Real nice

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Eddie wakes up and slowly turns around to an empty spot in the bed "steve?" He mumbled in a groggy sleepy voice as he gets up looking through his trailer.

He gets to the kitchen and sees Steve making breakfast. "What are you doing? It's like 7am" he says sitting down at the table watching him.

Steve laughed "it's actually 12 and I'm making you breakfast because you clearly don't know how to cook, the last thing you made me was burnt" he smiles and puts the food on the plate handing it to Eddie.

He laughs "you're a cute little house wife aren't you?" He says with a mouth full of food "this is actually good? I'm impressed" he smiles leaning over the table kissing Steve's cheek.

Steve rolls his eyes "you're lucky I like you, very lucky" he laughs sitting down beside him "I gotta go to work soon, can you give me a ride? My car is at my house"

"Hmmm I don't knowww, maybe I can put it on my busy schedule" Eddie smiles and kisses Steve "alright I'm convinced, I'll take you"


Eddie leans over the counter talking to Robin when Steve is tidying the video store up. "So hows it going with the love of your life?" He says with a huge grin on his face.

Robin rolls her eyes in return "I told you I don't love her" she sighs leaning her elbows on the counter "well she clearly doesn't like me, she's probably straight anyway"

"Cmon' robin! So you're just gonna give up like a pussy? Like Steve over there?" He laughs gesturing too Steve behind a shelf of video tapes.

"HEY! WHAT DID I EVEN DO?" He shouts from behind the shelf as he continues putting them on the shelves in order.

Robin nods laughing "You're right, maybe I should talk to her" she shrugs not actually fully convinced at all.

She leans across the counter and looks at Eddie "okay now tell me any drama going on between you and Steve? You're always in that trailer with him there's gotta be something, I'm dying of boredom here!" She whisper shouts so Steve wouldn't hear.

Eddie thinks for a minute "not really, nothing I can really think of but.." he trails off thinking about wether he should be talking about his boyfriend or not but then realised it's his only robin. "Well he won't admit his parents aren't coming back, I mean even you gotta realise that right? I feel kinda bad man" he shrugs and looks over at the shelves to make sure Steve didn't hear because he didn't want to upset him.

Robin nods and sighs "I've been thinking something was off with him but I don't really have a great grasp of social cues and I don't wanna make that mistake again" she laughs

Eddie nods and laughs "yeah I've noticed that about you" he laughs moving stuff on the counter. "Should I be doing something? Or just leave the situation alone"

Robin thinks for a minute "uh just give me a minute and I'll handle it" she says slapping eddies arm and walking through the store to where Steve was.

"Steve are you alright? I mean I know I get this wrong sometimes but it seems like something is wrong? Am I talking too much? Right this is about you and your parents- shit no I mean you" She sighs leaning against the wall.

Steve raises an eyebrow "my parents? Has Eddie been telling you something? Wow okay.." he says sounding a little pissed off.

"No- shit alright I'm sorry it's my fault not eddies" she says quietly realising she messed up. She couldn't even keep her mouth closed for ten goddamn minutes, maybe her mom was right maybe there was something wrong with her. "I'm sorry Steve.." she says quietly

"It's fine it's not your fault, Eddie shouldn't of been talking about me..if I wanted to talk I would have" he says not taking his eyes off the video tapes.

Robin sighs and walks away from Steve and goes back to Eddie "I kinda messed up, I ended up saying too much and said about Steve's parents now he's pissed, like really pissed"
She sighs walking behind the counter.

Eddie sighs looking at robin "shit." He says picking lint off his jacket "I'll go check on him" he walks over to Steve but Steve doesn't say anything. "Listen Steve I-"

"I don't even care Eddie it's just fucking annoying me that you think it's okay to tell my best friend something about my life, something I didn't tell her. Don't you think if I wanted to tell her I would? Did you not fucking think I wasn't ready to talk about it yet? I'm not fucking like you where I know where my parents are, I don't know where my mom is but you do, she's dead Eddie so stop pretending you can fix my family problems because you've come to terms with yours"

Eddie stood there in shock. There's no way those words could've just came out of Steve's mouth. Eddie just shook his head and looked at Steve "real nice Harrington, real fucking nice." He mumbled walking out of the store.

(A/N hey my lovelies, what's a book without a bit of angst right? I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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