The rest of the school day was uneventful. Hailey and I finally came back to our room. I was exhausted even though it was a light day. I flopped onto my bed, causing Hailey to laugh. I ignored her and turned my back to her. She decided to jump on top of me. I squealed and tried to push her off, but she refused to budge. I huffed and gave up so that she was lying on my back.
"Did you enjoy your first day, biquette?"
"Yeah!" I enthusiastically said. "I was so worried, but it turned out really great!" I smiled.
"I'm happy."
"Thanks for coming." She rolled off me. I saw her brows furrow. "I know you don't like the idea of having to go to school, but-"
"Hey! We're getting through this together, so if I have to attend school...." She took a deep breath. "Then I'm more than happy to attend school and not go on yachts, have my scheduled mani/ pedis, and-" I shoved Hailey off the bed. "You're evil!" She yelled from the floor.
"Quit acting like school is so intense... oh, I'm sorry. You're used to counting sticks, right?" I smirked.
"No! We counted stones back in the day." We laughed at her joke.
"I miss my friends though, Hails." I pouted.
"Don't pout, biquette." She got in the bed and wrapped her arms around me. "You'll be able to see them whenever. All you have to do is make a portal and-"
"But I'm a risk to them." I looked down.
"Yeah, that's true." I furrowed my brows and looked at Hailey. "If you're around Vera, you can kill her with your sadness." She smirked while I rolled my eyes. "Your depression will infect her to the point that it could kill her." She snapped her fingers. "You're like an infection to her." I rolled my eyes. "Like a drug that's begging the addict to overdose." I slapped her arm. "You're like a cancer to your friendship with- OW!" I shoved Hailey off the bed again.
"And you're like a gnat that refuses to go away." I peered down at her.
"Then I'm doing my job." She took me by surprise and jumped on top of me.
Before I could scream, she clamped her hand over my mouth. I glared at her. She smirked and pinned my arms above my head. She leaned down until our faces were close together. She wanted me to be flustered, but I'm gonna take her off guard. I wrapped my legs around her waist and then flung us onto the floor. Hailey's eyes widened when we crashed onto the ground.
I tried to stand up, but Hailey dragged me back down. I yelped and fell onto the floor again. I began flapping around while Hailey tried to apprehend me. My limbs loudly hit against the walls and furniture. Hailey had my face pressed into the carpet. She had my arm behind my back and was applying pressure.
"Yield." She purred into my ear.
"Not today, satan!" I then flung her into the wall.
She loudly banged against the wall. She then sped to me, but I beat her to it. I shoved her away, but she grabbed onto my arms. My eyes widened when we crashed against the dresser. Then, we accidentally overturned the furniture. Hailey then jumped over me and lightly kicked me into the mirror. The glass shards broke and clattered onto the floor. I was about to pounce on Hailey, but a knocking on the door interrupted us.
Hailey and I looked at each other in confusion. She then walked over and opened the door. On the other side stood a bunch of girls. Their mouths were wide open as they observed the state of our room. I was confused why they were in shock, so I decided to detect their emotions to get a gauge- THEY THINK HAILEY AND I HAD WILD SEX!
"It's not-"
"Sorry we were loud." Hailey smirked at me. "We just get so passionate sometimes." I glared daggers at her. Omg! Our messy hair isn't helping either!
"Yeah... ummm... gotcha." The leader spoke. "You guys can head back to your rooms, now." She dismissed the crowd. "I'm Natalie." She shook our hands.
"Zena." I pointed to myself. "Hailey." I pointed at my annoying guardian. "We were not-"
"I don't judge." Natalie laughed. "You sure are a wild one, aren't you?" She moved a strand of hair out my face. I was blushing brighter than a tomato right now. "So new girl... where are you from?" She bit her lip and checked me out.
"Umm... I-Ital- Hailey!" My voice cracked.
"We're from Italy." Hailey chuckled. "You'll have to go easy on her, seductress. She's a neophyte." Hailey walked to her side of the room.
"I love the inexperienced." Natalie purred. "I can show you around." I didn't know if her words had a double meaning to them. "I'll go easy on you just this once... since you're new flesh." She ran a finger along my arm. "I'm the RA for this dorm, so call me if you need anything." She twirled around and began walking away. "And I mean anything." She spoke over her shoulder.
"Well, my love." I rolled my eyes at Hailey's voice. "Shall we go to dinner?" I nodded my head and went to leave, but Hailey grabbed my wrist. "Actually, you could be my dinner." She smirked, so I shoved her down.
I heard her laughter as I left the room. She quickly sped to walk in stride with me. We entered the lunch hall and sat with Inara and her group. Hailey had actually brought me my food, so I didn't have to get up. I spent most of the time questioning the group about being mermaids, hellhounds, and banshees. Unfortunately, my knowledge was limited to the little mermaid and Teen Wolf.
Lizzie explained that she felt drawn to dead bodies or when someone was destined to die. It scared her to death the first time she found a dead body. This school is (supposedly) helping her to the point that she can warn the victims before they die. She enjoyed saving people rather than finding their already deceased bodies.
Jordan and Cameron revealed there were cousins. They explained that hellhounds could burst into flames at will. They were also pyro and thermokinetic. Their real roles were to ensure the safety of supernaturals from the human world. Hailey made a comment about them being guard dogs, causing them to growl. We all laughed at their offense.
Xavina was able to properly tell me where she's from. Inara and her are from Atlantis! How cool is that?! Their parents wanted them to experience life on land, so that's why the two are here. They visit the ocean everyday and talk to fish! That's literally so cool!
"Why's that table empty?" Hailey pointed to a table in the middle of the room.
"That's where the royal bitches sit." Inara slapped Jordan upside the head.
"Most of them are still on holiday, so that's why the table is empty." Lizzie explained.
"That table over there." Cam pointed at a table with 3 attractive people. "They're enemies with the royal bitches." Inara threw a roll at his head. "The rest of their friends are still on Holiday."
"Why are they enemies?" I inquired.
"They just never got along for some reason. One is an uptight princess and the other is a laid back player. The rumor is that they dated-"
"Not true because the bitchy princess wouldn't be caught dead kissing a girl." Cam chuckled.
"Who's the leader at the rebel table?" I craned my neck.
"She's not here yet." Xavina laughed. "They're all still on holiday. Perhaps, you'll see them next week." She shrugged.
"It's really weird because the leader at that table..." Lizzie pointed to the one with 3 people. "She left like 3 years ago and then returned last semester." She stated. "I wonder what caused her to come back?" She mused.
"Who knows?" Inara shrugged.
Any ideas who the leader at the rebel table could be????
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