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I don't know about Emilia, but I think she was taking me to my death. As we finished eating she got up.
"Now it's time to hike!" She said all excited. I sighed because hiking meant more walking and I don't really work out my legs.
"Do we have to?" I said pouted like a kid. Making a puppy dog face at her.
"Funny, we are going to our destination wether you like it or not" she laughed and pulled me up since I was sitting by the trunk of the tree.
"C'mon! You're burning daylight" she said dragging me up the trail. I decided it put all my weight on her but she could still move me, she was probably stronger than me. As we got the top, the trail became steeper.
"We're almost there!" She said panting since she was practically carrying me. It wasn't that bad, luckily there was no one else there to witness this because that would be embarrassing.
"Ok we are here!" She said smiling. There was a ledge and she was  sitting right on it.

"Be careful Emilia" I said watching her look down.
"It's fine! Come over here!" She said but I was too scared, I don't even know what she's looking at.
"You're not scared are you?" She said while laughing at me. That made my cheeks bright red.
"I'm not scared!" I yelled back and walked closer to her that I wasn't scared. I walked up to her and sat down right next to her, not looking down or I would freak out. All I did was look into her eyes knowing that I would be safe with her.
"Why don't you look down" she said while grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I trusted her and looked down. It was amazing. There was a gigantic waterfall and it seemed as though it never ended. I think Emilia noticed how fascinated I was.
"This is the soundless waterfall" she said spreading her arms out. "Get it" she said while bumping my arm. Then I realized the waterfall actually wasn't making any noise.
"How did you find this place?!?" I said looking to her.
"Well it wasn't easy" she said laughing.

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