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I was dancing around the kitchen as I prepared the pasta. I shrieked when I saw Acacia watching me with a humored expression. I blushed and saw her sensually approach me. Acacia reached over me to turn the stove off. She then pushed me against the wall and began to attack my lips.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her closer. Her lips were so intoxicating that I could feel my energy draining. I kissed her back with the same amount of passion, which made me suddenly feel ill. This was weird. Why was I feeling sick? Acacia pulled away to trail kisses up my neck.

At this point, I had to grab onto her arms since I was weak in the knees. This wasn't the usual state I'd be put under from her kisses. Something was gravely wrong. Acacia reattached her lips to mine and began exploring my mouth with her tongue. I could feel my eyes hooding over and my limbs becoming limp. Acacia soon had to hold me up, so I wouldn't fall to the ground. She opened her eyes and studied me in confusion. Her eyes then widened in fear.

"Pupu! What's wrong?!" She carried me to her room. "Please, tell me." She placed me on her bed.

I couldn't speak since my motor skills weren't working. I began to violently cough up black tar. Acacia screamed and left to find a towel and bucket. She propped me up so I could cough into the bucket while she dabbed away the tar.

"Z, what happened?" She began to cry. "I want to help you, please."

"Something wrong?"

I used all my energy to look at the door. Eris stood in all her glory while observing us. Acacia gritted her teeth and was about to give Eris a piece of her mind, but I began to violently shake. Acacia had to forgo an argument with Eris to steady me.

"What did you do to her?!" Acacia shouted at her sister.

"More like what you did to her." Eris smirked and approached Acacia's dresser.

"What are you talking ab-"

"Did you use any of these lip glosses today?" Eris pointed at the collection on the dresser.

"What does-"

"I may have swapped your regular glosses for a one that has Wolfsbane infused into it." Acacia and my eyes widened. "Wolfsbane is poisonous to wolves and by all the hickeys on Zena's neck... something tells me you suffocated her with Wolfsbane."

"How do I get rid of it?!" Acacia began to give me CPR. "She's dying, Eris! Help me!" Acacia begged her sister to help, but Eris simply stood. "Why would you do this?!"

"It wasn't my plan." Eris mumbled and averted her eyes.

"What do you-"

"Hello, Acacia." I recognized the voice to be Acacia's mother. "It's time you return home."

"Did you do this to her?!" Acacia yelled at her mom. "How dare-" Acacia was silenced by her mother's backhand.

"I told you to stop this stupid farce, yet you refused. This is what happens..." She gestured to me turning blue from lack of oxygen.

"NO!" Acacia gripped my hand and tried to do different healing spells. "Why isn't she healing?!"

"Because you need an antidote. Not just simple healing spells." Her mom laughed and dragged her away.

Acacia was kicking and screaming, so Yulia and Draco entered. Her siblings helped to handle her and drag her from the room. I locked eyes with Eris as I could feel my throat closing up. Eris glanced out the door before throwing a small vial onto the bed. She then jumped when her mother called for her. Eris gave me an encouraging smile before leaving.

I tried to reach for the vial, but it was out of my reach. I kept straining myself, but I couldn't reach it. I gave up and accepted my fate. I closed my eyes and thought of Acacia. My biggest regret is that I didn't get to spend as much time as I could've with her. Acacia, you're my real love! I want you-

"Please don't tell me you're doing the whole dying montage in your head." I opened my eyes to see Kiki prying my mouth open. "Save that for when Lilitu puts you on your death bed, not because you ingested a stupid flower." She then poured the liquid down my throat.

The moment I swallowed the liquid, I sat up with a start. Kiki had to hit my back to aid in my coughing fit. I took a deep breath before standing up. I tried to run out the room, but my legs betrayed me. I fell, so Kiki sped to catch me. She placed me back on the bed.

"Easy there. You need to rest after putting your body through that trauma." She propped up the pillows.

"But Acacia." I rasped out. "She-"

"Will still be waiting for you, so you can spare a few hours-"

"They took her." My eyes teared up.

"Demons?" She asked in confusion.

"Her family." Kiki was beyond confused. "Her mother had me poisoned, so they could take her back to their realm. Eris placed the vial on the bed before they left." I took Kiki by surprise and hugged her. "They took my mate!" I cried into her. "I need her back!"

"And you'll get her back, but you'll need to rest up. I think they used a pocket portal to return to their realm, so we'd have to acquire one or go through the portal." Kiki then scratched her head. "Unfortunately, that'll have to wait since we're overdue for training." She sighed.

"I can't train in this condition. My mind is all over the place. I'd have to calm myself before-"

"That's perfect!" I furrowed my brows at her. "I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."

"What?!" I was literally crying over my wife being taken from me and Kiki has the audacity to-

"There is this girl in the human realm and I kinda like her." Kiki blushed and averted her eyes. "Anyways, I want to know if she actually likes me, so I'm-"

"Gonna make her jealous?" Kiki rapidly nodded at my question. "That doesn't sound like the smartest idea." I wearily spoke.

"Hey, you owe me."

"For what?!"

"For saving your life." She smugly held up the vial. "You are in debt to me and you'll be relieved of your debt by pretending to be my girlfriend."

"Ken will kill us if she knows we're wasting time by-"

"Not wasting time! And I lied and said that you were waiting for her in the training room." Wait, what?! "So let's go!"

I immediately told her no, but Kiki shrugged and picked me up. I was already so weak, so I couldn't put up much resistance. I glared and settled on kicking and hitting her back, but she kept carrying me somewhere. I squealed when Kiki shot into the air and began flying towards an unknown destination. After what felt like an eternity, she placed me down.

"Acacia is gonna kill me if she finds out I'm fake dating you." I groaned.

"Then don't tell her." Kiki stated. "What do you think?" She then did a spell to make us wear lovely gowns.

"Gorgeous, but why am I pretending to be your girlfriend again?"

"I like this girl, but she's so shy. I can't get a gauge on if she blushed because she likes me or if it's from shyness. I'm gonna make it seem like we're dating and make her jealous." This was a stupid plan.

"I don't think that's the smartest idea." Kiki rolled her eyes at me. "What If she gets hurt?"

"She won't." She shushed me and told the bouncer to let us inside.

"And shouldn't I be training with Ken right now? She's gonna be fuming mad when she discovers I ditched her to attend a party."

"Not a party, but- shit! She's over there." Kiki then grabbed me and made it look like we were slow dancing. "Ahh! She's so beautiful and I look like a toad compared to her." She rambled.

"Is that her?" I craned my neck over Kiki's shoulder. "She's really pretty- owie! Why are you dragging me away?"

"You can't be complimenting the girl who I'm trying to make jealous." She hissed.

"Chill, it's not like she can hear me. She's human." I shrugged.

"Whatever..." She paused. "Is she coming over here?"

Kiki looked way too happy for this. I rolled my eyes and nodded. Kiki began speaking to me about property that she bought, clearly wanting the girl to hear her. The pretty girl then tapped Kiki's shoulder, making Kiki act like she didn't notice her before.

"Hey! I didn't know you'd be here." Kiki's acting was atrocious. I rolled my eyes and noticed the girl sneaking glances at me. I decided to break the ice.

"Hi, I'm Zena." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Addison." She genuinely smiled back. Aww, she's really nice. Kiki really has the nerve to be making this girl jealous? "And my family got an invitation to attend. Mama was trying not to let me go, but the host was adamant I attend." She awkwardly rubbed her hands.


"Well, I'm happy you were pressured into coming." Kiki smiled.

"So... you're the famous Zena." Addison addressed me. Kiki and my brows creased in confusion. "Kiki talks a lot about you." She sadly smiled.

"You call her Kiki too?" I smiled while she was shocked.

"Ya." Her smile got even sadder. "I didn't realize other people used that nickname- umm... I should probably get going-"

"Seriously?!" I choked on my spit at the irritated voice behind us. We turned to see Ken. "You really took her here?" She glared at Kiki. "We were supposed to be together and you just-"

"Sorry." Our attention was brought back to Addison. "I didn't mean to intrude on your relationships or..." She awkwardly looked away. "It seems like you should have privacy to explain things to your girlfriends."

"Addy, wait." Unfortunately, Addison continued walking away. "Now, look what you did." Kiki glared at Ken. "She thinks I'm a player!"

"Well, you were trying to pose me as your girlfriend." I shrugged.

"And now I appear like an innocent girl you screwed over." Ken chuckled. "Let's go." She grabbed Kiki's hand and dragged her out the party. I snuck a glance to see Addison watching the whole exchange. She then wiped the tears from her eyes and turned around. Kiki really screwed up here. 

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