Acacia's POV: 5

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My eyes were still watery when Tatia tried speaking to me. The moment she uttered Zena's name, I broke down like a baby. Tatia rocked me back and forth, trying to shush me. The door creaked open and Cara walked up to me. I felt an object be placed in my mouth. I looked down and realized she had placed a pacifier in my mouth. I glared at her, but it quickly fell when I felt something be placed on my head. I looked up to see Nat attaching a bonnet to my head. And then Tatia had the nerve to tie a bib around my neck. I AM NOT A BABY!

"Better calm the baby down, Tia... she seems a bit fussy." Cara snickered.

"Screw all of you!" I yelled.

"We just wanted to make you laugh a little." Nat sighed and sat next to me. "What's wrong?" I began to tear up again.

"Cia, talk to us." Cara wrapped an arm around me.

"Why?" I clung onto Nat and began crying.

"Was it me?" Cara quietly whispered to Tatia.

I cried into my friend until I had no more tears left. I sluggishly went to the bathroom and freshened up. I couldn't cry my eyes out the entire day. I'll simply put it on my calendar to cry after school. I did my makeup and left my flabbergasted friends.

I didn't pay attention in any of my classes. My mind swirled with thoughts about why Zena would leave. I- we completed the three kisses stage. That left only one stage and... I felt light headed, so I had to hold onto the wall. I touched my head and could feel the sweat. I was burning up, so I quickly went to the bathroom.

I splashed water on my face to try and cool down. I wonder if I made myself sick after pinning for Zena. I then did something I never thought I'd do or will ever do again. I DRANK THE BLOODY TAP WATER! I was super dehydrated, so I had no choice. I drank that water and breathed a content sigh. I still felt sick, but I should at least push through the rest of my classes.

I exited the bathroom and walked down the halls. I then saw Zena round the corner. I stopped in happiness, sadness, and nervousness. I sighed and approached her, but she turned on her heel and tried to run away. I say tried to run away because she ran into a door. I speed walked to see her holding her forehead in pain.

I took her to the nurse's office where we began kissing. I knew I had to actually have a serious conversation with her, so I tried. Unfortunately, Zena decided it was better to run off then speak to me. I was about to chase her, but the dizziness returned. I grabbed onto the bed as I fell down.

The nurse saw and ran over to me. She helped guide me to the bed to sit down. I was given a damp cloth. What is going on with me? This doesn't feel like a normal sickness. I insisted I was fine since I really wanted to talk to Zena. The nurse was hesitant, but I didn't want to sit here and feel ill... I somehow knew it wouldn't just go away.

I swiftly left and asked a group of students if they had seen Zena. They pointed in the direction she had gone, so I followed down the halls. I coughed into my hand and noticed blood on it. My eyes widened in fear, but that fear was soon replaced by anger. What the hell was Eris doing here?! And why was she holding Zena's hand?! Zena is mine!

I managed to scream at Eris until she left. I took a deep breath since my chest felt heavy. Students began to gossip in the halls about Lara's presence in Croatia, which somehow coincided with Lara's daughter being here. I was totally confused and hoped the rumors weren't true.

I rolled my eyes when they fantasized about how dangerous Lara's child was. They feared her kid would murder us all. I thought it was a crock of shit since her child has been here for a while and had done nothing bad. Something tells me her child doesn't want any added attention, which I can relate to.

They began to harass Zena, so I defended her. I admit that Zena isn't just a witch, but she'd have to be part vampire to be Lara's child, right? So far I haven't seen her do any vampy things. I'll have to ask Tatia if Zena has been doing vampy things or if she can sense her species. I began to feel bile in my throat, so I quickly left.

I teleported to my room and threw up in the toilet. I kept puking and couldn't leave the room. I felt my hair be pulled back, so I peeked and saw Tatia looking at me with concern. I swiftly turned back to the toilet and continued vomiting. After I dumped out everything in my stomach, I slouched onto the ground. Tatia flushed the toilet and handed me some mouthwash. I thanked her and freshened my breath.

"Are you okay?" She picked me up and placed me on my bed.

"I feel so sick." I croaked out. "Everything hurts." I coughed and held my chest.

"Like emotional pain or-"

"Physical?" I gave her a confused look. "Which I don't know why." I coughed into my arm. Tatia's eyes widened at seeing blood.

"This isn't a simple cold." She looked terrified. "We need to find out what's going on."

"Okay." I tried to get up, but she pushed me down.

"I'll be doing research while you rest." I went to retort, but she gave me a look. I sighed and nodded. "Good. I'll ask Nat to look after you in the meantime." I nodded and closed my eyes.


I woke up early and couldn't stop thinking about Zena. I got up and did my morning routine. I still felt like shit, but my desire to see Zena was stronger. I tiptoed downstairs and ran into Cara. She gave me an amused look when I began begging for her not to wake Tatia. I bribed her with borrowing my shoes. She rolled her eyes and said she already raided my room. I had to take deep breaths, so I didn't yell and wake the others up.

I then squeezed my eyes shut and almost fell. Cara sped to catch me just before my head hit the island. She helped sit me down and was frightened. I dismissed her concerns and asked if she could make me tea. She immediately went to fix the drink while I held my throbbing head.

I dropped some healing oils into the tea and drank it. I felt a little better, but still sick. Cara wanted to say something, but I told her I had to go.

I then walked to Zena's dorm and debated knocking. I was about to knock, but the door opened. Hailey gave me an amused smirk while I blushed. She simply walked past me and smirked. I took that as an invitation to be in the room alone with Zena. Well, Zena was sound asleep, so I sat at her desk.

I felt my arm burning, so I pulled my sleeve up. My eyes widened at seeing the black veins. I quickly pulled it back down since I could hear Zena begin to stir. Zena screamed when she saw me. I merely rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her cute face.

"What are you doing here?!" She hissed. Damn, is she always this grumpy in the morning?

"I'm mad." I crossed my arms.

"And you decide to quietly sit in my room?!"

"Yeah. You were the first person I thought of to vent to." I fixed my hair in the mirror. "Now, get up! You're gonna be late to class."


I choked on my spit when Zena sat up. She sleeps with her shirt off, so I saw all her goods. And damn... it's making it really hard to keep my hands to myself. They're so perky and round and look succulent and-

"Damn, is that a preview or post?" Hailey swung the door open. "Don't be shy, Z." Hailey flicked her head. "Anyways, got you some food since I knew you'd be late after dealing with..." She nudged her head at me.

"Thanks... you can leave now." Hailey chuckled at Zena and then left.

"You're gonna be late if you don't get ready." I blushed and stared at the wall.


I hate to admit that I snuck a peek at Zena's half naked form. Blame the perfectly placed mirror and not my hormones! Zena closed the bathroom door and took her time getting ready. My eyes wandered across the room and settled on the stuffed animal on her bed. I walked over to her bed and made it since I have OCD. I then picked up the bunny and assessed it. I heard the door open and saw her staring at me. I quickly placed the bunny down and stepped back.

"His name is Thumper. My parents got him for me when I was a baby." Zena handed the bunny to me. "He's the most precious item I have."

"He's really cute." I smiled at her. "Are you alright with me holding him?"

"Yeah." My breath hitched when she rested her head on my shoulder. "You're actually the first person I've allowed to hold him." Tears lined my eyes at how special the opportunity was. "Why are you crying?" She giggled.

"I-I'm just honored." I shyly smiled and handed her stuffed bunny back to her. "We should get to class." I looked away to collect myself.

I interlocked our arms and guided her to our class. I ignored the curious stares of our peers and walked into Nico's class. Nico was shocked, but he then smirked and sent us a wink. Doesn't he have anything better to do than ship his student?!

I was paying attention until I felt my phone buzz. My heart dropped at Kai's text. He said Freja overheard mother speaking with some diplomats. She refused to choose a side in the war to appease Jethro's family. It's more like the choice is being held up until I allow Jethro to make me a woman. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. Kai also said that mother wants me to have sex with Jethro as soon as possible. It's either my happiness or my people's safety and as the next in line for the throne... I have to put my people before me. That's what makes a good ruler.

Zena tried asking me about what was troubling me. I didn't want to upset her by telling the truth. Well, that's a lie. It was more that I was scared to tell her the pressing union between Jethro and I was. I didn't know how's she take the news about me needing to sleep with the guy, especially since having sex with him could impact the future of my people.

Nico then came to us and asked for us to perform the spell. I wasn't paying attention, so I had no idea what the lesson was about. Miraculously and I mean miraculously because since when does Zena actually pay attention?! Her eyes are normally glued to my face and not to Nico's lesson. She performed the spell that allows us to illuminate light in our hands. As the light became brighter, it resembled a rainbow. How cu-

"Was the rainbow a way of coming out?" Nico whispered.

"Go away." I glared at him.

"Alright. Alright. You two get an A." He then left to help some other students.

He seriously will not stop until Zena and I announce we are dating. Nico caught my gaze and subtly held up a rainbow pride flag and a shirt that said Zena + Acacia. First off, why the hell is my name last?! It should be Acacia + Zena! What the hell Nico?! I'll find all his drag Queen wigs and rip them to shreds!

Zena then distracted me by asking about my elven culture. I immediately lit up and began to tell her about all my favorite things in my world. I felt the sickness inside me, but I hid it since I was talking to the person who I enjoyed most in the world. I fought through the dizziness and heat waves to see her smile at my words. My heart swooned when she said she wished to visit my realm one day. I will totally make that happen.

I ended up speaking about being betrothed to Jethro. I was surprised she knew his name, but she admitted that Tatia had told her. When did Tatia speak to Zena about him? I didn't want to end speaking to her so, I told her that my friends and I would sit with her at lunch.

I had sent my friends a text before we left, so they should be with Zena's friends. I slowly walked next to her since I felt like I'd pass out any second. I didn't pay attention to our peers and ordered a Chilean Sea Bass with a side of snow peas and other vegetables.

We went to Zena's friend's table and found them awkwardly staring at my friends. I ignored them and ate my food. I was just happy about being with Zena, so if my friends and her friends wanted to engage in a glaring contest, they could have at it. I just wanted to be around Zena, so I didn't care about the environment.

I felt incredibly ill, so I kind of tuned them out. They began arguing with each other, but then I received another text from Ka- Eris!

She wanted to inform me that mom was meeting with the dark elves. Why was she speaking to them? Based on Eris' text, she was worried about what they would be discussing. We didn't trust the dark elves' intentions and mom could be sus at times. Eris said she'd keep an eye and inform me if anything seemed off. Even though Eris and I "hate" each other, she's still my sister and we have a VERY complicated relationship.

I then heard whispers around the room. I looked up and saw Naomi, Harley, and Madison enter the room. I scoffed, but became pissed off when Naomi stared at Zena. Why does she- WHAT THE FUCK?! SHE'S WALKING OVER TO MY ZENA!

The bell rang, resulting in Zena darting out the room. What's up with her? Naomi ran after my girl! What the fuck? She's mine! Nat tried to ask me something, but I ran after them. I ignored the throbbing in my chest since Zena was the only thing on my mind. I wanted to make sure she was okay since she looked flustered by Naomi.

Naomi was in front of Zena, so I did magic to knock her down. I stomped over to them and glared at the succubi.

"Leave my girlfriend alone." I said through gritted teeth. I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries with Zena.

"Girlfriend?" Naomi scoffed. "Since when?"


"None of your business, whore!" I shoved Naomi away from Zena.

"Okay, submissive princess." Naomi shoved me back.


"Racist family!"

"They're not- ugh!" I then conjured up a sword.

"Woah! Calm down!" Zena stepped in between us. "Acacia dismiss the weapon! Naomi, cool it." She sternly said.

"How do you know her?" I asked Zena.


"She's my ex, princess." My jaw dropped at the revelation. "And she's my mate, so back the FUCK off!" Naomi yanked Zena behind her.

"Well, her and I are bonded so go FUCK yourself, skank!" I used magic to push Naomi away from Zena. I then pulled her towards me.

"She's mine!" Naomi grabbed Zena's right arm.

"No! She's mine!" I tugged on Zena's left arm. "Let her go!"

"No! You let her go!" Naomi countered.

"You guys are hurting me!"

"SHUT UP!" We yelled at our mate.

The headmistress had to break us up and drag us to their office. We were forced to sit in a chair, resulting in Naomi and I glaring at each other. I was shaking in anger, so I couldn't control myself. I do have a short temper.

"How dare you touch her, you whore?!" I yelled at the succubi.

"Back off, bitch!" Naomi yelled back. "She's my mate!"

"No! She's mine!" I yelled over Zena.

"Why don't you just leave... she'll never love you the way she loves me." Naomi smirked at me.

"Wanna bet?!" My hands formed into fists.

"We have history together. You really think her feelings for you are that deep? You've only known each other for like a week-"

"A month." Zena corrected.

"Same thing." Naomi glanced at the girl we were fighting over. "Unlike you... I've had a taste of her body." Naomi licked the air.

"Oh, so she's just flesh you consume?" I scrunched my face in disgust. Zena is a person, not an object!

"That's not what I meant, virgin! Ya because she really wants to be dating a virgin who can only have sex with her when Zena's ready for marriage." Naomi growled.

"Exactly because that's the worst thing. Me being a virgin and my customs?! I'm sure she rather be with a virgin than a bed hopping slu-"

Naomi and I stood up and began fighting each other. The headmistresses tried to intervene, but we were on a roll. I had Naomi cornered and was about to cut her with my blade, but Zena stepped in front and grabbed the weapon. My eyes widened at seeing her hiss in pain. She dropped the blade and revealed her singed hand.

"The blade burnt you." My sword had a silver blade. "It only burns vampires." I quietly said.


Headmistress Francesca interrupted us and began to dole out punishments. Naomi and I were kicked out the room and threatened that our parents would be contacted if we ever did this again. We nodded and submissively left Zena alone.

The entire walk back to my room, I could only think about Zena. I remembered her catching the blade and then it burning her. And then when she saved me from drowning her eyes were yellow. I thought she was part wolf, but I was wrong. I guess she was part vampire this entire time. What confuses me is her yellow eyes that only wolves have.

Tatia is half witch, half vampire, but her eyes become red, not yellow. Maybe it was my carbon dioxide filled head that made me see her red eyes as yellow. That would be the only logical explanation. I shrugged and continued walking towards the dorm, where I collapsed outside the door. Luckily Nat was arriving home, so she ran and helped me up.

She assisted me to the couch and laid me down. I think I overexerted myself by fighting Naomi. Nat began to ask me questions, but I blacked out. 

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