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"I can't believe her friends bullied you into not speaking to her." I nodded at Hailey. "And Tatia literally threatened to kill you." Hailey rolled her eyes. "And then you sent their friend into cardiac arrest and-"

"I get it!" I glared at her. Hailey only smirked at me. She really made it her mission to rile me up. "That's why I need Naomi's help." I whispered and kept walking.

"And that sounds like an incredibly stupid plan." I stopped to glare at her. "Yes, how brilliant of a plan to ask your ex... who still LOVES you... to help you win back a girl who she's rivaling against for your affections!" Hailey sarcastically stated. "What could possibly go wrong with that?" She threw her hands up.

"Have a better plan?!"

"Yes, keep trying with her. Don't employ the help of the person she believes you cheated on her with."

"That's why I'm going to ask Naomi to tell her it isn't true." I restated my plan again. "If she really loves me, then she'll want me to be happy." I walked away from Hailey.

"Yes, happy with you!" She yelled at me.

I ignored her and approached the table Naomi was sitting at. Naomi and her friends looked up at me. Her friends wore smirks while Naomi was utterly confused. I could also feel the angry looks from Acacia and her friends. They were probably wondering about the audacity that I had to approach Naomi in front of them. I turned to look at Hailey, but she shook her head in disapproval. I ignored her warning and sat down at Naomi's table.

"So you came to your senses." Madison dryly chuckled.

"I knew she'd choose Nay." Harley commented.

The other people at the table kept saying how Naomi was the better choice compared to Acacia. I ignored their rude comments hurled at Acacia. Truth be told I wanted to murder them for insulting her. Naomi must've sensed my anger since she directed my attention back to her.

"Not that you're not welcomed, but why are you here?" She inquired.

"I'm being accused of something and I need you to vouch for my innocence." I stated.

"I'm lost."

"Remember that day I burst into your room and saw you with..." I trailed off since I didn't want to talk about that girl Naomi was fucking. Naomi got the hint since she nodded. "Well, Acacia thinks I was sleeping with you on that day and that's not true." Naomi scrunched her brows together. "Can you please tell her that she's wrong and it didn't happen?"

"Why would I do that?" Naomi ate her lunch.

"Because it's a lie and-"

"In case you didn't know, we don't like her." Harley said and their delinquent friends agreed.

"Can you guys shush?! I'm speaking to Naomi." I bitterly said. "Naomi, please? You said you want me happy and-"

"Fine." She smirked and stood up. "I'll talk to her." She then made eye contact with Acacia. "Are you coming?" She looked at me.

"Uh... Ya!" I jumped up. "And you guys all suck." I addressed her friends before walking towards Acacia's table.

As we got closer, Acacia's friends were allowing their eyes to glow in warning. They can be really intimidating when they want to. To piss Acacia off more, Naomi wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Acacia crushed the metal canteen in her hands. Naomi smirked and allowed her lips to brush my ear as she spoke.

"I'm surprised you allow them to intimidate you so easily, when they can't stand a chance against you."

"And you don't have to whisper since everyone can hear you." I wiggled myself away from her. We were now at the table, so I addressed Acacia. "Acacia." She reluctantly broke her stare off with Naomi. "You think I played you and was seeing Naomi behind your back, but that isn't true. I didn't sleep with Naomi that day you walked in. Naomi..."

I looked at her expectantly. Naomi took me by surprise and wrapped her arms around me. She then kissed my cheek and looked at Acacia's fuming eyes.

"The truth is we were fucking and about to mark each other before your annoying ass cock blocked us." Naomi then spun me around and passionately kissed me.

I heard the sound of the table breaking. I pushed Naomi away to see that a huge chunk of the table was in Acacia's hands. She stood up and tossed it away. Acacia looked in pain, so I tried to reach out to her, but Tatia stood up and blocked my path.

"What's wrong, princess?" Naomi hugged me from behind. "You have a problem that she's mine?" She sucked on my neck.

"Leave her alone!" Cara stood up. "You don't need to keep hurting her!" She crossed her arms in disapproval.

"And how dare you?!" Nat stood up to glare at me. "I actually liked you and you're just like any other fuckboy or fuckgirl. You're no different." She said in disappointment.

"Accept the loss, losers." I turned to see Harley and Madison walk up.

"You can't really blame her though..." Madison smirked at me. "Who would want to be with a virgin?" She taunted Acacia.

I saw Acacia shaking at the insult. I sensed her emotions and realized that she was really insecure about that. Why would she be insecure about being a virgin? There's nothing wrong with that. I then sensed her discomfort and realized she was scared that I'd be disappointed in her... that's why she always stopped me from going further with her. It wasn't that she didn't want to take that step, she just believed that I would find her performance unsatisfactory and leave her for someone with more experience. That couldn't be further from the truth. I loved-"

"Fuck off!" Tatia blocked Madison's line of sight of Acacia.

"Or what?" Harley shoved Tatia. "What are you gonna do, loser?"

"Put you in your place!" Cara shoved Harley.

"Don't touch her!" Madison through a metal plate at Cara.

"Hey!" Nat tried to calm everyone down, but it was too late.

Tatia swung at Naomi, who dodged the attack. Naomi then tackled Tatia to the ground. Harley and Cara began fighting. Nat screamed when Madison used a tray to smack her across the face. Everyone started to either yell in disapproval or cheer at the entertainment. Acacia and my eyes widened. I desperately looked at Hailey, but she was already on her way over.

Hailey tried to separate Cara and Harley since she wasn't getting in between Naomi and Tatia. Acacia tried to help Nat since she was struggling the most. She tried to pull Madison off her friend, so Madison turned and socked Acacia in the face. That triggered me.

Sloane took over and zoomed over to Acacia. I pushed her behind me and then picked Madison up by the throat. Madison's eyes widened as her eyes connected with my demon. I then threw her through the wall. I decided to end this fight and easily separated Tatia and Naomi with my magic. They were confused why they were being pushed away like two magnets with the same charge. I allowed myself to return to normal. Hailey successfully separated Harley and Cara, but Cara was kicking in Hailey's arms. She wanted to murder Harley.

"Are you alright?" I held Acacia's face. "You have a scratch." I whispered. "This is all my fault." I looked down.

"You think?!" I turned to see Tatia storm up to me. "You're the common problem!"

Tatia tried to swing at me, but Acacia surprised everyone by catching her fist. Acacia then shook her head no before releasing her friend's hand. Tatia began bombarding Acacia with questions about why she couldn't kill me. I rolled my eyes at her theatrics.

"What happened here?!" I cringed and turned to see Bridey. Oh, shit. "Well, someone better speak." Her voice was low and commanding.

A surplus of students began pointing at us. Fucking snitches. Bridey used her finger to motion for all of us to follow her. Hailey smirked and connected our arms together. I heard several growls and hisses behind us. I glared at the smirk on Hailey's face. Seriously, Hailey?! We just left a fight over me and you're purposely antagonizing them!

Bridey led us to her office. I was surprised we weren't going to Franni's office since she was like the leader. I then remembered that she's probably helping my maman with stuff. When we entered the room, Naomi's friends and Acacia's friends started yelling and stating that the other party caused the fight. Naomi and Acacia stayed quiet. It was awkward that the two girls sat on either side of me.

"ENOUGH!" We were all stunned by Bridey's outburst. "You will not speak unless spoken to." Her voice was ice cold. "Now, you will only speak when addressed. Zena, would you like to explain what happened?" I noticed all stares were on me now. I gulped and wanted to just disappear.

"I'd rather stay out of this one." I meekly said.

"Unfortunately, that's not an option." I could sense the amusement behind her words.

Is she really gonna go there? I glanced to see Hailey struggling to hold in a laugh. Bridey really wants me to choose who I want to save. I can't just point a finger at one and allow the other one to go down. I groaned and then spoke.

"I initiated it." Everyone's eyes widened at my words. "I was asked to leave and not speak to someone anymore, but I was stubborn and wanted to plead my already losing case." I sighed. "It didn't go as planned and emotions were already high. I should be the one punished." I sighed.

Naomi and Acacia looked at me in sympathy. I avoided meeting their eyes and continued staring at Bridey. She smirked and sat back.

"Although I respect your desire to protect your friends, they can't go unpunished." I rolled my eyes when she placed emphasis on the word friends. "You will all be punished accordingly, but in the meantime... go back to your classes. I'll fetch you after to dole out the punishment." We all went to the door. "Zena, stay."

Everyone was confused, but decided not to question. Acacia and Naomi were particularly hesitant to leave, but Bridey's glare told them to leave. They gave me regretful looks before leaving. Hailey made sure everyone left before sitting back down. I closed the door and sat in my original seat.

"Now, what really happened?" Bridey couldn't wait to hear the gossip.

"Let me tell you." Hailey smirked and took a sip of wine.

I had to actually spell the door since Bridey was laughing so loud. I couldn't afford for people to know that Bridey found the whole scenario hysterical. Bridey had her money on Team Naomi, so she was happy to know that they actually beat up Acacia's friends. I rolled my eyes at the two idiots.

"So what's the punishment?" I asked with an attitude.

"Oh, I have a few things in mind that would serve as a deterrent." She smirked.

"I'm not looking forward to it." I groaned. "Oh, where's Franni and JoJo?"

"Josie is with her husband and France is with your mere."

"I didn't know JoJo was married." Bridey hummed at me. "What about you? Are you seeing anyone?" I wiggled my brows.

"I'm seeing alcohol and my bed. I like to sleep." She shrugged.

"But vampires don't need sleep."

"And women don't need men, but they still subject themselves to that inferior species." Bridey said in disgust. "I have an ex-husband that I'm kind of seeing again." She blushed.

"Guess that inferior species has superior dick." Hailey smirked at Bridey's eye roll. "Come along, Z. You have to get to class before you get punished more."

"Oh, you're also receiving the punishment." Bridey smirked at Hailey.

"What? Why? I was trying to break up the fight. Tell her, biquette." Hailey looked at me, so I smirked and looked at the ceiling. "Biquette! Tell her!" I whistled and walked away from her. "Come on, Bridgette!"

"You're not getting punished for the fight, but for teasing me." Hailey's face dropped while Bridey laughed. "Now, au revoir." She gestured for us to leave.

I laughed and I unspelled the door before we walked out. I made a show of locking arms with Hailey. Hailey was annoyed while I was having the time of my life. I couldn't wait for detention with Hailey, now.

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