draco malfoy: writing about you after they killed you

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i had to do it. i had to. i never wanted this, i never wanted to hurt you, but they left me with no choice. i will never forget the pain in your eyes, the way you looked at me with such hurt and betrayal. it will haunt me for the rest of my days.

i never wanted to hurt you, you have no idea how much it pained me to see you lying there, motionless and broken. i wish there was another way, but they left me no choice.

i'll never forgive myself for what i've done. i'll never be able to forget the look on your face as i raised my wand. i tried to think of you as just another enemy, just another person in my way, but i knew i couldn't. you were so much more than that to me, and i knew that taking your life would break me.

i don't know how i'm supposed to go on, i feel like a part of me died with you. i never wanted our lives to end up this way. i always hoped we could have been something more, but now that's all been taken away from us by my own hands.

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