The elves were shouting at me in their language. The language spell was still fresh, so I was able to understand them. They were demanding me to answer if I was the one who caused the chaos. I saw another elf assist his friend in trying to close the portal. I can't allow that.
"Da." I said before speeding towards an elf.
They screamed when I ripped their weapons out their hands. I dodged a sword and kicked the crossbow out another one's hands. I then used the sword to deflect their attacks. I punched one in the throat and knocked another's legs out.
I wanted to refrain from activating Sloane or Kimbra because I didn't want this to turn into a bloodbath. I used my magic to freeze an elf. Another one swung at me, breaking me out of my concentration. I flipped over him and kicked him in the back.
I shrieked when fireballs were cast my way. I used my magic to deflect them, but there were too many! I jumped out the way and threw a blade at an elf. He groaned when it connected with his shoulder. My jaw dropped when I saw the Komodo dragons heading my way. I was distracted, so I didn't see the elf sneaking up behind me.
All of a sudden, I heard a whizz in the air. I turned to see an arrow fly past me. I heard a groan and a sword clatter to the ground. I turned to see my attacker dropping to the ground. The arrow had impaled his eye. I turned around to thank my savior. When I found out who saved me, I instantly became scared.
Acacia lowered her bow and arrow, but her eyes were angry. She mouthed to me we are so talking about this later. I gulped at her pissed off expression. She swung the bow over her shoulder and conjured up two blades. She then ran and met the moonshadow elves.
I used my magic to propel the Komodo dragons away from Acacia. It was seriously draining since they weighed more than a ton! What do they feed these animals?! They need to go on a major diet!
Acacia rolled out the way of an oncoming blade. She held her blade up to block her opponent's sword. She grunted before kicking his legs out. She then gave him a harsh punch to knock him out. She then sauntered up to me and hit me upside the head.
"Owie." I rubbed my head.
"What the hell were you thinking?!"
"I was thinking that I don't want to watch you suck Jethro's face, so might as well leave." I shrugged.
"I got that part. What I don't understand is why you would come to the dark elves' region!" She sliced an elf.
"That requires a lot of explaining, so can we wait until we get through that portal?" I sweetly asked.
"You are SO explaining yourself when we get back!" She pushed me away to fight off some elves. "What are we going to do about the massive lizards?!"
"I was trying to fling them away, but they're really heavy." I ignited one on fire. "Is it animal cruelty to do that?"
"I don't give a damn! Burn them all if you have to!"
"Okay, but I wanna mix it up."
I then began to freeze, zap, liquify, and do more things to the lizards. Acacia rolled her eyes at my extravagance. She then grabbed my arm and led me towards the portal. The elves were about to close it, so Acacia pulled out two more daggers. She threw the daggers at the elves, killing them instantly. Well, that's one way to do it.
We then hurled ourselves through before the portal collapsed. I fell onto the floor of a hallway. I looked around and noticed we were in our school's hallway. Acacia sat up and smiled since we were back. We stood up and hugged each other. Well, I did. She pushed me back and conjured up a newspaper. She then began to repeatedly hit my head with it.
"Ow." I snatched it away from her. "What was that for?"
"You know what that was for." She snatched it back and kept hitting me. "How could you do something so stupid and reckless?!" Tears were lining her eyes. "You could've gotten yourself killed!"
"I'm a lot tougher to kill than I look." I tried to lighten the mood, but she was still distraught.
"That guy would've killed you!" She choked back sobs. "How could you leave without saying goodbye?" Her voice cracked.
"I- you seemed happy with him." I looked down. "I also realized why you had to marry him, so I didn't want to inhibit you in any way. I didn't want for you to get cold feet because of me or-"
"I would always get cold feet if it isn't you!" She took my hands. "How can you even think that I'd rather be with him than you?!" Tears were streaming down her face. "You're my everything! Your the first and only person I've ever loved." She whispered. "Yes, I said I'd do it, but I knew I'd never be able to follow through... I'd be distracted with you in my mind."
"But your kingdom-"
"Screw my kingdoms! I'd choose you everytime." She held my face in her hands. "I was never planning on sleeping with him. I couldn't do that to you. I was planning on sneaking out and running away with you in the night." She choked on her words. "Imagine my pain when I found out that you had vacated the premises. I was heartbroken that you left me." She cried.
"Eris told me-"
"Eris?!" Her voice took on an angry tone. "What about her?" She snapped. "Did she take you to the dark elves?" I nodded. "That bitch! I need to grab something, but I'll meet you in your room, okay?" I nodded. She pecked my lips before leaving.
I sighed and made my way to my room. I was curious how long I've been gone. I was surprised that Hailey wasn't lounging around in the room. I went to her bed and touched it. It was a normal temperature, meaning she hasn't been here for a while. If Hailey had been lying on it, the bed would be incredibly cold. Where is she? I was about to call her, but there was a knock on my door.
I opened it and saw Acacia. I moved aside to let her in. I began expressing my concern over Hailey's whereabouts. I was scared that maybe her and Naomi didn't make it out of Japan alive. I couldn't live with myself if those two got hurt because of me. I turned around since I hadn't heard a peep out of Acacia.
When our eyes connected, Acacia smirked. I arched a brow since I have never seen that look in her eye: uncontrollable lust. She smirked and began to strip before me. My eyes nearly popped out their sockets. I was about to ask what she was doing, but she gripped my throat. I looked deep into her eyes and saw her eyes glow. I immediately relaxed and allowed her to push me onto the bed.
She straddled me and began to hungrily kiss me. This wasn't the normal kissing style Acacia went with. She was normally sweet and passionate. Now, her kisses were more animalistic. I again tried to ask her why the sudden change, but she stared at me more intensely. I felt a wave of calmness pass over me. I laid back down and allowed her to have her way with me.
Acacia quickly unbuttoned my clothes like she was in a race against time. I don't understand the rush, but who was I to complain? She then wrapped her mouth around my nipple. Her tongue swirled around it, eliciting pleasure sounds from me. I gripped her head and pushed her deeper onto my mound. Her other hand massaged my other breast while her thigh provided pressure between my area.
I didn't have time to react because she suddenly began penetrating me. My eyes widened and I gasped at the feeling. Acacia looked up and smirked at me. She hovered herself over me and feverishly kissed me. I knew in her culture this meant that we were bound and married. I had no reservations. In fact, I always knew that I wanted to be with her.
Acacia pulled back and nipped my lip. She then smirked at my flushed face. Her lips found their way to my neck while she kept fingering me. For a virgin, she sure knows what to do. It's like she's incredibly experienced. I would've never thought a virgin would be as skilled as her.
With her body pressed against mine, I wanted to seal our bond... my way. I wanted to bite her. I moved, causing her to stop sucking on my neck and look at me. Her eyes glowed again, immediately silencing Sloane and Kimbra. In my daze, I felt the need to bite her. Acacia smirked and moved her head to the side. I could feel Sloane and Kimbra shouting at me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.
My fangs grazed her neck when I stopped. Acacia normally smells like flowers and warm vanilla sugar. I'm confused why she now smells like Chanel perfume. I pulled back to look at her, but she smirked and pumped her fingers even faster. I fell onto my back since I was powerless against her skilled fingers.
"Cum for me." She purred next to my ear.
My eyes widened in shock when her features changed to Naomi's. I was confused since Naomi smelt like Dolce & Gabbana perfume. I was forced into an orgasm the moment my door opened. My eyes widened as I locked eyes with Acacia as I rode out my orgasm. Acacia's mouth fell open at me under Naomi. Naomi turned and smirked at Acacia.
"Looks like you're too slow." Naomi quipped.
"Fuck you." Acacia brokenly said to me before leaving.
I was stunned, so I couldn't move. I was hurt and felt used by Naomi. I was about to yell at her, but I was in shock again. Naomi's features morphed into Eris'. Eris smiled and got off me. I quickly covered myself with the comforter. She loudly laughed and found a robe.
"No need to cover up, gorgeous. I've already seen, touched, and tasted everything." She sensually licked her fingers. "How was that for marriage?" She smirked.
"No way I'm married to you!"
"We did my customs, though." She sat back and laughed. "Relax, I'm more progressive than my sister, so I have no interest in being married or tied down. You aren't my first, Zena."
"Why?" My voice cracked. "Why put me under a spell and take advantage of me? Your sister thinks I-"
"Exactly." Eris stood up. "My sister needs all the reason to drop you and unify the elven kingdom before the war. She doesn't need any distractions and that means you. I made up my mind when I heard her in the halls. She was perfectly fine turning her back on her OWN people for you!" She yelled at me. "Also, think of it as revenge for not making a deal with me." She kissed my cheek. "My sister will hate you." She backed away.
"Eris, I love her." I cried.
"Well, love doesn't win a war. Unification and strategy does. This is just a casualty. Unfortunately for you, it was your heart."
"Fuck you, Eris!" I screamed at her.
"You already did and you enjoyed every moment of it." She purred while I glared. I was seriously thinking about murdering her. "Ciao." She smirked before snapping her fingers.
My heart dropped at watching her disappear into thin air. There was no way I would ever get Acacia back.
Welp, that doesn't look pretty for Z. Does Eris' actions remind you of another incident???
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