11: Twilight

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"Hi Juvia!" Said a guy popping out of no where in front if me while walking to my next class. "How do you like America so far? Hows the school? Very different right?"

Who is this guy? "Yea. Different." I said.

"I'm Twilight. Twilight Lunar" he smile. He became my best friend in America. Then soon he became my boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Juvia" he told me. "Lets break up"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I found someone else." He told me and left. The next day I never saw him again.

"Romeo? Romeo...." sounds familiar.

"Meet my girlfriend Wendy!" Said Romeo.

"Juvia! You came back from America!" Exclaim Wendy.

"Yea" ....oh shoot its wendy and Romeo from the jr high section of Fairy Tail before I left.

"When you left it was such a shock!" Said Wendy.

"We should call Natsu and the others that you're here!"

"Please don't. They already know" I told them. 

Romeos eyes widen. "and they didn't tell us?!"

"But still....you wouldn't imagine how much gray changed after you left Juvia. He looked like he lost Hus soul"

"I don't love Gray anymore" I told them. "Can you guys keep it a secret that I'm with you?"

"Of course!" Said Romeo.

Angel POV

"We're sorry we lost sight of her" said Rose.

"How?" Asked Juvias Dad.

"I went to go buy drinks" I told him

"And I left to the restroom?" Said Rose. "You what?" Said Juvias Dad.

"Were sorry"

"Find her. Find her before tomorrow morning or else you are fire!"

"Yes" we both said and left.

"Its all your fault idiot!" Shouted Rose.

Oh look shes talking to herself again.

"Ugh! Idiot! You could've tie Juvia up and bring her to the bathroom with you!"

I chuckle and held Rose's hand. "It'll be fine rose" I told her. "We'll find her."

"Wah! Mommy! Where are you?!" A young girl with strawberry hair cried. "Mommy!"

"No one is going to hear you." Say girl with true blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"I want my mommy!" Cried the girl again.

"We are in the middle of a forest in the woods. Who will possibly hear you?"

The young girl cry out loud one last time and then went to her knees. "Mommy where'd you go?" She wipe her tears.

The other girl walk up to her and held out her hand. "I'm Angel. Whats your name?"


"Hi Rose from today on you are my friend"

Juvia POV

I walk inside the house of Wendy.

"surprise!" Shouted some people as wendy turn on the lights.

My eyes widen. "I said don't tell them!" I told Romeo.

"I didn't" he said.

"Juvia? You're here?" Asked Natsu.

I turn around and ran. "stop running" I whisper. "You're not suppose to run"

As I got far enough I stop running and then my vision went blurry. I try to walk a bit faster but I'm just dragging my legs. "Come on" I mumble. I felt a huge headache hit my head and I fell to the floor but someone caught me.

"I knew it was you Juvia. Are you okay?"

That voice. Everything is too blurry I couldn't tell who he is and just black out.

Gray POV

I walk into wendys place for her surprise party for getting in Fairy Hospital as aa nurse and yet when I walk im everyone yell at me. "wait. Please explain clearly?"

"Juvia just ran out go chase her!" Said Erza.

My eyes widen and I went out running not even knowing where she went. Then I saw her. Limping on the sidewalk. "Juvia!-" she fell but is caught by a guy. The guy carry Juvia.

I felt rage and I ran to him. "Give her to me" I told him. He smile. "Whats your name?"

"Gray Fullbuster"

Then his smiling face turn into a glare. "Back off. Juvia isn't yours" and he walk away but I stop him.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

"None of your business." He mumble "now move Juvia is hurt"

"I can take her to the hospital"

"Hell no am I going to let you take care of her. When she needed you most you left her. I won't let her feel that way again"

I growl and took a deep breath. "Then I'm coming too. The closest hospital is Fairy Hospital Ill lead you there."

Juvia POV

I slowly open my eyes. Im in a hospital. Dammit.

"Juvia youre awake!"

My heart started to race. "Calm down Juvia. Please calm down" He said.

I nodded my head. "More importantly you won't be able to walk for a while. You'll be put in a wheel chair for a while"

" Why are you here? Twilight?"

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