Chapter 3: The Truth About the Ex

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Meggy: *sobbing* Why does nobody believe me?!?!?!


Meggy: Who's there?

Mario: Baby? Are you in there?

Meggy: *sigh* Come in, Mario...

Mario came in.

Mario: Meggy, how are you feeling?

Meggy: *sniff* Depressed... and a bit drunk...

Mario: God, Look at the state of you. You're in an empty bath-tub while drinking 3 bottles of Gin and Tonic.

Meggy: It's... it's a good drink when your depressed...

Mario: Who are you? 'Jackie Goodman' from 'Friday Night Dinner'?

Meggy: What do you want, honey?

Mario: Listen, I've been thinking about what you said. And, what if you were right all along?

Meggy: Mario, I would never lie to our friends. And most importantly, I would never lie to you.

Mario: Meggy, I will always remember the day that you told your sad story. And I know you've had a very bad childhood, but you're married to me now and I changed your life.

Meggy: I know, but Dylan Cumber is a horrible person!

Mario: Well, if you think Dylan is a horrible person... Is there any proof of evidence?

In fact, there might be.

Meggy: Go to Dylan's apartment tomorrow, and see what you can find. I know there might be naked photos of me.

Mario: Now Meggy, are you 100% sure that it's him?

Meggy: Absolutely, I don't want my history to repeat.

Mario: Neither do I. I love you, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you, too.


Meggy: I just gonna have a little afternoon snooze in the bath, because I'm drunk.

Mario: Yeah, same here.

Meggy: Have you been drinking, as well?

Mario: No, I just want to cuddle next to you.

Meggy: Aww...

Meanwhile, at the hospital...

Auri: Hello, are you Serena Zapfish?

Serena: Y- Yes...

Auri: God, you look traumatised.

Serena: H- Help...

Auri: Don't worry Serena, I'm here to help.

Serena: C- Can I... help?

Auri: My name is Officer Auri and I'm investigating about your incident that happened at approximately 11:15pm last night. Can you tell me about what happened?

Serena: Well, I was sexually assaulted by my boyfriend.

Auri: You had a boyfriend?

Serena: Yes, and he touched me under my shirt, my skirt and he stuck two fingers up my...

Auri: Hang on a minute, so you had a boyfriend who sexually assaulted you while the CCTV cameras were destroyed?

Serena: Um... the truth is... Me and my boyfriend destroyed them.


Auri: I'm sorry, but you helped the suspect destroy CCTV?!

Serena: Um... yes... we wanted to sneak in to Snapper Canal and I'm sorry...


Serena: It was before I got raped.

Auri: Serena, I could've arrested you for suspicion of criminal damage for that! But I'm just gonna give you a warning. 

Serena: Okay...

Auri: Can you tell me more?

Serena: When I tried to get him off, he stuck a syringe in me and I was drugged. I passed out after that.

Auri: OK Serena, can you describe what he looked like? 

Serena: He's got blue hair with a ponytail.

Auri: Any glasses?

Serena: No.

Auri: Any tattoos?

Serena: I don't think so.

Auri: What clothing was he wearing?

Serena: He was wearing a white short-sleeved t-shirt with a grey undershirt and black shorts.

Serena described everything and Auri wrote this on his note-pad:

Auri: OK Serena, we're gonna do everything we can, Okay?

Serena: Y- You got to stop him!!!

Auri: Oh, I almost forgot. What's his name?

Serena: His name is... Dylan Cumber.

Auri: OK thanks, Serena.

Later that evening...

Meggy: Honey, are you ready for bed?

Mario: *sigh*

Meggy: Mario, what's wrong?

Mario: H- How can I be so stupid?! I became friends with a criminal...

Meggy: Hey, it's not your fault. You just need to find out what he's hiding.

Mario: Can you remember his address?

Meggy: I think it was... 69 Splatter Street.

Mario: *wheezes* 69.

Meggy: Oh, there's a smile.

Mario: *deep breath* OK, I'm going to Inkopolis.

Meggy: Be careful out there, okay?

Mario: I love you, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you, too.


Mario: Good night.

Meggy: Sweet dreams.

They switched the lights off and they went to sleep.

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