The calm

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"Claire wake up" 

I groan and roll over "No, I don't want to go to school" 

"That's why we aren't going to school" I open my eyes to see Jacob. 

"how did you get in?" I mumble. 

"Your mom let me in, now get up and get dressed, we have a 2 hour drive, our parents called us in" Jacob says. 

I sit up and rub my eyes "Where are we going?" 

"It's a secret" 

"Boooo" I pout, getting up. 

"Aw poor you" Jacob laughs. 

I walk to my bathroom and put my hair up. 

I start my morning routine and look in the doorway. 

"What?" I ask Jacob. 

"Nothing, you just look cute" Jacob smiles. 

I roll my eyes and start brushing my teeth. 

When I'm done with that I walk back into my room with Jacob following me. 

I pick out a cute outfit and lay it on my bed. 

"Out" I say to Jacob. 

He frowns "Why?" 

"Because I said so" I smile. 

He pouts but walks out of my room and closes the door. 

I quickly change into my clothes. 

I open my bedroom door and am meet with a kiss from Jacob. 

We pull away and I laugh. 

"What was that about?" I ask. 

"Just realized I hadn't kisses you yet today" He says, giving me a goofy grin. 

I roll my eyes. 

I grab my stuff and we walk downstairs. 

"Ready for an adventure?" 


2 hours. 

That's how long we were stuck in the car. 

We rocked out to music most of the time. 

"You have a really good voice" Jacob says. 

"Meh. I gave up on the whole singing thing a while ago, that's Kaylas thing" I shrug. 

When we finally get to the place I gasp. 

"Jacob, you're kidding. right?" I ask. 

"Nope, welcome to the Mystic aquarium" Jacob smiles, getting out of the car. 

I get out and smile. 

I've always loved sea animals and going to an aquarium has always been a thing on my bucket list. 

"What are you waiting for? Lets go!" Jacob smiles. 

Lets just say, this was a day I was never going to forget. 

We went everywhere in that aquarium. 

We also got some really good pictures. 

I probably looked like a 5 year old. 

But at least my 5 year old self was living the dream. 

When we had to leave, I was pretty sad. 

Defiantly coming back here soon. 

We ended our date by going out for ice cream. 

"So, why do you like sea animals so much?" Jacob asks. 

"Well, As you know Ryland and I were always super close, He loved sharks, and he was always talking about sea animals and stuff, well I got obsessed with dolphins thanks to him taking me to see the dolphin tale movie. and before Ryland died he gave me a dolphin bracelet, so I guess that's kind of the reason" I shrug. 

"Oh...I'm sorry about your brother" Jacob says. 

"Who isn't" I scoff "That's all I hear around town...and it's been years" 

Awkward silence. 


The silence doesn't last long. 

Jacob strikes up a conversation about Cassie and how she was all excited about Jacob and I. 

We stay at the ice cream place for a while until it's time for the two hour journey home. 

The party was tonight. 

And we didn't want to be late. 

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