Old Ghosts indeed

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Toby woke up suddenly noticing Mr Todd was no where in site. He jumped to his feet looking around the park where him and Mr Todd had slept or not slept in Mr Todd's case. They had walked for miles and had stopped to rest by an open pond. A pond that looked clean enough to swim in which the barber had done to clean himself after not washing in days.

Toby had kept his eyes on him making sure he didn't let him out of his site. But now it seemed the barber had gone, left him in the middle of nowhere not like he cared.

Brushing himself off Toby began running through the park. "Mr Todd!" He called over and over running for so long until he felt as if his legs might drop off at any moment.

He ran and ran until he finally spotted a familiar figure up ahead. "Mr Todd!!" He yelled through the darkness of the night running even faster now he had spotted him.

The barber didn't stop however, simply carried on ignoring the boys calls.

"Mr Todd wait!" Toby cried out so close to reaching him now.

As soon as he caught up he walked beside Sweeney who continued walking without so much as glancing at the boy. Toby regained his breath slowly looking at the barber before shaking his head.

"Why did ya leave? Thought ya was gonna rest?"

Sweeney ignore him. He didn't want Toby around. The boy was a headache...

"Ya must be awfully tired..." he continued to ramble angering the barber further. The boys was so much like Mrs Lovett when they talked, never shutting up when it was clear he didn't want to speak. At least Mrs Lovett learnt his moods and when to shut up when he didn't feel like talking....

"Listen" Sweeney spat stopping in his tack his eyes angry and his tone harsh. "If you want to rest you rest! I'm gonna get Mrs Lovett..ok!" He growled and began walking again leaving a very surprised Toby. He didn't expect to be shouted at.

He watched as Sweeney continued walking. He knew that the barber didn't want him around but he wasn't going anywhere. After all it's his Mum they are looking for.

"Wait up"


"Eleanore you look so beautiful" Edward smiled seeing her sitting in the library, book in hand wearing the most gorgeous dress she had ever worn. Of course non of that mattered to her, she was made to wear it by her dresser and all her old clothes had been burnt.

A long time ago she would have looked at herself in the mirror and wished she had expensive pretty dresses like this one. If she had told her old self that one day she would be prancing around a huge home with all the money in the world she would have laughed. And now she had it all, at least that's what most people would think.

Yet, she couldn't have been more unhappy then she was now. She hated this life, hated the fact she couldn't cook or dress herself anymore. She missed working, missed the simple things and overall missed Sweeney with all her heart. She had made a promise to herself not to look back anymore when it came to the barber. She had made her bed and now had to lie in it. She would have to marry Edward soon and then that would be it for her.

She would never love Edward. Ever! But then she couldn't go on loving Sweeney either. If she did it would only kill her she was sure of that.

No, she was doing this for him. If she was to run away or pine for the barber she was sure Edward would kill him. He had wanted to right from the very beginning.

"What are you reading?" He asked after he got no response. He closed the door behind him that locked with a small click. This alone had Nellies eyes flickering up at him nervously.

"Tragic love story....they always have been my favourite, they speak to me" she finally answered with a hint of bitterness as he approached her.

Sitting down by her side Edward placed one hand on the back of the chair looking into her eyes closely. He smiled taking the book from her hands and instead placing it on the table beside her.

Her heart raced anxiously. She didn't know why he was sitting so close or why he was smiling at her...

"Our story won't be so tragic sweetheart..." he whispered lifting a hand up so the back of his fingers slowly stroked her soft cheek. She gulped and looked down not knowing if it was a good idea to look at him for to long. He might get the wrong idea.

"I promise you Eleanore that when we are married I'll do all I can to make you happy" her eyes brimmed with tears knowing she could never be happy unless it was with Sweeney. However she held it together despite the obvious tears tracing her eyes.

Lifting her chin he looked into her tears eyes and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I love you" He whispered before very slowly dipping his head to kiss her.

Before his lips could meet hers she gently turned her head away. Not saying a word she held her breath her heart racing in worry at what he might do next.

Breathing heavily through his lips Edward pulled away from her and got up from the seat. "Lunch will be serving soon" he muttered to her as he walked towards the door. She was thankful he didn't get angry...

She watched him leave and as soon as the door closed behind him she placed her hand over her chest. How this was going to work she would never know......


Another day had passed and it was now early morning. Toby dragged his tired feet along behind Mr Todd. He wanted so badly to save his mum but he also wanted to stop and rest too. He was tired, he didn't understand how Sweeney didn't need to rest. Surly he was tired too?

Suddenly he saw Mr Todd stop in his tracks. Toby frowned and caught up with him to see what he was looking at. Only then did Toby realise where they were.

"Fleets street" Sweeney mumbled chewing on the words like they left a sour taste in his mouth.

"The pie shop" Toby whispered under his breath seeing Mrs Lovett meat pie emporium looking just like they left it. Of course it had been closed down but even so Sweeney wasn't going to let that stop him from breaking in.

Smashing the window in the front door with his elbow he unlocked the door from the inside which allowed them access. They walked in slowly their shoes cracking the broken glass even more under their feet.

It was like seeing an old friend and at the same time seeing old ghosts too....

"Collect anything valuable from Mrs Lovett's room I'm heading upstairs..." he instructed before leaving the boy alone in the house.

Toby got to work. He picked up an old bag and began raiding through his mums things placing in odd necklaces and rings she might like. He felt so sad being in her room seeing all things that screamed Mrs Lovett. He wanted to cry yet he knew Mr Todd would just yell at him.

After awhile Sweeney joined Toby in Mrs Lovett's room. He had collected some money saved under his floorboards upstairs and hoped to god she had kept some by too...

He stamped about her flooring loudly making Toby frown in his direction.

Sweeney smiled when a hollow plank of wood snapped under his feet. He bent down and removed the broken wood seeing a sealed tin. "Yes" he smiled triumphantly breaking the tin open to find all Mrs Lovett's savings. "I knew you were smart Eleanore" he muttered counting out the money.

Tony wasn't sure what to think when he saw Sweeney stuffing Mrs Lovett's money into his bag....

"Mr Todd, what are ya doin with mums money?" He couldn't help but ask. It looked so wrong, as if he was stealing from her.

"Relax, I'm only saving it for her, better with me then here" he told him annoyed that yet again Toby was thinking the worst about him. If they were to run away what good was losing out on all their money they had stashed away for emergencies?

After clearing out the tin Sweeney frowned seeing that tucked at the bottom was some kind of note. He picked it up and slowly opened it checking Toby wasn't watching him, which he wasn't as he was too busy looking for things to give to Nellie.

To Benjamin Barker,

I'm not sure where to begin really. Maybe I should keep my mouth closed and not say anything, but then I know I will regret it if I don't. Okay, I'm going to stop rambling and get it out.

I know you see me as the bakers wife. Who's kind to you and your wife and treats you like family but...oh gosh this is rather embarrassing for me to write. You see I care about you a lot Mr Barker, you make me smile and laugh, I wake up happy knowing I might see you and that you might like to spend time with me and chat about your problems and the day you've had.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm developing strong feelings towards you. I know you're a married man and I'm married to Albert but it would kill me knowing I never told you how I felt. Lucy is probably a lovely wife and I'm sure you are very happy together, but I can't keep this to myself anymore. Albert doesn't love me, he only married me because he was scared to be alone. I don't love him either, that's why whenever you're around I just can't help but want to spend more and more time with you.

You must think I'm ever so foolish but it's all true. I'm sorry I'm rambling again, but now you know and that's what's important. I hope that you will understand and that we can continue being friends. I'm also sorry I couldn't bring myself to tell you face to face but this letter explains everything I feel better then I could express.


Taking a moment Sweeney gulped realising she must have never have given him this letter. He wished that she had, maybe then things could have been different...

"What's that?" Toby asked seeing the letter in Mr Todd's hand.

"Nothing" he mumbled folding it away and placing it in the inside of his coat.

A/N: please let me know your thoughts on this! Any feedback is great❤️

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