theodore nott: realizing they might like you

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after class, he finds himself following you to the library, not entirely sure why. maybe to annoy you more, maybe for some other reason he isn't ready to admit. he watches as you walk to another aisle, annoyed at how he can't deny his attraction to you. you look quite pretty as you browse the books, which only frustrates him more.

"you know..." he starts, following you.

"know what?" you reply.

"never mind it," he mutters, watching you. he feels an urge to touch your hair, but quickly forces himself to keep his distance. he wishes he could stop feeling this pull towards you, this inexplicable desire to be near you.

"you look..." he starts again, stumbling over his words. "you look pretty," he finally admits, quickly looking away, frustrated with himself.

you pause, giving him a teasing smile. "what, are you possessed now snotty notty?" you say.

"shut up, stop calling me that.." he snaps, unsure if he's mad at you or himself. "you're not actually that pretty," he adds, trying to recover.

"you can't take back what you said," you tease.

"i know, but i didn't mean it," he insists. "you aren't actually pretty. you're quite ugly." he says.

"aw... what makes me ugly?" you joke.

"your stupid smile, for one," he says, rolling his eyes, though he secretly finds it charming.

"and what else?" you ask, smiling cheekily.

"your hair. it's just... disgusting," he says, though he's more distracted by how much he actually likes it. he tries to continue insulting and being mean to you, even if he was more distracted than ever by you, by your stupid... face, stupid... smile. god, was he even still trying to ignore you?

"i'm guessing you don't like girls with my hair then, or is it just me?" you ask playfully.

"it's definitely just you," he retorts, feeling increasingly annoyed with himself. he's completely failing to ignore you, distracted by your eyes, your lips, your face, your hair, everything about you.

"you really can't stop thinking about me, can you?" you tease.

"shut up," he repeats, feeling flustered. as much as he tries to deny it, he realizes he's crushing on you.

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