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I felt a hand softly rub my back. I stirred awake and met the smiling face of Acacia. She moved back so I could sit up. I felt absolutely drained, like I could sleep for an eternity. Acacia turned to the dresser and handed me some soup. I gratefully smiled at her and slowly ate the meal.

"How did we get here?" I noticed I was in my Italian bedroom.

"Millie took you back to this house. I think they're planning on interrogating Kikimora." Acacia explained. "How are you feeling?"

"Really tired." I yawned.

"You should go back to sleep." She removed the bowl from my hands.

"Maybe I-" I then heard the slapping of skin downstairs, followed by a maniacal laugh. "On second thought, can we go see this interrogation? I doubt it's just my mu- Millie and someone else." Acacia crossed her arms and pointed at my bed. "I'll go to bed after. I promise." I cheekily smiled.

"Fine." She huffed and stood up. "Come on." She held her hand out.

We entered the room to see my maman slapping Kikimora across the face. Kikimora made a comment of liking my maman when she's rough with her. That resulted in my mum plunging her hand through Kikimora's chest. My maman had to pry my mum's hands off Kikimora's heart. Kikimora laughed like a madwoman when my mum refused to release the heart in her hands.

Ken face palmed herself while Nyx smirked. Nyx was enjoying my mum harassing Kikimora. When they sensed Acacia and I, they turned. My mum immediately released the heart and took a step backwards.

"Answer us!" My maman held Kikimora's neck.

"I'll only answer if you leave those two in the room." She motioned between Ken and me.

My maman went to protest, but my mum held her back. They reluctantly nodded and left with Nyx and Acacia. Kikimora settled back into her chained seat.

"You look like Slim Shady in the mental asylum." Ken laughed and looked at me. I rose a brow in confusion. "You know... because he had a straitjacket in the music video and she looks like- never mind." She turned to face Kikimora.

"I'd more say she looks like Hannibal with the face covering." I pointed at her mouth.

"So you know about Hannibal, but not Eminem?!" I shrugged at her shock. "Who's been teaching you about pop cultures because they're obviously NOT doing a great job!"

"Hey, it is what it is...Wil...l" I smirked while she rolled her eyes. "This is my design." Ken shoved me.

"Why don't you showcase your powers more often?" Kikimora smirked at me.

"You act like I enjoy hurting others." I mumbled and sat on the ground.

"You should... it'd strengthen your demon." She replied.

"What do you want?" Ken cut in.

"To be set free, of course." Kikimora wiggled around in her chains. "It's incredibly tight."

"Should be tighter." Ken grumbled. "Now that you have us alone, what do you want?"

"I want to broker a deal with you."

"A deal?" I quietly asked. Kikimora nodded and began to speak.

"I'll assist you in the war against the dark Queen if you pull back the army in the three districts of Hel." Before Ken could respond, the doors were thrown open.

"Hell NO!" My maman and Nyx stated.

"And I also want political protection and gain in the human realm." Kikimora chuckled when Nyx tried to murder her.

"We don't have much choice." My mum whispered to her wife. 'We need her help."

"Not at the cost of our military presence!" Nyx stated.

"And I want some traction in the elven regimes." I literally had to grab Acacia since she was about to swing her sword at Kikimora. "What do you say? Deal?" I saw her conjure up a golden contract. "Sign at the bottom." She demonically smiled.

"Fine." Ken sighed. She picked up the floating pen and was about to sign her name.

"Hold up!"

I grabbed the pen out of Ken's hands. I then grabbed the floating contract and ripped it in half. Everyone's eyes widened at my actions. I crumbled the papers and then tossed it at Kikimora's face.

"There's absolutely no dealing with the devil here. You need our help, so that Lilitu doesn't overthrow your kingdom. You no damn well that if she wins, she won't peacefully rule with you. She'll kill you. So you either help us or we won't do anything to preserve the demons in your realm. How's that for a deal?" Her eye twitched. "Oh, and you need to help us track down my friends."

"Friend?" I nodded. "Name?"

"Naomi and-"

"As in the succubi Naomi?" I nodded. "What the fuck happened to her?!"

"She was taken by demons... your kind." Nyx stated.

"Well, why didn't you start with that?!" Kikimora began to get upset. "Where'd they take her?"

"That's where you come into this, devil." Acacia crossed her arms. "They took Nat and-"

"Nat as in Natalie the devil?" Acacia nodded at Kikimora. "Why the hell are they getting snatched up?!"

"We believe Lilitu needs people drafted into her army, so she's taking any demon she can find." My maman said.

"Would she bring them to the Dark Realm right away?" My mum questioned.

"With the barriers all screwed up..." Kikimora glared at Ken. "They have to pass through the different barriers that open up. Yes, they'll be going to the Dark Realm, but their journey may take longer than normal."

"Which is good for us since we'll have more time to find them." I smiled.

"Yes, I'll take the two princesses and that's it." Kikimora stated. We were all confused.

"Technically, we're all princesses." Nyx stated. Acacia looked at me in confusion. Right, she has no idea who I really am.

"I'll take Kennedy and Zena. I won't take-"

"HELL NO!" Acacia cut her off. "I'm going, so that I can watch your wandering hands." She literally poked Kikimora in the eye. "Zena isn't going anywhere without me." She said through gritted teeth.

"And I'm going with Ken. I don't trust you." Nyx narrowed her eyes at Kikimora.

"Fine. I don't have time for-"

"Hey guys! I brought pizza!"

Hailey walked into the room with several boxes of margarita pizza. My parents were about to dismiss her, but I was so hungry. I sped to Hailey and began devouring the pizza. She laughed and touched her pizza slice to mine. We then happily ate, completely oblivious to the looks of disbelief aimed at us. Hailey and I quickly felt the tension, so we turned to the people looking at us in utter annoyance. Whoops...

"Hailey, go with them." My maman stated.

"WHAT?!" We all said.

"I'm sure Z is a big girl and can handle a little mission like this. Aren't you, Z?" She pinched my cheeks, so I swatted her hand away. "Plus, we've got a tip about the gate for the vamp realm. You'll need me there with you." My maman reluctantly nodded.

"So when can we leave?" Kikimora smiled.

"After pizza and cannolis!" I exclaimed. 

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