Police station

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Steve realised Nancy and Robin were the most stubborn girls he knew and there was no way they would leave the upside down when they were this close to killing vecna so he sighs and says "fine, me and Eddie will go and you two stay here and pretend you hate eachother, sound good?"

Robin laughs and pats Steve on the back a little too hard so it comes off as passive aggressive "ha okay great, don't get pregnant Steven" she smirks and leans over to whisper in Steve's ear "if you say anything to Nancy about me I will kill you with my bare hands" she laughs and walks away from him.

Steve rolls his eyes as that's just how robin was and it just proved his point that She really did care what Nancy thought about her. Steve and Eddie start walking back to the girls locker room so they could get back to the opening.

Eddie glances over at Steve as they're walking "Steven? YOUR NAME IS STEVEN?" It sounded more of a statement than a question and it was obvious he was holding in his laughter.

"Obviously, did you not know Steve was short for Steven? Maybe you should stay home and do your homework Eddie" he laughs and sarcastically pats eddies back.

Eddie laughs and looks at Steve, being inches apart from his face "go ahead, what were you saying?" He smirks putting his hands in his pockets.

"That's not gonna work on me Eddie I was saying-" Steve starts but gets interrupted by Eddie.

He leans in and kisses him "that'll shut you up, now have I made my point sweetheart? Or do we have to stay here and kiss instead of stopping those kids from getting arrested?" Eddie smirks

"Oh yeah- um right" Steve awkwardly laughs and starts walking towards the opening "just for the record Eddie thats not gonna work-" Eddie rolls his eyes and grabs Steve's arm pulling him into the opening and there they are back on the girls locker room floor of Hawkins high.

Steve gets up brushing himself off then helps Eddie up. "Stop trying to flirt with me the kids are going to get arrested" he mumbled grabbing eddies hand and walking down the hallway.

Nancy and Robin searched the creel house in deafening silence until Robin couldn't handle it anymore and started talking but couldn't stop herself. "So do you not like me? Or are you just scared? Because it's like you're embarrassed of me and I've really been trying to wrap my head around it, I am but I've been trying to figure out what you're feeling and I can't really tell..well I can't really figure out many peoples emotions and thats not me being like fucking dense I just-"

Nancy grabs robins hand "robin!" She sighs and looks at her "I just..I need some time, okay? I do like you but Johnathan is still in California and I feel bad I'm really sorry" she looks at Robin with a small smile forming at the corners of her lips.

Of course robin forgave Nancy when she smiled, she was annoyed with herself that she did but she was even more annoyed at that stupid, stupid smile. "Its alright" robin whispers, she knew it wasn't alright, of course it wasn't but that's just something people say when they can't be honest.

Being honest would mean telling Nancy how she felt used, how she wanted to be with her, be her girlfriend. Robin didn't say any of that though because her words get her in trouble enough she didn't want to fight with Nancy.

"Do you actually know how we are supposed to kill this thing?" Robin asks tilting her head slightly as she looks at Nancy.

Nancy sighs still looking infront of her with her gun pointed out as robin held the flashlight. "Well we need Eddie for the plan since he plays the guitar and Venca is after him so all we have to do if figure out where Venca is" she whispers as if she thought if she was too loud her words might rattle this old house even more than the creaky floorboards with every step the girls took.
The kids turn around seeing Steve and Eddie walk into the police station, a sense of relief washes over them. The police officer they had to sit with said if nobody came then they would have to spend the night in one of the jail cells and they didn't exactly have much faith in Eddie Munson walking into a police station willingly.

Steve leans over the counter looking at the officer "there's no need to arrest them I'm here now, how serious was the crime?" He asks, a little nervous to hear the answer.

"They broke into the school after hours mr harrington" the officer says looking up from his coffee cup "that is very serious, it's trespassing"

Steve really did look like a mother right now and it was proving exactly what Robin was saying a few hours prior.

Eddie started to laugh "okay there's no need to throw around words like trespassing, Micheal" he laughs.

"That is officer Jones to you Mr Munson and I was hoping I wouldn't see you again for a very, very long time." He sighs

"What can I say? I missed you and I didn't do anything that severe, you can't hate me for a one time thing" Eddie shrugs throwing his hands in the air.

"A one time thing really?" Officer Jones continues "trespassing, assault, vandalism, driving while intoxicated and abuse of narcotics" he raises an eyebrow looking at Eddie.

Eddie laughs rolling his eyes "why do you gotta use those words like narcotics? It's drugs Micheal good old fashion oxy" he winks

He puts his head in his hands "please for the love of god get out of here and take the kids with you, this one has been insulting my appearance all night" he points to Erica.

Steve does a salute gesture and nods "sure thing, I'll keep Eddie out of your way sir" he laughs and drags them all outside of the station and into his car.

Once they are in the car Steve whips his head around at Eddie "seriously? Why do you not even surprised me?" He mumbles shaking his head.

He leans closer to Steve "cmon' you know you love me" he shrugs and kisses Steve's cheek.

(A/N I promise the next chapter will be about Venca no more stretching it out, I really do love writing these little details tho I'm not as good with the action stuff, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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