Chapter 11: Three Orders Of Strawby Pancakes

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The door opened to reveal it was in fact Victor.

"Hey (y/n), just wanted to check in on you." He greets.

"I was about to do that too." You smile as you sit on the bed to make room for him to sit in front of you. "How are you handlin' this?"

"How honest can I be?" He chuckled.

"The floor is yours!"

"Yeah, not too good." He says.

"Did you know about this?" You ask.

"Kinda. I mean, I always knew they would find me eventually. I used partying as a means to escape my trauma and joke about it. But now that it's happening it's just all coming back to me."

"Victor." You had worry in your eyes. "If you don't mind me asking, and it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but who are these people that are after you?"

"Hm." He averts his eyes.

"It's okay, you don't have to!"

"No, no. I owe you an explanation after what you had to go through." He takes a deep breath. "I was born into a cult. And this is no like- creepy-core aesthetic, cool edgy kind of cult. This was some real serious shit. Like, people died and shit. All I wanted was out. I ran away. I decided I was gonna become an artist. You know, express the trauma. But they were purists. They didn't want their secrets to be shared with the world. They were like a secret society. They've been trying to find me. I guess they got close with our area, and eventually our school. But now they're planning something bigger to try and wipe out anything I might have spread about them." He takes another breath, as his eyes begin to water. "I just want nothing to do with them. I want to be free to express myself, and have friends, and I just-" He was full on sobbing now. You crawl over to him, and held both his hands as he cried. It didn't feel the same as Ryuzaki, but it hopefully was comforting to him.

"Victor, for what it's worth, you are so strong." You say to him. "I mean, you went through all of this, and here you are, still here. I'm proud of you. Never stop making your art, Ryuzaki and I will keep you safe as long as we have to."

"You promise?" he sniffles.

"I hope so..." You say, trying to comfort Victor. You always knew he hadn't done wrong, you always had that intuition.

"At least we got this big fuckin' suite..." Victor joked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I know. Like, how much did this cost?" You play along in trying to lighten up the mood.

"So wait, how did you get so involved with this?" Victor asked. "I mean I knew Ryuzaki was your friend but I didn't know you guys were this close."

"Oh, we've been in a long distance friendship for forever now. He asked me to help him solve this case because I was the only person he knew from our school."

"Really?" He seemed surprised. "You know from what I remember riding home with you guys, I always thought you were more than that." You spasm-laugh, with a short breath out of the nose.

"No, no, it hasn't been like that." You say. But the idea didn't seem too bad... The sun had fully risen, and people were starting to wake up.

"Well I guess I'm up." Victor said. "Not like I'm goin' to bed after opening that can of trauma."

"Same." You say. "Why don't we get some room service breakfast?"

"Oh my god, YES!" Victor cheered as the two of you jumped out of the room. You ended up in the common room, where L was still perched on the couch.

"Hey Ryuzaki, did you see a room service menu anywhere?" You ask.

"I believe it's by the phone." He said, still staring at the screens. "No need to worry about paying for it, I've taken care of that."

"Ryuzaki, it's okay, I can get my own room service!" You say brightly.

"No, please. It's the least I can do for troubling you."

"Alright, if you want to." You say picking up the menu. "What do you want?" The two of you scanned the menu.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking aren't you?" He says.


"On the count of three, we're gonna say it together, it'll be so iconic."

"One... Two... Three..."

"Strawberry pancakes!" All three of you, yes three of you, spoke in unison. You turned to Ryuzaki.

"I wouldn't mind that..." He is now facing the two of you, with a little smile of excitement on his face. You couldn't help but laugh at the suppressed enthusiasm.

"Alright that's three orders of pancakes!" You dial the number for room service, and order the food.

"I'm gonna go call my guardians real quick, I'll be right back. Lemme know when the food gets here!" Victor says as heads back to his room.

"Will do." You watch him leave. But you don't. Instead you sit on the couch next to L. "Whatcha working on?"

"Filing a report to the FBI and getting the school evacuated." He said. "I'm almost done, your friends should be fine."

"That's good to hear." You sigh. "Thanks for everything."

"Hm? For what?"

"Just, thank you for keeping me safe." You say.

"Well you helped me out a great deal, and you're my companion, naturally I had to do something for you." He took a breath like he wanted to say something else.

"What?" You try to get it out of him.

"No, it's nothing." He turns back to his monitors. Writing spreadsheets, documenting evidence, and sending them off. He was in a bit of a daze, with the vigilance he had at the party, but it was less of a laser focus and more of a calm concentration. The screens reflected in his glass-like eyes, and illuminated the rest of his pale face. You couldn't help but just... admire him. The way he looked ancient and youthful at the same time, almost vampire-like. His features were sharp, but his nose was softer. It pointed upward slightly, which was so adorable to you. His eye bags were the darkest you had ever seen them, which is saying a lot since we're talking about L here. If his eyes were the windows to his mysterious soul, then his dark circles were the pained curtains. All you could read from him was exhaustion. He was burnt out. Yet he didn't seem to notice or care.

"Are you okay, Ryuzaki?" You ask him.

"M- What do you mean?" He hummed.

"I mean, you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine." He blankly stated.

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