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Claires POV

January went by fast. 

It was a great month too. 

Nobody found out about Sam and I, My friendship with Jacob was actually back to normal.

Emmet was back to normal too, with his sassy comebacks. 

"Are you almost done?" Sam whines. 

I laugh and click send "Yes, I'm done now" 

Sam smiles and gets up from my bed. 

I chewed on my lip nervously. 

"Don't worry, they are going to love it" He states. 

I nod my head. 

"Maybe it would help if I read the essay?" Sam asks. 

"No! You are not reading my essay" 

"Why not?" 

"You know why" 

"I know, I can be a little-"

I give him a all knowing look. 

"Okay, I can be really judgy when it comes to essays, but I really want to read this one" Sam states. 

"Nobody besides me and the school are reading it" I say, turning my chair around to face Sam. 

"Then read it to me" Sam smiles. 

"No" I said, causing Sam to pout. 



Sam rolls his eyes and sits down on my bed. 

I close my laptop and sit next to Sam. 

"You need to find a suit for Aspen and Carlos' wedding if you're coming  with me" I say. 

"That's this month?" He asks. 

"Yes it's on saturday, because they pushed it back" I explain.

"Oh yeah, but don't worry, I picked one out, I just have to pick it up" Sam explains. 

I smile "Good" 

"But you are coming to my meet this Thursday, right?" Sam asks. 

"Yes sir, Kayla and Emmet are tagging along too" I explain. 

"Great, my own fan-club to embarrass me" Sam jokes. 

"Always!" I smile, kissing his cheek. 

Sam looks at me and pulls me into a kiss. 

I hear a knock on my window and I look over. 

My curtains were open, and there was Jacob, smirking. 

I get up and go over to my window, opening it. 

"Fake relationship caused real feelings?"Jacob asks. 

 "Shut it Anderson" I snap. 

"Now I know why you were so quick to-" 

"We aren't talking about that right now" 

"Talking about what?" Sam asks. 

"You didn't-"

"No" I sigh. 

"Oh...Sorry" Jacob says. 

"Yeah" I state "You have to keep the Sam and Me thing a secret" 

"No problem" Jacob nods "Congrats Sam" 

I close my window, and curtains, then turn around to look at Sam. 

"Talk about what, Claire?" Sam asks. 

"Jacob kissed me on new years" I state. 

"He what?" Sam asks. 

"Sam, he didn't know we were dating" I snap. 

"Why are you sticking up for him?" Sam yells. 

"I'm not, I'm just stating the facts" I argue. 

"Did you kiss back?" He asks. 

"No, I pulled away" I sigh, walking over to him "And then explained that I just wanted to be friends with him" 

Sam looks at me and clenches his jaw then un-clenches it. 

"I'm going to go" Sam whispers. 

I sigh "Okay" 

He grabs his jacket and walks out of my room. 

Way to go Jacob


I closed my locker and started walking to my next class but was stopped by Jacob. 

"Hey" He says. 

"Hi" I mumble. 

"Have you talked to Sam since Tuesday?" Jacob asks. 

"Nope. He has been ignoring me" I sigh "And my sisters Wedding is on Saturday, and he's my plus one, And Kayla, Emmet and I are going to his meet tonight so I have no idea what to do" 

l take a deep breath and walk passed Jacob, but of course he follows me. 

"Maybe I can help?" He asks. 

"No, I think you've helped enough" I state. 

"Claire come on" 

"Just stop Jacob!" I snap "You kissed me, And this is why we are in this mess"

"I just want to help-"

"I-I know but...just stop...I need a friend in this who wont meddle in the situation , I can't tell Kayla because she'll tell Emmet, and if Emmet finds out I could lose him for good, so please...just be my friend instead of a body guard" I state. 

Jacob nods "I can do that" 

"Thank you" I sigh. 

"I'm also sorry for bringing it up in front of him" Jacob states. 

"It's fine, I would've had to tell him sooner or later" I shrug. 

"So, we're good?" He asks. 

"Yeah, we are good" I nod. 

The warning bell rings and we go our separate ways.  

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