chapter 7

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Wes pov.

That bastard! He promised not to do anything to her, she's not doing well, and I just want to make sure that she doesn't get hurt. I walk over to her and I take her hand "are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I ask her concerned she looks up at me with lust in her eyes "why did you have to kick him out? I was just starting to have fun" she said while making puppy eyes and smiling seductively at me "what do you mean?" I asked her confused I thought joven was taking advantages of her. She jumped down from the table and walked over to me and pushed me against the wall with her hands on my chest "Emily what are you doing?" I ask while looking down at her "I want you" she said as her hands began moving down over my chest and stomach and stopped at the edge of my pants "Emily think about what you are doing" I notice that there's an almost empty bottle of vodka on the table "have you been drinking? You know you're not old enough" I tell her "you are not my dad" she says. She grabs my wrist and starts pulling me to my room, and when we got inside she closed the door behind us. I look at her as she walks over and sits on the edge of my bed "come sit" she tells me, and I do as she says "Emily I think you should get some sleep" I tell her she leans over and kisses me while she begins taking of my shirt and her own, meaning that she is now only in her bra and underwear. I begin to lay down on the bed and I pull her with me making her lay beside me, and as we pull apart I can see how tired she looks "listen you need to sleep, you are going to have on hell of a hangover tomorrow" I say, "can I sleep in here with you then?" she asks as she looks me in the eyes "fine but you have to behave" she turns around and I hug her from behind as I pull my blanket over us. After a few minutes she falls asleep. I was afraid that she would get cold during the night, so I put my t-shirt on her and soon after I'm fell asleep hugging her. I wake up a few hours later to Emily crying and shaking, I guess she was having a nightmare I hug her a bit tighter to try and comfort her, I kiss her cheek and after a few minutes she stopped crying and I go back to sleep. As I wake up the next morning I decide to take a shower and let Emily sleep, we didn't need to meet that early at work, so she could sleep for at least half an hour more.

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