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Naomi managed to convince me to go on a date with her. It was more like her asking and me rejecting her, but she refused to leave me alone. I was too distracted about what I learned about my maman to realize Naomi had teleported us away. I quickly looked around, but Naomi dragged me into a little shop. I wanted to protest, but the clay was calling my name.

I ran away from Naomi and sat at a table. I grabbed a lump of clay and started sculpting away. I was happily enjoying making a vase when Naomi decided to make things awkward. I watched her speak to the owner in Croatian. I didn't know she was fluent in Croatian, but that's another thing noted.

I quickly relaxed when she smiled at the owner. The song switched to something else with a higher bass. I glanced at the tv screen to see the song was called Slumber Party by Ashnikko? I had no clue what the song was about, but there was an evil glint in Naomi's eye. Why was she- oh my God?! What is this song?!

Naomi slapped the clay onto the spinning table. She quietly sang along while making intense eye contact with me. She bit her lip while pushing her hands against the clay. She allowed it to spin until it was a mound. She then sang I gave your girlfriend cunnilingus on the couch while pressing two fingers deep into the clay. I gulped while she smirked. A hole was created in the mound. She then dragged her fingers painfully slow up the walls of the clay while singing she cute, kawaii, hentai boobies, that excites me. She then bit her lip and winked while forming the words I think she really likes me, asked politely, can I (woo-hoo).

I spazzed out and accidentally kicked the device in front of me. Naomi squeaked when the clay went flying into her hair. Naomi tried to get the sticky material out her hair, but it began to quickly dry. Shit! I got up and tried to help her, but it had dried in her hair. Whoopsies. Naomi glared and got up to find a mirror.

I saw the staffers loudly laughing at me. I groaned and went to find Naomi. Where'd she go? She exited the bathroom with her hair drenched. Well, good thing she's naturally hot hehe. Her glare made me whimper under her. She rolled her eyes and dragged me out the shop. But my pottery...


I groaned outside witchcraft class. I wasn't in the mood to receive Acacia's special glares that she reserved for me. I glanced at the clock and realized I didn't have any more time to delay my arrival. I sighed and walked inside. I kept my eyes lowered, so I didn't have to see Acacia's angry eyes. I sat down and rested my face against my fist. This is gonna be a long day.

Nico entered and began to give the lesson of the day. He's really making us turn water into wine. My annoyance must've been on my face since he winked at me. I rolled my eyes and took out a paper to doodle on. I thought about something that's make me happy... murdering Hailey. I smiled and drew a cartoon version of Hailey getting stabbed in the heart by a stake. I chuckled when I made a caption that said: Help me! Help me! Biquette is trying to stab me!

"You really have violent urges?" I flinched and hit my knee against the desk. I whimpered at the pain while Acacia eyed me in total confusion. "And you're clumsy. A clumsy person with a knife isn't the safest thing." She pointed at my drawing.

"What are you doing here?" She immediately gave me an offended face. "I mean you kinda ditched me last time, so I thought-"

"Well, you thought wrong." She sharply spoke. "We're partners again, so help me do the spell." She shoved the water towards me. "Do it." She impatiently demanded.

"Why don't you do it first since you're better at magic." I moved it back to her.

"Are you mocking me?!" My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head no. "Then why don't you do it?" She aggressively pushed the water towards me. She pushed the glass too hard, so the water splashed us. "Ugh! You can't do anything right!" She exclaimed, causing the class to stare at us.

"Is there a problem here?" Nico kindly asked.

"Yes! I can't work with her!"

"But you're the one who left her... and then came back to her... and now you're leaving again?" Nico smirked.

"I don't have time for your sass." She seethed at Nico. "I refuse to work with her!"

"Last time I checked, she wasn't begging for you to work with her." Nico winked at me.

"Clearly, you have favorites." Acacia huffed and crossed her arms.

"Obviously since he allows you to be so disrespectful." I mumbled, but Acacia heard it.

"See what I mean?!"

"I'll gladly switch with her again." Daryl said and sat next to me.

"No! She's my partner, loser!" She shoved Daryl off the chair. Daryl yelped and fell to the ground.

"Now that was crossing the line, Acacia." Nico's eyes narrowed. "I'll have to punish you for harassing a student."

"It's her fault for aggravating me." Acacia pointed at me. What the hell did I do?!

"Fine, you two stay after class for detention." Nico smiled and left us.

"See what you did?!" I groaned and tuned Acacia out. "If you would've just done the spell, none of this would've happened!" I placed my face on the desk and loudly groaned. Detention is gonna feel like an eternity if I have to put up with her whining.

Acacia eventually quieted down and attempted to perform the spell. I lifted my head when I heard her curse. I saw that she still hadn't changed the water into wine, which was weird. This wasn't that complicated of a spell, but Acacia was having trouble with it. Acacia was truly a talented mage, so there had to be something else blocking her concentration.

I sighed and pulled the quarter filled glass closer to me. Acacia glared at me, but I ignored her. I looked around and saw no one was looking at us. I then did a spell to increase the volume of water. Acacia eyes nearly bulged out. I brought my finger to my lips to simulate us keeping that a secret. I then slowly spoke the words, so Acacia could hear how they were properly enunciated.

I watched as the clear water darkened to a color deeper than blood red. I smiled and tweaked the spell so that the wine would be a Bordeaux wine. I may be Italian, but French wines are just better. That being said... pasta is love, pasta is life. I picked up the glass and sniffed it. Yep, exactly like the brand my maman always drinks. I smiled and handed it to Acacia.

Her glare never wavered, so I shyly tipped the glass to her lips. Acacia still glared at me while taking a sip of the wine. Her eyes widened and a smile formed on her face. I heard her moan in satisfaction. I quickly averted my eyes and looked down. I could feel the blush invading my face.

Acacia's moaning is making me very hot down there. She looked at me in confusion. I refused to meet her eyes since I was thinking of some very provocative positions I'd love Acacia to be in. She tried touching me, but the heat of her touch nearly made me cum. Am I really that sexually frustrated that I nearly came at her just touching my arm?!

"Are you okay?" Her voice pulled me back to reality.

"Y-Yea." I mumbled. "Just really hot right now." I looked everywhere, but her face.

"Okay." She slowly said. "This wine is really good." She handed the glass to me.

"Ya, my maman loves that wine." My smile then dropped when I thought about my maman.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I had a one sided argument with my maman."

"About?" She pressed.

"Her past." I sighed. "She's different now, but her past still haunts people." I mumbled. "I basically just bombarded her with stuff and didn't allow her to speak. I mean... it's not like she could defend her actions. What she did is indefensible, but still... I wish she could come up with some sort of excuse. I just don't want to believe she was capable of such... evilness." I looked down.

"Your mom is a vampire?" I nodded at her. "Well, most vampires haven't had the easiest life. It's hard to control the craving of blood."

"Trust me... I know." I looked away.

"That being said, I'm sure your mom is a wonderful person and her past haunts her everyday. I believe she's trying to be the best version of herself for you, so... don't hate her?" She softly asked.

"I don't hate her. I never could." I admitted. "I'm just disappointed in her." I sighed.

"That's reasonable."


I was cut off by the bell ringing. We were about to stand up, but Nico waltzed over to us. He hummed and handed us cleaning supplies. Nico clapped and twirled around. Acacia and I looked at each other and groaned. Somehow, I was tasked with cleaning the floors while Acacia sat on a desk, micromanaging me. She thought it was better for me to get on my hands and knees to scrub the floors instead of using the swifter. I glared at her, but she pointed at a spot I missed.

"Seriously?" I looked up at her.

"Ya, I like you on your knees." She suggestively said. I felt my cheeks burn red so I quickly looked down and scrubbed away. "Am I making you uncomfortable, pupu?" She purred next to my ear.


"I don't know about her, but I'm uncomfortable!" Acacia and I jumped at Nico's voice. "I feel like I'm watching the beginning of an adult movie that I did NOT sign up for." He fanned himself.

Acacia was deeply embarrassed, so she jumped off her table and left the room. I went to follow her, but Nico used magic to shut the door. He told me I still had to finish up cleaning even if Acacia wasn't here. I groaned since I knew maintenance would clean up or I could just do a simple spell.

"Missed a spot!"

HAHA I saw an insta post of a tiktok with a girl doing that to the song lol

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