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I looked over to the edge of the pool and saw she was sinking to the bottom. Was she playing around, or was she actually drowning? I didn't take my chances, i jumped into the water and grabbed her pulling her up, by the edge of the pool. I put my head close to her mouth and didn't hear her breathing. I quickly started doing CPR since i didn't know what else to do. Once my lips touched her she kissed me, that was when i knew she wasn't dead. I moved away from her face.
"What the heck!" I said angrily "I thought you weren't breathing!" All she did was laugh.
"I didn't think you would actually jump in." She said smiling.
"You gave me a heart attack!" I said pointing to my chest.
"Well it seems like you're still breathing" she said while chuckling.
"How did you even do that?" I asked confused as to what just happened.
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me Mendes." She said getting up and walking to the door.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" I said following her. She turned around to face me and our eyes met each others.
"Maybe that i can hold my breath for ten minutes without becoming brain dead." She said laughing "How do i dry myself off?" She asked changing the subject.
"There are towels in the bathroom." I said.
"Yeah, but I can't just walk into the house dripping wet." She said sounding 'obvious'.

"Well you're going to have to." I said pickering her up bridal style.
"Ugh again with the carrying Mendes. You're not going to throw me in the bathtub this time are you?" She said grinning.
"Funny, but I'm not that mean." I said setting her down at the bathroom door. "So how can you hold your breath for ten minutes without dying?" I asked still curious of how she can do that.
"I'm part fish." she said while grinning and closed the bathroom door.
I decided to put away the monopoly that was still scattered all over the living room floor. My parents would be home anytime soon, since they carpool together. I also decided to cook for Emilia. I prepared my best meal while she finished taking a shower. I was soaking wet from the pool, but i didn't want to use my parents shower. When she came out her hair wasn't wet at all.
"I see you found my blowdryer." I said laughing at the fact i have one.
"I didn't think you would have one, but there it was." she said grinning.
"Well I need to have one with these curls" I said trying to flip my hair. She just laughed at me failing. She walked over to me and peered over my shoulder.
"What are you doing Mendes?" She said raising an eyebrow at me.
"Just making my best meal." I said proudly while making sure i didn't burn the food.
"Pancakes?" She said laughing.
"What? They're my specialty!" I said giving her a happy smile.
"Well you better not burn mine." She said while grabbing two plates and syrup.

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