I had just finished my music theory class. Hailey looked like she had died of boredom the entire time. Xav, Inara, and I ignored her. We excitedly chatted about Mozart and Beethoven. Hailey had interrupted the conversation to say she found Beethoven to be a funny movie. I was so confused when she began speaking about a dog movie.
Xav and I were going in the same direction, so she walked me to spell class. I was bouncing with excitement, causing Xav to laugh. She placed her arm around me to prevent me from jumping into the ceiling. I blushed when I realized her arm was securely wrapped around my shoulders. She led me through the halls and pointed at the door. I shyly thanked her and ran into the room.
I stiffened when I entered the room. All eyes were on me. Right, everyone was here now so they definitely realized I was a transfer. The teacher had me introduce myself.
"Hi. I'm Zena." I gave an awkward wave.
"You're hot!" A guy yelled, causing me to blush.
"You know what they say about perverted men?" The teacher held his pointer finger and thumb close together, simulating the boy's small dick. The boy blushed as the class laughed at him. "The name is Nico and you can count on me to have your back." I smiled when he winked at me. "Choose any desk, Zena!"
I nodded and chose a bench that was empty, so I wouldn't be disturbing anyone. I sat on the stool and began scrolling through my texts. Vera and Ellio were wondering if I could visit them sometime soon. I really wanted to, but I was concerned about Vera's health. Vera was sad, but she understood the precaution. I was about to text Ellio, but the slamming of books startled me. I jumped and looked at an irritated face before me.
I was in shock at the goddess before me. Her brows were furrowed in anger as her blue eyes burned through me. Her blond hair cascaded over her shoulder as her lips fell into a scowl. The girl before me sucked the air out my lungs. It seemed the longer I stared at her, the angrier she got. I then realized her mouth was moving, so she was obviously saying something.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"So you do speak English!" She had an English accent. "Are you mentally challenged, so your responses are delayed?!" I couldn't form any words, so my mouth was gaping open like a fish. "Jeez, you really are retarded." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I said for you to scram." She snapped her fingers and pointed to another desk. The geeky boy gave me a nervous smile and awkwardly waved.
"I'm sorry?"
"You're in our spot." She motioned between herself and another girl behind her.
"S-Sorry." I began to pack up my belongings, but the teacher stopped me.
"I'm actually gonna have fun and assign partners." Nico deviously smiled. "And since you're getting along so well, you two will be partners. Tatia, go with Daryl." He pointed at the geeky boy.
"I don't want to be with that loser!"
"Either you go with him or you'll have to find yourself another class, sweetie." He snapped and twirled around.
"It's fine, Tatia. We'll both just have to put up with this unexpected change of events." The blond beauty gritted through her teeth.
Tatia nodded and left to be with her new partner. The hot blond sat on the stool next to me. She was still visibly angry, based on her brow twitching every so often. I was peering at her through my peripheral because she was so gorgeous. She must've felt my gaze because her head snapped in my direction. I jumped and swiftly turned my head. I'm sure a blush was coating my cheeks while I stared at the desk. I could still feel the heat from her gaze.
When I felt her remove her gaze, I peeked in her direction. She appeared bored as she listened to the teacher lecture about the current spell. I noticed she was playing with the pendant on her necklace. I tilted my head to get a better view of it. It looked like silver wings in an intricate design. It was beautiful, especially when the diamonds glinted from the light.
She felt my gaze, so she glared at me. I quickly tilted my head up to stare at the ceiling. I heard her sigh and shake her head. I saw her staring at me in confusion.
"Now!" I flinched at the teacher. "Perform the spell." He began walking around.
I looked around to observe the other students since I had no idea what he had been teaching. Unfortunately, the students around me weren't able to properly perform the spell. I craned my neck to see the spell another student scribbled on a piece of paper. It seems like a cross between transfiguration and liquefying objects. Huh, what are we supposed to-
"You have no idea what we're supposed to be doing." The blond more stated than asked. I turned to see her annoyed expression. "We're partners..." She bitterly spoke. "That means that my grade also depends on how well you do in this class." She then moved close to me. "That means you better focus on the lecture and not my face in the future." I gulped and blushed at her directness. "Now, pay attention." She smirked and moved back.
I was in awe as I watched her remove her silver watch. She placed it on the table and began performing the spell. It was amazing to watch her levitate the watch and begin to melt it. She smiled as she played with the silver liquid in the air. I reached out to touch it, causing her to slap my hand away. When she did that, she lost control, causing the liquid to splash onto the teacher's shoes.
Her eyes widened in horror. Nico shook his head at the girl. He took out his red pen and wrote a B on the slip of paper. I saw that paper had both our names on it: Acacia and Zena. How do you pronounce her name? Is it like ah/say/see/ uh or like ay/cuh/cee/ah or- I stopped when I noticed her watching me struggle to pronounce her name.
"Are you having a stroke or something?" She rolled her eyes.
Nico giggled and walked to the next group. My partner harshly gripped the paper, crumbling the slip. She then turned to me with a newfound hate. She abruptly stood up and exited the room. I was confused about what to do.
"Nice going." I turned to see Tatia hissing at me. "She never gets less than an A." She dismissed me with her hand.
I felt bad since I was the reason she lost focus. I stood up and approached the teacher's desk. He kindly smiled at me and motioned for me to speak.
"Umm... it was my fault she lost focus. Is there anyway I can get our grade up?" I scratched my head.
"Hmmm...." Nico leaned back in the chair. "The silver liquid is probably hardened right now." He pointed at the solid on the floor. "It's also hard to manipulate an object when its properties are scattered around, so..." He motioned to the different silver solids around the room. "If you can do a spell that combines the silver and then form it back into a watch... you can get an A!" He smiled.
"You like to push students." He smiled and nodded at me. "Okay, I'll give it a go."
I approached where the most silver solid had accumulated. I knelt down and touched the mass. The teacher leaned forwards to watch me. I then closed my eyes and focused on feeling the silver masses around the room. I sighed and opened my eyes. I then silently performed a spell my maman had taught me. I smiled when the silver liquified and then flowed into a ball.
I stood up and allowed the silver ball to levitate to eye level. I tilted my head to the side and tried to remember how her watch originally looked. It was a stunning silver omega. I smiled when I sculpted it into the actual design. I allowed the watch to drop into my hands. I pushed my hands out so the teacher could see it. He began clapping. I flinched when I heard the entire class clapping. I didn't realize I had an audience.
I blushed and scratched the back of my head. Nico smiled and wrote an A on a piece of paper. He smiled and then approached another group. The bell then rang. I packed up my stuff and saw that Tatia was about to leave. I quickly walked over to her. She crossed her arms in annoyance since I blocked her pathway.
"Sorry." I mumbled. "Just... could you give this to... I never caught her name, actually." I rubbed the back of my neck. "And tell her that we got an A?" I handed Tatia the watch and piece of paper.
"We'll see." She then harshly brushed my shoulder.
I rubbed my shoulder while watching her leave. I saw the teacher watching with an amused smile. He shook his head and went back to reading a book. I left with the rest of the students and made my way to the lunch room.
What are your initial thoughts on the new blond? Think Acacia and Z will ever get along?
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