A life of crime

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Waking up in the warmth of Edward's arms was enough to make a small smile appear on Mrs Lovett's tired features as she began to stir. It made a lovely change from waking up alone to a cold bed knowing no one had been holding her close all night. This was the second time he had stayed over and she was beginning to like having him around all the time.

Edward slowly blinked opened his eyes becoming accustomed to the early hours of the morning sunlight. He tilted his head a little in Mrs Lovett's direction to see her happily nuzzling her face closer into the crook of his warm neck. "Morning" his raspy voice and smile made her smile back at him before pressing a kiss to his neck.

"Where did you run off to last night" he yawned turning his head fully this time whilst pushing her away from him ever so gently to look into her warm chocolate eyes. Her hair seemed a little damp and her eyes very tired, so for that he could only frown at her. Just what had she been up too night...

Mrs Lovett pouted her lips awkwardly as she tired to come up with a quick excuse. She couldn't very well tell him that her and Mr Todd had been dragging a dead man's body through the streets of London now could she.

"I.. well urm.. Mista T ad' stupidly cut e'm self on his razor, there was blood everywhere dear just needed to elp' him clean e'm self up a little...." mentally she rolled her eyes at herself and her sorry idea of an excuse. She made the barber sound like a child for heavens sake!

"Can't he manage on his own?" exactly Nellie... Mrs Lovett thought as she awkwardly cleared her throat.

"Ya know how much he depends on me love, that man can't do nothin' for e'mself" she mocked trying to cover up the worry in her eyes that her story wasn't all that believable. But by the sort of understanding looks given by Edward lying beside her it seemed he did believe her. Why wouldn't he? she wouldn't she lie? right?

"I don't like that man" He grumbled removing his arm slowly from around Nellie and lifting himself from the bed. She frowned as she watched him threading his belt buckle around his trousers and looked awkwardly down to her bed sheets as if she didn't know how to respond to him.

"I mean does he pay rent?" Edward asked this time placing on his white shirt.

Mrs Lovett pouted again and looked at him. "He just needed somewhere to stay love, the man has lost his family.." she defended tracing her fingers over the pattern on her bed sheets knowing full well he really should start paying her.

"Sweetheart he's been living here months now, he's taking advantage of you" he continued to explain whilst tucking his shirt into his trousers. Nellie scoffed at this mentally adding 'Too right he does'... She sighed and looked back towards Edward not really knowing what to say. Sure Sweeney should be paying her rent but then he supply's her meat and therefore that is his payment in a way.

"I'll have a word with him" her eyes widened at this and she jumped from the bed in fear.

"No! Don't" she cried making him frown deeply at her.

"Nellie it's alright" he chuckled placing his hands either side of her arms and pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead. Watching through worried eyes as he left the room to her parlour she saw him halt in the pie shop and heard him greet Sweeney with a 'good morning'.

He was downstairs! "Shit!" she cursed under her breath as she ran after Edward not caring that she was not dressed and was still only in her corset and bloomers.

Heading into the parlour she noticed Sweeney sipping at what looked to be a cup of tea from behind her counter. She gulped nervously when his eyes fell on her and that evil smirk fell across his face again when he saw her yet again in nothing but her underwear.

"Mr Todd I'm in a bit of a rush to get to work but at some point I'd like for you and I to have a little chat" Edward said as he walked over to the coat stand to put on his blazer. Sweeney kept his eyes on Mrs Lovett, smirking behind his mug as he saw the blush appear on her face knowing she was being watched by him. He caught her gaze for a second and saw the annoyance in her eyes that he was staring at her so freely as if she was his to look at.

Edward of course was oblivious to any of this and continued to ramble on despite the fact the barber was ogling his lover. "I think it's only right we have this discussion now Mr Todd" this finally took Sweeney's attention and he settled his hard and jealous eyes on the layer.

"What exactly can i help you with?" he asked so darkly as if it was a waring rather then a question and for that Mrs Lovett gulped afraid of what Edward was about to say to him.

"It's how you can help your landlady Mr Todd, the bottom line is...you don't pay your rent and it's only right that you give Mrs Lovett what is dew" Edward stated rather authoritatively as if they were fighting a court case here and for that Mrs Lovett could only hide herself by closing her eyes not wanting to see the reaction of the barer. "You need to start paying Mr Todd"

"I pay Mrs Lovett my own way" Sweeney replied quickly his eyes warning and hard making Edward frown and for Nellie to open her eyes at what he was trying to say here. "And what the hell is that suppose to mean" he growled obviously thinking the worse which made Sweeney inwardly smile seeing the layer get all red faced. Oh how he wanted to slit his throat.

"I provide Mrs Lovett with her meat" Nellie's eyes widened and she rushed over to Sweeney as if she was about to throttle him but instead she simply cleared her throat and turned to look at a very confused Edward. "It's true dear, Mr Todd pays for the meat at the market...He's very generous like that" she covered only glaring at Sweeney subtly from the corner of her eyes before looking back up at Edward standing opposite the counter.

"So in that respect he does pay up, I mean.. the cost of meat nowadays is higher then ever, Mr Todd is very kind when it comes to providing the fillings for me pies" she continued to ramble nervously feeling as if she was caught between and rock and a hard place. Edward still looked sceptical but however seemed to finally drop it and instead they watched as he pulled out his gold pocket watch to check the time.

"I must leave, We'll discuss this some other time" he said with a small sigh while heading towards Nellie and kissing her goodbye sweetly on the lips which made Sweeney only narrow his eyes on the man. "Good day Mr Todd" Edward hesitantly said before walking away from the pair of them and heading out of the pie shop all together.

Sighing loudly in relief that he was now gone Nellie turned to Sweeney her eyes narrowing slightly on his almost amused face. His expression seemed both annoyed and amused at the same time and for the first time she could see how much Edward bothered him. 

"You tryin' to get us caught" she finally spat hitting his arm in frustration.

Sweeney narrowed his eyes on the baker and took one step forward towards her making her immediately take a few more back seeing the annoyance in his face. As much as she cared for him she was still a little nervous around the barber, he was a murder after all. 

"You're the one to talk Mrs Lovett" Sweeney began, eyes hard on her nervous features, his steps towards her slow and menacing as he began to close her in against the brick wall of the parlour. 

"You're the one sleeping with the enemy, you realise that man would hang us both if he found out the truth" he closed in on her and placed on hand against the wall by her head as he leaned in and studied her anxious eyes that  scanned his face with pure panic to what he may do next. Not only that but the rise and fall of her chest was something else to catch his eye which of course Mrs Lovett was yet again quick to notice.

She knew what he was saying was true and deep down she wished she could run away from the life she had made for herself. A life of crime...

"He ain't like that love, he wouldn't urt' me" she whispered under the intensity of his eyes gazing into hers. She felt that feeling of want whirl in the pit of her stomach again like last night. His eyes had her under a spell and she just couldn't seem to look away from him nor could she stop the beating of her heart now that he was only inches away from her. It was bad he still had control over her feelings and Mrs Lovett knew that, but the heart wants what the heart wants and as she looked to his lips she could feel herself gulping with anticipation. her head was a clouded mess of both need and desire. She wanted so badly for him to kiss her even though she knew she'd push him off if he tried it...but then would she?

Sweeney watched in pure amusement seeing the baker become all that little bit limp at the knees. He could read her so well and knew exactly what she wanted. He wasn't a fool. Mrs Lovett had always wanted him, had always craved for his attention and even now he could see despite the fact she seemed happy with someone else she was still pinning for him....

Sweeney allowed his lips to curl into a small smirk as he watched the baker's cheeks flush a bright shade of pink. Taunting her like this had never been so fun....

"Mrs Lovett" he whispered leaning closer to her face.


"I forgot to ask you something.." he teased by her ear his hot breath making her tremble.

She could feel his head lingering by her ear, she gulped again when she felt his free hand that wasn't against the wall settle on her hip, his thumb stroking the side of her corset. "Yes?" her shaky breath hitched in the back of her throat and she closed her eyes desperate for him to just kiss her already so that they could both stop torturing themselves in this way. She wanted to lose herself in him, give in to her yearning desire for him. To feel his lips and his touches...

"I would like..." he breathed again to her ear softly his parted lips gently grazing her ear lope.

"hmm" she hummed desperately her lips also parting as his warm breath tickled her neck.  

"My coat back..."

Her eyes opened slowly and she glared at him seeing him begin to chuckle at her. "Bastard" she hissed at him as she moved herself away quickly. Hearing him laughing now she had a good mind to pick up her rolling pin and beat him to death with it. He was taunting her, playing with her heart yet again only to give her false hope. "Mrs Lovett, you're a bloody wonder" he smirked at her bright red face and disappointed eyes. She crossed her arms in front of her and glared at him with such annoyance as he continued to find her disappointment amusing.

Storming out of the parlour finally she headed for her bedroom without another word and slammed the door shut behind her. Sweeney continued to smirk to himself as he poured out a glass of gin. He didn't mean to upset her but then he could resist messing with her a little bit. Just knowing that he was still there in her heart was enough for him. Edward was going to have to find this out eventually and for that Sweeney really couldn't help the smirk that seemed to linger on his lips. 

A/N: I'm Back! so sorry for the wait, have been up to my eyes in work! finally got some time to sit down and write today and thought it was only fair I got it finished and posted it now as you've all been waiting so long! Hope you like the chapter, let me know your thoughts <3<3 Thanks for reading x

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