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"Dad's looking for a body," Stiles said the second I got out of the bathroom.

I jumped at the sound of his voice and gave him a glare, then replaying his words and my face lighting up. "Really? You for real?"

"Oh, yeah," he said. "Wanna help me and Scott look for it?"

I smiled brightly, nodding, both of us getting in his ratty ass blue jeep. God, I couldn't wait til I had my own car. 

Stiles and I were fraternal twins, but, like in the name, we were fraternal, so we were in the same grade and everything, and yeah.

When we pulled up to Scott's house, I smirked. "Do something a little more creative that knocking on the door."

"Pfft," he said as he climbed out. "I live on being creative!"

I got out too, and while Stiles was climbing on the roof, I was still on the ground right below him, and when Scott came out of his house with a baseball bat, I ducked down to hide. When I heard him just right there, Stiles was swinging down from the roof, and they both started screaming while I laughed my ass off from down below, standing up from the hiding place and looking up to him. "Hey."

"Stiles, Stacie, what the hell are you doing?!" Scott demanded.

"You weren't answering your phone," Stiles answered, defending us. "Why do you have a bat?"

"I thought you were a predator."

"A pred--" Stiles started, and I started to laugh again. "Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw our dad leave twenty minutes ago.  Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, even the state police."

"For what?" Scott asked.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods," Stiles answered while flipping down from the roof, landing down next to me.

"A dead body?"

I looked at the retard. "No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body,"

Stiles climbed up the house to the porch, but I stayed down there. "You mean like murder?" Scott asked.

"Nobody knows yet," Stiles answered. "Just that it was a girl, probably in her late 20s."

"Hold on," Scott said. "If they found the body, then what are they looking for?"

"That's the part he didn't explain to me yet," I said.

Stiles smiled at both of us. "That's the best part. They only found half. We're going."

I rode in the back of the jeep while we rode to the Beacon Hills Preserve, and once I was let out, Scott asked, "We're seriously doing this?"

"Why?" I taunted. "You scared?"


"You're the one that's always bitching that nothing happens in this town," Stiles said.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow."

We were already well in our way into the woods by now, and Stiles said, "Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort."

"No, because I'm playing this year," Scott said. "In fact, I'm making first line."

I started to laugh, looking back at his serious face. "Oh, you were serious."

"Hey, that's the spirit," Stiles said when he didn't say anything. "Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."

"Just out of curiousty," Scott said as we kept walking, "which half of the body are we looking for?"

"Huh," he said. "I didn't even think about that."

"And, uh, what if whatever killed the body is still out here?"

"Also something I didn't think about."

"It's comforting to know you'd planned this out with your usual attention to detail," I said sarcastically as we started to mount up the hill in front of us, me in front, Stiles behind me and Scott behind him.

"I know!" 

I smiled a little when we all made it to the top, and Scott was breathing heavily. "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh," he said as he took a puff from his inhaler.

"How are you ever gonna make it to first line if you can't even do this?" I asked.

When I was about to keep walking ahead, Stiles pulled me to the ground next to him. "What?" I demanded before I saw the Beacon Department with their tracking dogs coming closer.

"Wait, come on," Stiles said as he got up and started to run.

"Stiles!" Scott exclaimed before I got up and ran after him. "Wait up. Stacie!" We kept on running for a while until he yelled one more time. "Guys!"

We turned back to face him with arms raised in the air until the guard dog was barking in Stiles' face, Stiles falling down to the ground while I jumped back, getting behind a tree before anyone saw me.

"Hold it right there!" the cop yelled at Stiles.

"Hang on, hang on," Dad said as he walked closer. "This little delinquent belongs to me."

I didn't see Stiles or Dad, but I could hear them. "Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles asked rhetorically.

"So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?" Dad asked.

"No, heh. Not the boring ones."

"Now, where's your usual partner in crime?"

"Who, Scott? Sc--Scott's at home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for first day back at school tomorrow. It's just me. In the woods. Alone."

"I was actually talking about Stacie, but since you brought it up." I smirked as I hid, and I saw flashlight light over the trees. "Scott, you out there? Scott? So Stacie's not out here." 

"Don't do it, don't do it," I whispered as I knew he was about to do.

"Stacie?" Stiles repeated. "Oh, yeah, she's here." 

"And you did it," I muttered. "Ass."

"Stacie," Dad called.

I sighed, stepping out from behind the tree. "Hey, Dad."

He signaled for me to walk up to the, and with my head tilting back, I did, and he said, "Well, you two, I'm gonna walk you back to his car." He looked at Stiles. "And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy."

"How do you know it wasn't Stacie that wasn't going through your calls?" Stiles defended himself.

"Because that's your territory, not hers."

I smirked as we got down to the jeep, and Dad let go of Stiles' neck, and we walked towards the jeep as Dad said, "I'll talk to you guys at home."

"Can't wait," I said as I got in the car.

Once Stiles did too, I hit him on the shoulder. "Ow!" he said. "What was that for?"

"Next time you rat me out, I'm not gonna be so easy." When he didn't go anywhere, I gestured to the steering wheel. "Drive." 

At school, I was avoided Scott and Stiles. They didn't exactly make it very easy on me, being that they were known as the two weirdos that's always up to something. I was that way too, but the whole school didn't know about that.

Actually, we were hardly blips on the radar, but yeah.

Sophmore year wasn't really turning up yet, because I had close to zero friends, but I would have to get over that, like, now.

There was a new girl in a few of my classes, and she had started to talk to me, and then when I noticed her out in the halls with Lydia Martin, I knew that that wasn't going to last for long. I turned to Stiles and Scott. "Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"

"Because she's hot," Stiles said. "Beautiful people herd together."

"And that's why you're over here and not over there," I said with a smirk. "And why Lydia's ingnored you for the past . . .like, ever . . years."

We started to argue over something pointless until the school bell rang.

I had to go to the lacrosse practices because Stiles was my ride to and from school. As of the moment, I had no job, and I had to get around somehow. 

When I saw Scott, number 11, go out onto the field, even towards the goal, I muttered, "This isn't gonna end well."

Two girls sat down next to me, and I turned my head towards Lydia Martin and the new girl. I gave them a confused look, but the new girl just smiled at me. She pointed over to Scott, asking Lydia, "Who is that?"

"Him? I'm not sure who he is," Lydia answered her. "Why?" 

"He's in my English class." 

I looked over to her. "He's my brother's best friend--they're both retarded--not literally, they just act like that." 

The girl smiled at me. Why couldn't I remember her name? 

The whistle blew, and Scott was doing this little dance thing with his head until one of the other lacrosse players hit him in his face, and he fell to the ground. I scoffed, shaking my head, smiling, but wincing at the same time as the next player ran forward, throwing the ball, and this time the ball literally landed right in Scott's stick net thing. 

"Yeah!" Stiles called. 

I shrugged, the next player stepping up and throwing, and Scott caught it up from the ground. "Yeah!" Stiles yelled again. 

Scott caught again and again so many times that I couldn't even keep up. "He seems like he's pretty good," the new girl said.

"Oh, very good," Lydia said.

They both looked at me as I said, "He didn't use to be." 

Jackson Whittemore, Lydia's boyfriend, pushed the others to the side so that he could have the shot. He was the captain of the team, so no shit that he was gonna kick Scott's ass. 

Jackson ran forward, jumping in the air before throwing it, but, even as the captain, Scott still caught it with ease. 

"Yeah!" I yelled, clapping my hands together as Stiles literally shot up from the bench and started to cheer.

Lydia, yes, even Lydia, was cheering for Scott, standing up and cheering, ignoring the look that her boyfriend gave her.

"That's my friend!" Stiles yelled as Lydia cheered. 

What was going on with Scott? He used to suck, and now he was this?

Elimination was today, but it was just like any other practice except that you either made first line or you didn't. Saying that Scott made first line was a definate understatement, but I didn't really want to watch the whole thing, because Stiles had told me that a wolf had bit Scott the other night, and there were wolf hairs on the dead girl's body, so I was looking stuff up on my phone about it.

Stiles thought Scott was a werewolf. And with the way he'd been acting, and the wolf even there were no wolves in California kinda made sense, so . . .

I had been so busy trying to look stuff up on my phone about wolves and potential werewolves, but with the glare that was coming from the sun and the tiny screen, that wasn't going to be a very fullfilling experience.

All I heard from Coach Finstock was that Scott had made first line.

Stiles looked back at me in the stands, neither of us cheering for him because we knew something had to been wrong, but neither of us could say anything either.

Stiles was researching werewolves nonstop, but I didn't think that that was the problem with Scott. Maybe it was like a adreline rush from the bite before he died.

I didn't know that Scott was in our house until I heard someone being pushed into the wall that connected Stiles' and my rooms, and I got up to see what was wrong.

Scott was already coming out of there when I made it to the door. "Hey, Stacie."

"Hey," I said as he walked past me, and I walked into Stiles' room. "What was that about?"

He didn't answer, but went to pick up the rolling chair from the ground. "I'm fine, Stace, just--" He cut himself off, looking at the back of his leather rolling chair.

"What?" I asked.

He turned the chair over to where the back side was facing away from me. "Nothing--nothing. Hey, are you going to the party?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Why?"

"No reason. See you there?"

I gave him a weird look. "You're my ride, dumbass."

"Oh, right, I--"

"Just give the damn keys if you feel like being a loser enough not to go."

He smirked, getting the keys and walking past me. "No way in hell I'm letting you drive my jeep."

I rolled my eyes but followed after him to the jeep so he could give me a ride to the party.

So far, for me, the party was boring. I couldn't seem to actually care enough to do anything except for hang out with a few kids over by the pool when the dog behind me started to bark, and I turned around, looking at the dog and the guy that stood there, the guy wearing nothing but black as he looked from the now quiet dog to my confused expression, and then I turned away when I felt awkward.

The next time I looked back, the guy was gone.

After a while, Stiles was running over clumsily to the front door of the house, out of it and I saw him getting in the jeep.

He was about to drive off and the new girl sat next to me--and I finally learned her name, Allison. "You just get stranded too?"

I sighed, nodding. "Uh, maybe just a little."

She smiled, though she looked a little hurt and pissed. "I guess we could go try to catch them."

I shrugged, and we both got us got up and started for the door, and we made it outside just as Scott and Stiles left in seperate vehicles. "Allison," we heard from behind us, and she turned around, with me turning around a little slower. "I'm a friend of Scott's." She looked away and watched as Stiles and Scott drove away, and when we turned back, he was standing closer. "My name's Derek." He pointed over to his black car that I couldn't tell the model from here. "Would you like a ride?" 

Allison looked over at me with a sigh, then looked back at Derek. "Only if you can give her a ride too." 

I smiled a little at that, and Derek nodded, and I knew I recognized him because he'd been the guy who the dog had been barking at from behind me, then in the next second just disappeared. "Yeah. Sure. Come on." 

We both walked for the car, Allison getting in the backseat while I jumped in the front. 

Derek had a nice car, and I sighed out a big sigh as I looked out awkwardly out of the window while Derek drove. "Where to first?" 

I looked back at Allison for her to make the choice, and she shrugged. "My house?" 

"Your house it is," I said, and Derek gave me a questioning look. "Or mine." 

Derek had dropped Allison off first, and then me, and when Stiles got home, I instantly punched him in the chest. "First rule of dating a girl, don't ditch them at a party because it pisses any girl off, including your sister." 

"Sorry," Stiles said, shrugging, walking past me. "Can I seriously talk later, I'm, like, dead tired."

I shrugged. "Whatever. I could use a few hours to nap."

"Joke or not?"

"Not sure yet," I admitted as I walked into my room and shut the door.

Yeah, I actually did fall back asleep.

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