After their slightly embarrassing, narrow victory against the Super Akanbe last week, the Precure had already started bracing themselves for future attacks. Pop had dropped by sometime that week to drop off the Decor Décor. Now, however, Miyuki was at home, during a time she would usually be getting ready for school. But for a while now, school had been cancelled for Class 2-2. She knew that, usually, students would rejoicing at the prospect of no school. Unfortunately for Miyuki, it meant she didn't get to see her friends as often.
"You look downcast," a squeaky voice said from her bed. Miyuki turned to look at Heph, who was very indulged in a short manga Akane had made. Yes, Akane. Not Yayoi, but Akane. For some unknown reason, Akane had tried to create a manga. It didn't really have nice art, but Miyuki was not going to be the one to tell her that. Plus, Akane probably made the manga just to peeve Yayoi.
"Why are you reading that? How'd you get it?" Miyuki asked.
"D-Don't avoid my statement!"
Miyuki got up from her chair and instead sat on the bed beside Heph. "I'm bored," she complained. "I think school's boring, but there's nothing to do at home either.."
"So you're bored at school, but at home too? Sort of a Catch-22. "
Heph turned back to the manga, which was a sight to behold, considering the pages were all bigger than the small fairy. "If you want to talk about something, though, go ahead."
Miyuki collapsed onto the bed, curling into a ball. "Why's school canceled?" She said criticizingly. "We don't even get to know why."
"Around the time you had to become Precure again, too, though," Heph pointed out. "Now you can be more devoted to the task."
Miyuki let out a sigh, dragging it out until she was out of breath. She liked Heph, but he wasn't silly and goofy like Candy. He could be a bit too serious sometimes and didn't always understand her jokes. In complete honesty, she would've preferred not having a fairy at all.
Not that Heph was unlikable, though. She wasn't used to Heph yet, that was all. It was just.. she missed Candy. At least she could entertain Miyuki when they were bored.
Heph looked at Miyuki sympathetically. "The Bad End Kingdom won't stop attacking just because school is cancelled."
Miyuki nodded, knowing that Heph was right. She was still bored, though.
Just then, the doorbell rang. Miyuki got up to answer it, wondering who it could be. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see that it was her friends, all wearing cheerful smiles.
"Hey," said Akane, raising a hand in greeting. "Sorry, maybe we should've called."
"School's cancelled, so we figured we'd come over and hang out," said Nao.
Miyuki's face lit up. "Really? That's so great! Come on in!" she said, leading them inside.
As they settled down in the living room, Miyuki felt a weight lifting off her shoulders. She was no longer alone and bored, but surrounded by her closest friends. They chatted and joked around, catching up on each other's lives.
Miyuki couldn't help but feel grateful for her friends, especially considering their timing. They were always there for her, through thick and thin. And even though she was a Precure, she knew that she couldn't do it alone. She needed her friends' support and encouragement to keep going.
As they continued to chat, Miyuki realized that this was exactly what she needed - a break from the chaos of being a Precure, just for once.
Miyuki's vision cleared as she heard Yayoi's voice. "Uh?"
"You were spacin' out," Akane said, waving a hand in front of Miyuki's face. "What's up?"
"Sorry, just thinking about being Precure, and.." Miyuki paused, not wanting to dampen the mood.
Just then, their conversation was interrupted by a loud explosion outside.
"What was that?" Akane exclaimed, jumping to her feet. Miyuki's heart sank. They were just starting to have a good time.
"I don't know, but we have to go check it out. It could be trouble." Reika said, standing up.
* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
A few hours prior, in the Bad End Kingdom, our beloved Commanders had been called to a meeting in the depths of their base, by none other than Joker. They were gathered around a table, and as usual, they were pretty crabby about being summoned.
"Let me guess," Wolfrun growled. "You're here to chew us out for his-" He jabbed a finger in Grimgrok's direction, "-little accident last week? Because you should talk to him for that."
The gnome shot a glare in Wolfrun's direction, but said nothing.
Joker held up a hand, silencing the bickering. "Actually, I have a plan. Any of my dearest commanders willing to-"
"I'll do it!" Wolfrun said immediately, smacking his hands down onto the table. "What do you want me to do? I'll show mushroom brain how it's done!"
The other commanders exchanged looks of confusion and annoyance. Joker's face broke into a smile. He gave Wolfrun his instructions in a low voice, so that the others couldn't hear.
Wolfrun nodded, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Sounds like fun."
Wolfrun began to fade into a blue static when Akaoni called out. "Wait ~oni! At least tell us what the plan is ~oni!"
Wolfrun reappeared, looking irritated. "I'm going to distract the Precure. That's all you need to know."
"But why ~oni?"
Joker clapped his hands, to which the four commanders snapped their attention to him. "Let's just say we need a way to keep a closer eye on the Precure."
"That's so vague ~da wasa! Tell us more about your stupid plan for once ~da wasa!" Majorina shrieked, stamping her foot. Joker turned his gaze to Majorina, his grin not faltering.
"Ah, Majorina-san. I'm glad you asked. See, I have a favor to ask of you.."
"What is it ~da wasa?"
"Do you still have those.. ah.. what was the creative name you thought up for it? Ah, yes, your.. become-a-humans? They are of utmost importance right now."
"Those pieces of junk ~oni? They didn't even work right ~oni." Akaoni said.
"Idiot, that's because you knocked them off of us last time ~da wasa! But.."
Majorina scurried off into her little.. lab? There were a few dramatic clings and clangs, and the occasional boom, but eventually the witch came out. She was holding a small gold diamond, with her signature green witch icon.
"Oh, wonderful!" Joker said. "Simply wonderful, Majorina-san!" He did a little twirl for effect. He extended his palm out to the witch, motioning for her to give him the jewel. The witch narrowed her eyes, clearly debating on giving it to him, but ultimately deciding to do so. Joker nodded approvingly, putting the jewel in his back pocket.
"Well, that's settled! Now, off you go, Wolfrun-san!"
The wolf gave a single, curt nod before disappearing, leaving no time for questions.
* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Present time, the Precure stood just outside Miyuki's house, letting their eyes rest on an red-nosed Akanbe, made of a lamp post. The sky had turned into the sickly blue color it usually did when they were in Wolfrun's Bad End Zone.
Wolfrun hovered beside the Akanbe, a sick smile on his face. "Precure! Perfect timing, really! I'm here to defeat you," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's what you say every time!" Miyuki retorted. "When have you actually won against us?"
Wolfrun rolled his eyes, so Miyuki took that as her cue to pull out her Smile Pact. In her peripheral vision, she saw her friends take theirs out too. In a swift movement, they inserted their Décors into their Smile Pacts.
"Precure, Smile Charge!"
"Go, go, go! Let's go!"
Immediately, the five girls were enveloped in light, only to reappear a few moments later. They fell gently from the sky, each landing with a satisfying click.
"Shining and Twinkling! The Light of the Future! Cure Happy!"
"The bright Sun! Hotblooded Power! Cure Sunny!"
"Sparkling and Glittering! Rock! Paper! Scissors! Cure Peace!"
"The intense courage! A straightforward bout! Cure March!"
"The snow that falls and gathers! A noble heart! Cure Beauty!"
"Our five lights shall guide the way to the future! Shining Bright! Smile Precure!"
"Akanbe! " The lamp post boomed. This Akanbe in particular was a bit skinnier than most they had fought, thanks to it's lamp post shape, but they were well aware to not to underestimate it. The Akanbe swung a massive fist at the Precure, who dodged it with ease.
Only a red nose? Happy thought, confused. They have blue noses, Super Akanbes, Hyper Akanbes, and we get red noses?
Happy lost her train of thought as the Akanbe rested its eyes on her. As it did, a bright light shone from its lamp, settling on her. The light was searing, painful, even. The light blinded Happy, and she stumbled back.
"Ow!" She complained. "Help! I can't see!"
Sunny ran over to Happy, eyes shut tightly. She pulled Happy out of the Akanbe's gaze.
"Oh, that's better," Happy said sheepishly. "Thanks, Sunny."
The Akanbe took turns flashing its light on the other Precure. However, they learned the Akanbe's attacks quickly.
"Don't let it look straight at you!" Beauty called out. "It can only blind you if it looks directly at you!"
Everyone else nodded, darting out of the Akanbe's line of vision. The Akanbe occasionally managed to hitch its gaze on one of the girls, but they would keep out of sight for the majority of the battle.
Wolfrun doesn't even seem to be angry he's losing for once.
Happy leapt out of the way as the Akanbe tried to land its gaze on her.
Why's he going so easy on us?
By now, the Akanbe seemed to be unable to keep an eye on all the Precure at once. It had become dizzy and disoriented. Immediately, the Precure took this opportunity to attack. They split up, circling the Akanbe.
"Happy!" Peace said, gesturing to the Akanbe. Happy nodded. She concentrated her spirit and mind into her Smile Pact.
"Precure! Happy.. Shower!"
The Akanbe, who had had its back to Happy, turned just in time to see the flash of pink light jet towards it.
"Akanbe!" It howled as the light enveloped it. Happy could make out the silhouette of the Akanbe, only its red nose visible amongst the light, and even that faded as the Décor was purified.
"Hey!" Peace exclaimed. She stretched out her arm and let the Décor land neatly in the palm of her hand. "It's the Bunny Décor!"
There were no complaints from Wolfrun. No, "Damn you, Precure", or "You won't be so lucky next time!" Not this time. Wolfrun simply disappeared.
Happy removed the Cure Décor from her Pact, feeling her Precure transformation fade from her body.
"That was a strange battle," Reika commented. "It's almost as if.."
"Wolfrun didn't put that much effort into this battle," Akane said.
"Maybe he gave up?" Nao said. "I mean, we practically always beat him, and his heart's not really into it anymore.."
"Maybe.." Miyuki said. She wasn't convinced. "Uh, well, do you guys wanna come back in, or.."
Just then, a voice sounded from the sidewalk. "Miyuki?"
Miyuki turned around to see her mother. "Uh?"
Miyuki wasn't surprised to see her mom, but she certainly looked surprised to see her. "Shouldn't you and your friends be at school?" She said, knitting her brows together
Now, Miyuki felt a bit surprised. "What do you mean? School's cancelled. remember?"
"I don't think so, not anymore. I saw a bunch of kids walking to school this morning."
"What?!" Akane blurted out.
"They might've been from a different class," Reika suggested.
"No, I'm pretty sure I'd seen your classmates pass by. They seemed in a rush, they probably just got the news too. If you hurry, you won't be too late."
"ohgoshdangitsorryguysireallyneedtogogetreadybyee!!" Miyuki spouted, turning around and slamming open her front door. Her friends, however, did not hear this, because they were all rushing home themselves.
Wow, we're going to be so late.
* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Miyuki was speedily approaching her school, not exactly in a neat and orderly fashion. She was running alongside Akane (who she'd encountered while scurrying to school), carrying Heph in her bag. She could hear Heph's cries as he got knocked around, but the words were inaudible. Up ahead, she saw Yayoi pulling open the door to the school, Nao and Reika right behind.
"Heeeyyy! Hold it open for us!"
Miyuki practically scrambled to get to the door, Akane following close behind. As the five girls tried to get through the the halls as quickly and quietly as possible, Miyuki noticed her friends looked a bit unkempt. it wasn't entirely noticeable, just small things, like the fact that Nao's yellow bow was crooked, or the one of the buttons on Yayoi's blazer(?) was unbuttoned. Even Reika looked a bit disheveled, albeit the least out of the group. They hastily found Class 2-2, and basically barged in.
"Sorry we're late, we.."
Miyuki paused, looking at the teacher at the head of the class in confusion, currently writing their name on the board.
"Oh, I didn't know there was a substitute.. Sorry."
Miyuki awkwardly looked at the chalkboard, reading the kanji on it. Asanuma Fuzen, it read.
That's.. a strange name. Miyuki thought. She snuck a glance at teacher. His appearance was a tad unusual too. Pure white hair, and strikingly red eyes that almost seemed to glow. He wore an iris suit, which she thought was a little overdone for a school environment. On his collar, he had a strange diamond-shaped relic pinned onto it.. It looked familiar.. but where had she seen it before?
"Take a seat," he said, gesturing to their empty desks, with quick, friendly smile. They quickly nodded and slid into their seats."Well, I'll be your substitute teacher for now, so-"
"Wait, where's Miss Sasaki-sensei?" A boy called out.
"Yeah, where's our teacher?"
"What happened to her?"
Fuzen raised his hand to silence the class. "Now, now. I can't say I know myself exactly. I've been called here on short notice myself, you know." He cast his gaze across the class, smiling. "So I think we should play a little game? Just to lighten the atmosphere?"
His smile grew, and his red eyes widened.
"It'll be fun, I promise."
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