Somethings different

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Steve was sitting beside Robin in chemistry and robin already could tell that he was acting weird, well weirder than usual.

"What's up with you?" Robin asks raising an eyebrow as she side glanced at Steve. "What do you mean?" Steve asks as he's copying robins notes.

"I mean, you're acting different Steve. You haven't even talked about all those girls with the names I can never remember..Heidi umm Sarah? No summer? I don't even know" she says looking at Steve suspiciously

"Hey I don't complain about them every day and-" robin cut Steve off talking over the top of him "where did you go?" She asks looking at him suspiciously trying to detect any trace of guilt or lying in his face.

Steve looks at her confused "last night, before you left the house, you called me to see if I was awake so you could come to mines, you said you were having the dreams again" she's says but it was more of a question and not a statement.

Steve was cursing himself under his breath. He can't tell Robin can he? She's his best friend but how do you tell someone that the freak of the school that you apparently hate stayed at your house last night.

"Umm..well you see Robin-" Robin sighs looking at him "if you can't tell me the truth don't tell me at all, but I tell you everything I told you about my sexuality, I told you about liking Vicky, I told you about my parents Steve" her tone sounded serious, like she was mad but there was tones of sadness through it.

Steve knew what Robin was thinking. Robin thought steve couldn't trust her anymore, that he would just ditch coming to her house. "Eddie stayed at my house" he blurted out

Robins eyes went wide "Eddie? As in Eddie Munson? As in hellfire freak drug dealer guy that you've despised for like a year?" She whisper shouted in disbelief.

Steve nodded slowly "okay but you can't tell anyone I don't think he wants anyone to know either he refused to get in my car this morning" he shrugged explaining everything that happened last night.

"Well damn steve half of the guys in the school wouldn't even think of doing that for anyone never mind Eddie Munson" Robbin says shrugging as she continues to write down notes "still doesn't explain why you're acting so different recently" somethings off, Robin knew it

"I'm not acting different robin" steve sighs leaning back on his chair nearly falling off before gripping onto the table to catch himself.

Robin laughs glancing at him "watch yourself dingus maybe you need a babysitter" she laughs glancing over at Eddie Munson who was looking at steve then quickly turned away when Robin caught him.

She smiled to herself knowing exactly what was happening but didn't bother to tell steve yet because she knew steve would never believe her. That Eddie Munson was gay.

The bell to lunch rang through the halls as everyone rushed to the cafeteria as fast as they could. Robin wanted to test her theory on the very small chance she may be wrong, she walked through the cafeteria as fast as she could. She was clearly a woman on a mission.

She grabbed Dustin by the back of the shirt "Henderson I need to talk to you now it's urgent" Dustin nods and goes to get up when Eddie looks over at robin.

"You taking my crew away?" He raises an eyebrow but robin couldn't be bothered with his small talk "I think your precious DND club can take a break listening to you shout for a minute"

"Oh shit." Dustin mumbled knowing this wouldn't end well. "It's hellfire not DND" Eddie says sternly correcting her

"I mean come on sweetheart relax..wait you're harringtons friend aren't you?" He smirks insinuating that they were more than friends

"Careful there buddy, platonic friends with a capital p" she raised an eyebrow still grabbing onto Dustins shirt from the back.

Eddie looks at Robin scanning her hair, her outfit and just really her personality "Oh." He says realising "alright sorry" he says with a sympathetic smile

Robin notices the handkerchief in his back pocket "oh." She says "secrets safe with me dude" she smiles doing a little wave and walks away with Dustin

The hellfire club all look at eachother "what the hell was that about?" They all shrug exchanging confused looks. "Enough! We have more important things to be discussing!" Eddie shouts slamming a magazine on the table "another article about hellfire, let's see what they think they know!" Eddie says letting out a menacing laugh.
"Okay Dustin." Robin says as she's took him to the back of the school where nobody can ease drop on their conversation. "What do you know about Eddie Munson?"

Dustin replies with a confused look "I mean I know he's good with the hellfire club and he was the only one that was nice to us when we started high school..oh! And he lives in the same trailer park as max"

Robin sighs "come on dusty you gotta know more than that..need more information" Robin already knew he was gay from the handkerchief in his back pocket, that was a sign men used in the 80s to signal that they're gay but of course none of these idiots would understand that at this school.

"Why do you care so much? You've never even mentioned him before Robin?" Dustin asks raising an eyebrow at robin

"Come on do this for me, remember when I let you go through the backrooms to the Theater all summer at scoops ahoy?" Robin says with a fake smile

Dustin groans "okay yeah I guess, he lives with his uncle-" Robin cuts him off (she has a tendency to do that to a lot of people) "does he have any exes?"

Dustin slowly shakes his head "no..I've never actually thought about that, I don't think he's even ever dated anyone..well nobody to my knowledge" he shrugs

Robin smiles "thanks Dustin you're the best!" She says running off before Dustin can even question it.

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