the day, when kittystarly was creater

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POV: nina, one of the poppy playtime co worker

When i was making some smiling critters plushies, i accidentally made a mistake again, as i say "not again". as the toy came out and i though the toy will look weird but instead the toy look cute and actually look like a new smiling critter as i look at the toy.

Then i decide to take her to elliot ludwig to ask him if he can add the new smiling critter i made, as i walk to his office as i knock on the door, as elliot ludwig open the door, and he saw the new smiling critter i made, as i ask him. "Can you add this as the new smiling critter, i made for the smiling critter please?". As elliot ludwig look at the smiling critter i made, as he say. "Sure my dear friend". As he pick up the toy and he told me to go back to my work as i nod at him and i went back to work.

POV: elliot ludwig

as i look at the new smiling critter toy, that one of my friend creater, i decide to name it, kittystarly, since she had a star necklace. as i make kittystarly scent, starflower, as i put her in a tube, that help her make her alive, like the other smiling critters, but i decide to make her taller and make her look like more fit in with other the smiling critters as i finish. i saw her opening her eyes, as she wake up.

POV: kittystarly
i wake up as i saw a man that was like in his 50 or 40 as he look at me as he introduce himself as elliot ludwig, and he told me, my name was kittystarly, as i nod at him. As he told me. "Now follow me ,kittystarly, you will meet your new friends tomorrow". as i nod at him as i followd him, to my new room. As when we arrive to my cell as elliot ludwig say. "This is your bedroom for now until tomorrow". i say "oh okay". As he left me in my new bedroom, as i look at the white wall then at my white bed as i go to my bed to sleep, so i can see my new friend tomroww. As i fell asleep.

Hello so this is my first book that i write and i sorry if there is any bad spelled and short chatper and also i will take some Requests of anything ever to add some of your smiling critter oc since im too lazy to think of ideas also i will continue this book if this get enough attetion.

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