All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.

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It's a thing that messes you up, in one shape or another.

You may neglect your personal needs, your health, physical and mental, for something that may not even be worth it in the end.

And of course, there's mood swings, including accidentally snapping at one of your friends or family members.

This is where Tari finds herself right now.

"...It's gonna be incredible..." She whispered to herself, as she typed on the keyboard, the 49th one. Her bank account was basically begging for it all to end because of how much money she wasted on new keyboards and in-app purchases.

She hasn't taken even one break on this video. Except for very swift trips to the bathroom. She hasn't slept in weeks.

The only thing her bloodshot, tired eyes focused on was the computer screen.

Heaps upon heaps of empty chips bags, energy cans and other pieces of trash layed on the once spotless floor of Tari's room.

She didn't care.

She didn't care one bit.

All that raved in her mind was this incredible video. The best thing she was gonna do in her entire life.

"...Tari, why won't you let us in?"

"ええ、あなたがそのビデオに取り組み始めて以来、私たちはあなたの部屋の外であなたを見たことがありません。(Yeah, we haven't seen you outside of your room ever since you've started working on that video.)"

"C'mon, Tari... we're your friends..."

Three voices, one at a time, spoke outside of the door.

"Gruhh... too loud..." Tari groaned. "Why is it so loud??"

She used some spare mouses to cover her ears to block out the distraction. There. Much better. Now, where was she? Oh, yeah, the incredible video!

The mouses managed to block out some of the noise going outside of her room. A douchebag named SuperMarioGangstaOne ruined Me10ny Day and started a massive fight.

It got loud, pretty quick.

But hey, as long as Tari could manage to get her video done, she should be able to celebrate Me10ny day—!


The WiFi's out.


Tari let out a small giggle. Then a chuckle.

Then a laugh. Then a guffaw. And then, an absolutely blood-curdling laugh that confirmed that she's on the tail end of her insanity.

This quickly boiled down to anger, however, as she ripped the mouses out of her ears.

She was about to teach them a lesson.

A lesson, for interrupting the process for her incredible video.

And there was Niles and Melony, kicking the ass of SuperMarioGangsterOne, for making everybody upset and for starting this mess in the first place.

Karma's a bitch, ain't it?

That's what that bastard is getting right now, as he was being kicked back and forth like a shell by Niles and Melony.

Maybe he shouldn't have changed Me10ny day to Mar10G4ngst4Day. Then he wouldn't be in this situation—


A sudden yell made everyone stop in their tracks and turn to the source of the sound.

What they saw shocked them, and scared them.

It was Tari, except she looked worse for wear. Her normally well groomed hair was messy and unkempt, her eyes were bloodshot and she had eyebags under her eyes, her clothes were stained with red bull and monster and one of her shoes was missing.

She was breathing heavily, her eye twitching and her face was a disturbing shape of anger and rage.

Clearly, she was not doing well. And she was gonna take her anger out on everybody here.

"SHUT UP!!!" Tari yelled. "WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP?!? LOOK WHAT YOU GUYS DID!!" She pointed at the broken WiFi router. It was smoking, and it beeped; "WIFI DISCONNECTED."

"Tari!!" Melony beamed. She was unaffected by Tari's appearance and just how angry she was. "You're here!! You finally left your room–!"

This smile was short-lived, however, as Tari punched SuperMarioGangstaOne right in the stomach, throwing him out of the castle.

"Heyyyy-uh!" Enzo, SuperMarioGangstaOne's brother, barked. "That's not how you treat the host of a part—!"

Tari did not give a damn about what Enzo had to say, as she grabbed him and transformed him into a bunch of explosives, which shut him up quickly.

Tari had a new motivation now.

"...Get out. Get out! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!!"

Tari then began to throw the Enzo explosives everywhere, aiming at mostly everyone at the party.

She wanted them to leave and get out. Right now.

Everybody, understandably, started to scream in horror, as they attempted to run from the explosives. They didn't want to die from Tari, of all people.

Why was she acting like this?

What happened to her?


Fire began to spread, as most of the guests bolted out of the unlocked doors of the castle, horrified still. Others hid. Like Niles and Melony did behind a big watermelon plush.

"Wha— I— What has gotten into her, Mel?" Niles asked Melony, terrified.

"I— I don't know!!" Melony wailed, terrified too. "I've never seen Tari act like this before!!" She was on the verge of tears. Everyone is screaming, Tari is screaming, the loud explosions were screaming... everything's gone terribly wrong!

This wasn't what Melony was expecting to happen on her day! Out of all of the days this could've happened on, why did this have to happen on Me10ny day?


Tari panted heavily, dropping the Enzo bombs.

Mostly everybody is gone now.

The fire was everywhere now, spreading across the halls.

Tari's hands were slightly burned, worsening her physical appearance.

But it felt like nothing to her.

Mostly everyone is gone.

Now, she can fix that WiFi router and continue her vide—

"ねえ、ばかげている! (HEY, IDIOT!)"


Tari slowly turned her head to whoever the hell just called her an idiot in the Japanese language...

...And was met with an equally pissed Saiko.

"私たちはメロニーの特別な日を祝うためにここにいます、そしてあなたはこのように行動していますか?! (We are here to celebrate Melony's special day, and YOU are acting like THIS?!)" Saiko called out Tari. "私は他の誰かからこれを期待していたでしょうが、あなたは?これは遠すぎます! (I would've expected this from someone else, but YOU? This is too far!)"

"Oh, PUH-LEASE." Tari argued. "None of you guys even KNOW how much WORK I have to do for you all!!"

Tari wasn't in the mood to continue arguing, so she just groaned angrily as she re-positioned the WiFi router and plugged it back in. She then began to walk back to her room, when—

"W-Wait, Tari!" Melony quavered. "The— The main event!"

Normally, Tari would go soft in situations like this when Melony got involved.

But, not today. Oh, nuh uh, not today.

"...Could you be as nice. As to leave me. THE FUCK. ALONE?!?"

Tari shouted for a final time today, as she slammed her door shut and locked it up.



Total silence.

Well... apart from Melony sniffling and beginning to cry, holding a sheet of paper.

Saiko and Niles looked over to see the piece of paper Melony was apparently crying over...

And both of them let out a small gasp in response.

Melony, staring at the drawing she worked so hard on, which is now being ruined by tears, was thinking about an alternative way this event would have ended...

"Yes, guys!" Melony smiled at the crowd. "This is the BFF reward, and it goes to... Tari!" She handed the drawing over to Tari.

"Wow... I— This is amazing, Melony!" Tari beamed, giving Melony a hug. "I'm glad I could be your best friend!"

The crowd made a loud "Aaaawwwww!~" noise, heart warmed by the scene they were witnessing.



Why did this have to happen...?

Everything was going so well...

Why did Tari have to be so cranky today...?

Niles and Saiko frowned, feeling extremely bad for Melony. All of this happened on HER day. Her special day. And now it's ruined. All over a freakout about an incredible video...

Just then, everyone got a notification on their phones. As soon as they opened them, they saw a notification from SuperMelonyGamerTari, or SMGT for short, Tari's youtube channel.

It was a livestream, titled "IT'S GONNA BE INCREDIBLE...".

Saiko tapped on the video and watched the live stream outside of Tari's bedroom door...

"...It's gonna be incredible..."

"...The best thing I've ever done..."

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