He knows

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It was Saturday night, most of the students at Hawkins high were at Jason carvers party, but not Eddie Munson. Eddie was in his trailer, drinking alone to cover up the wound of how he's in love with a straight boy, or so he thought.

Empty beer cans were sprawled across his bedroom floor along with a strong smell of weed that filled his bedroom.

Eddie leans against his wall beside his guitar and sighs, wallowing in self pity over a feeling he wish he could get rid of. He obviously wouldn't tell Steve because what's worse than being a freak, an outcast? What's worse is Steve Harrington never talking to you again because you're in love with him and he doesn't feel the same way.

"Alright Steve don't freak out come over and tell me what you're freaking out like a maniac over" Robin says over the phone before hanging up and waiting for Steve.

Steve drives as fast as he can, without getting pulled over by the cops. He was seriously freaking out, he has never felt this way for a guy before. Why would he feel this way for a guy especially Eddie Munson.

He gets to robins house and parks his car in the driveway, inviting himself in he rushes to robins room and makes sure the doors are closed and the windows so nobody could hear.

Robins parents weren't home at the minute, which she was honestly glad that she was free of the suffocation even for a while.

"Jesus dude what are you so freaked out over? Oh god are you on drugs? you're acting really paranoid" Robin raises an eyebrow gesturing for Steve to sit on the bed.

Steve sits down,covering his face with his hands. The last person who he had feelings so strongly for was Nancy wheeler but that was years ago but this time, this time it was guy, an obnoxious guy that Steve thought he couldn't stand.

"Robin I'm seriously freaking out here I don't know what to do..I- I don't know" Steve had a look on his face, a look of fear mixed in with sadness. He looked like he was about to cry.

Robin rubs Steve's shoulder realising how scared he actually was. Robin was only this scared once, when she realised she liked girls. Oh that's why he's so scared, Steve likes Eddie Munson.

"Oh Steve it's alright, atleast I'm not the only gay one now huh?" She smiles trying to lighten the mood. She hugs Steve holding him tight realising how truly scared he was.

"You know?" Steve says between sobs not looking up from robins shoulder as he hugs her tight.

Robin nods "I was only that scared once, when I realised I liked girls, I was terrified Steve but you were so supportive of me" she smiles softly

Steve wipes the tears from his cheeks looking at robin "but I..I like girls too, I was in love with Nancy but I..well I feel the same way for Eddie as I did for Nancy" he takes a long pause not looking robin in the eye "maybe I even like Eddie more, is that bad?"

Robin hugs Steve tight "no, no of course that's not bad Steve. I had a feeling something was going on but I didn't wanna say"

Steve gives robin a weird look "you had a feeling something was going on? But robin..Eddie isn't gay"

Steve and robin exchange looks before she sighs. He knows. He knows Robin knew about Eddie. "I'm sorry he told me not to say Steve, I didn't want to out the guy" she shrugs looking at him

Steve nods "I get it but..you think he could like me? Are you sure he's gay robin? Like one hundred percent sure?" He asks

"I'm Positive he's gay Steve." Robin says with a blank expression. There was something she was leaving out, something she wasn't telling Steve. That Eddie Munson was in love with him.

Steve sighs laying back on the bed staring at the ceiling "what am I supposed to do? Why Eddie Munson of all people?" Steve groans covering his face with a pillow.

"I say you go for it, I mean what do you got to lose? You lost your self respect about three ditzy bimbos ago"

This made Steve laugh, he moved the pillow away from his face looking at Robin. "I don't know where I'd be without you Robin" he smiles looking at her

She smiles and nudges him "you'd be lost without me dingus and you know it" she laughs

(A/n hey my lovelies! Seeing you guys comment saying you love these makes me so happy and makes me want to write more! I love you enjoyed this chapter, stay safe my lovelies, until next time <3)

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