping her up.


Jennie is trying to do what in front of hundreds of people?

Oh sh*t am I not supposed to say that?

Are you mad?

Sorry, I probably just drank too much

But I can still type properly tho

Oh and her members are here too

I just saw Jisoo drink five shots in one gulp

Dude, they're lit


Yoongi's eyes narrow at the screen of his phone, Kihyun is spamming him with random messages and he can't focus on one because the texts just keep coming.

"Is it an emergency?"

He doesn't know what is happening but the only thing that's processing in his brain is that his wife is drunkenly trying to pole dance in front of hundreds of people.

"Um, you know what, yeah, I do have an emergency," Yoongi babbles as he stands up from his seat. "I'm really sorry but I need to go —"

"— Yoongi, it's okay, you can go," Eunbi cuts him off with a smile.

After waving goodbye and apologizing once more to the young woman, Yoongi immediately runs to his car, driving past the speed limit to where the sanctuary should be located.

He doesn't know what is going with him but Jennie is just making him do unspeakable things. For example, leaving his crush because his wife who is an adult and can take care of herself is partying with strangers.

Yoongi doesn't know why but the thought of strangers looking at Jennie in an intimate way and hitting on her just burns his skin.

Just as he finished parking his car — he's lucky he even found a spot — another text from Kihyun just motivated him even more to crash the party.

Kihyun: Yoongi, I mean this in the most respectful way possible but damn ur wife is pretty hot

With his hand gripping his phone tight, Yoongi marches towards the sanctuary where he saw that even though the building is full, there is still a long line of people waiting to get in.

The bouncer sees him marching towards the door and immediately opens it for him. Even though the bouncer may be a lot bulkier and taller than him, he still fears Yoongi. Seeing that look on the idol's face, he knew that something is about to go down inside of the sanctuary.

The inside of the sanctuary has not changed at all in Yoongi's opinion. Probably because he's not usually here often but there is still a large number of people dancing, drinking, and doing illegal activities.

Trying to look around for a glimpse of any of the Blackpink members was harder than Yoongi had thought it would be. Although, finding Kihyun dancing with the crowd is easy.

"Yoongi!" The man happily called, people immediately gave the two some space. "You came! Welcome to the party!"

The other's brows furrow, "What the f*ck, Kihyun! I thought you'd do the sensible thing and stop Jennie from doing whatever it is that she's trying to do?!"

Kihyun releases a sigh and places a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, "Jennie is an adult, she can do whatever she wants. I'd still help her if she wants me to but the woman's stubborn and wouldn't listen to me."

Yoongi stayed silent, his friend's voice slowly being overpowered by the music and the crowd.

"She's drunk, Yoongi, what do you expect me to do?"

Knowing that talking to Kihyun would be a waste of time, Yoongi leaves him be and begins to look around for his wife and the three remaining Blackpink members that are nowhere to be found.

"Sunbaenim?" A familiar voice came from behind Yoongi.

He turns around to see, "Beomgyu? What the hell are you doing here this late at night, kid?"

The younger one immediately regretted ever catching his senior's attention, knowing that he is finally caught, he knew that he won't be able to make up an excuse.

Luckily, Yoongi is too frustrated to even care about the reason why he is here, "Have you seen Jennie Kim? Or the other Blackpink members?"

"Oh, Jennie sunbaenim is talking to that guy over there," Beomgyu points at a dark corner.

Once again, Yoongi's brows knit together, he turns to Beomgyu and points at him, "Wait for me here, kid."

He walks towards the familiar silhouette of a female and a male stranger that is gleefully flirting with each other.

"Get your dirty hands off my wife, you assh*le!" Yoongi yells and pushes the said stranger away from Jennie.

The woman gasped, "Yoongi?! What the hell are you doing?!"

"I should be the one asking you that!" He raises his voice over the loud noises in the building. "And you even brought your members here! What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I'm an adult, I can do whatever I want!" Jennie argued, her brain intoxicated with too much alcohol.

"You're not only risking yourself but you're also putting your members at risk by bringing them here without background information about this place!"

He didn't even let the woman respond, instead, he picks her up like a sack to prevent her from escaping but this only meant that Jennie will scream as loud and as long as she can.

Walking back to where Beomgyu is patiently waiting just like he told him to, Yoongi sees something from the corner of his eye. Three young women drinking amongst themselves. Yoongi makes a detour and walks over to the three women, their eyes widening at the sight of Jennie being carried like a sack over his shoulder.

"S-sunbaenim," Lisa mutters under his breath.

"Let's go, ladies, it's time to go home," He tells them as politely as he could sound when his temper is at its high at the moment.

He looks at Jisoo, "Lisa, is Jisoo drunk? Can she still walk?"

The young woman shakes her head, "Unnie has a high alcohol tolerance, she'll be fine. I'm not really into alcohol either, only Chaeyoung unnie is drunk."

As if on cue, a familiar voice screamed from behind her.

"Min Yoongi, go to hell!!"

The man releases an exhausted sigh as he guides the three women through the crowd, finally seeing Beomgyu from where he left him. The younger looked aghast from the sight that he is seeing in front of him but Yoongi is unphased.

"You should go home, kid, don't you have a curfew?"

The young man responds that their group is having a few days as their rest period and even though Yoongi may feel worried for his well-being, the kid knows what he is doing. 

With a woman over his shoulder and three women trailing behind him like ducklings, it is certainly a sight to see. Everyone imma made way for the five of them to pass, the bouncer was not surprised with the outcome.

The five of them arrived back to Yoongi's car in the parking lot, placing his drunk wife in the passenger seat, the three other women managed to fit in the three remaining seats at the back. The whole car ride is awkwardly quiet but Jennie is too drunk to notice as she begins yelling at Yoongi again.

Arriving back in Blackpink's dorm, Yoongi carried Jennie again but this time, in bridal style, while his wife's members were trailing behind them. Jisoo and Lisa trying to make sure Chaeyoung doesn't trip and fall.

"Thank you for bringing us home, sunbaenim," Jisoo thanked him once they all got inside. "Sorry about what Chaeyoung said earlier."

"It's okay," He tells her as he begins to make his way towards Jennie's room. "It didn't bother me."

He opened the door to Jennie's room, carefully and gently laying the young woman down on her bed. Yoongi pulls her blanket on top of her and tucks her in bed. The young woman looks like she's already sleeping, at this, Yoongi sighs and was about to take his leave when a hand grabbed hold of his wrist.

"You're not leaving, are you?" A groggy voice came from the young woman who still had her eyes closed.

Yoongi turns around and gently tugs her hand to let go of him, "Jen, I'm sorry but you know that I have to."

She finally let go of him but her lips suddenly form a pout from what Yoongi said. She is obviously disturbed by the fact that he is going to leave.

"You're going back to her, aren't you?" She asked out of the blue.

"Who?" He asked curiously.

Jennie's eyes open a bit to answer his question, "To Eunbi, you're choosing her. You always have.."

"Jen, I-"

"— I'm your wife but you love her. You care about her more and I don't know what to do about it!" She raises her voice, interrupting him from finishing his sentence.

"Jen, I care about you, you know that."

The young woman eagerly shakes her head, "But not as much as you love her! You only care for me because we grew up together, you don't love me."

"That's not true."

He could see her brows knitting together in frustration as he grabbed his wrist once again, "It is and if you weren't married to me, you would marry her instead."

Yoongi was taken aback by what he said. He doesn't know what to say to that. She tugs his wrist and forcefully pulls him down which makes Yoongi lean on his palms that are at both sides of Jennie for support or else he will fall on top of her.

Jennie frowns and whispers into his ear, voice gentle and almost desperate, "Please, stay. Just this once, stay with me and then you can go back to her. Just give me this one night."

With one look at her, Yoongi immediately knew his answer.

"Alright, I'll stay."

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