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The moment she kissed me, it was as if all the strength came back to my body. I could feel my arm regrow, so I used it to wrap around Acacia's body. I pulled her into me and deepened the kiss. She giggled and kissed me with the same amount of passion. I don't know how my bloodlust faded after tasting her intoxicating lips.

Acacia gasped when I moved to suck on her neck. I allowed my hands to roam down her body. She moved her head to the side to give me more access and I was NOT gonna waste that opportunity. I pushed her up against the rock wall and reattached my lips to hers. I harshly gripped her sides while my tongue entered her mouth.

Sloane and Kimbra were fighting me to take our mate now. I tried holding back, but those two overpowered me. I pressed my thigh into her area. She moaned, which was like music to my ears. When my hands found their way to her breast, she pulled back.

"C-Can we stop?" Acacia breathlessly got out. "I'm sorry." She embarrassingly looked down. "I'm just not-"

"It's fine." I smiled and took a step back. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable or..." I scratched the back of my neck. "I didn't mean to take advantage-"

"You didn't, Pupu." She pecked my lips. "I was just wondering if we could hold off on that for now." She shyly said.

"No rush." I smiled and kissed her hand. "Pupu?" I arched a brow and smirked.

"It-It's my nickname for you." She blushed and averted her eyes. "I know how much you love your bunny pushie Thumper, so... pupu means bunny and- it's stupid. Forget I said-" I silenced her with a kiss. (It's Finnish for bunny btw)

"I love it." I smiled. "Now, I think we should try and find a way out of this place." I looked around at the surroundings.

The air had a grayish black hue to it. It was essentially dusk even though it was dark. The ground was covered in black dirt with barren trees. How do people eat down here? There's literally no food! There was a breeze in the air that caused Acacia to shiver. I didn't have my magic to warm her, so I placed my arm around her back. I made my wolf become hotter so I was a walking furnace for her. She smiled gratefully and continued walking.

"Do you know where we are, Aqua?" I turned to Acacia. She looked at me confused. "Because you're an elf and nature. And then I think of you like water because you can be calm one moment and then turbulent the next." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Not that I don't like that abou... if you would like something different then-" She pressed her lips to mine and smiled. "Aqua it is." I smiled. "Anyways, do you know where we are?"

"In another realm, but I'm not sure which one. My first thought would be the Dark Realm, but I don't think so. There would be more demons crawling around."

"So we basically have to find the other exit to another realm." She nodded. "The question is will the bordering realm be just as sketchy as this?" Acacia turned to me in amusement. "What?"

"I'm surprised you know that term." I rolled my eyes. "Your references are virtually nonexistent." She smirked.

"No way! I totally understand certain references." I mumbled. "Pop culture is just weird." I grimaced.

"I'm from another realm, yet have no issue adapting to modern change." She smugly stated. "You're just far behind." She chuckled and walked away.

"Not my fault! Everyone else's got a 10 year head start." I laughed.

"10 year head start?" She turned to me in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You know..." I awkwardly looked down. "I was kidnapped and-"

"You were KIDNAPPED?" I nodded. "For 10 years?" She whispered to which I nodded. "OMG! I'm so sorry." She tightly embraced me. "You had to endure torture for 10 years." She began crying. "I'm so sorry you went through that."

"It's fine. That's all in the past." I chuckled.

"You were 6?"

"5." I corrected. "I was rescued when I was 15 and then went to school a year later... that's where I met Naomi." Her jaw clenched when I mentioned Naomi.

"And that's where you imprinted on her." She turned in a huff.

"That's not fair." I complained and followed after her.

"So you didn't accept her as your mate?" I gulped from the intensity of her eyes. "And you really bonded with her?!" She spat.

"Come on. It's not like-"

"Like what, Zena?! You're still in love with her!" I looked down because it was true. "You're just- do you know how much it hurts for you to play with my heart?! Do you?!"


"No! It's the most painful thing to watch the person you lov- the person you're supposed to be with flirt with someone else." She had tears in her eyes. "You flirt with her and then turn around and kiss me." She angrily stated. "Have you or have you not kissed her recently?!"


"Answer me!"

"Yes." I sighed and looked down.

"Wow." She humorlessly chuckled. "You probably finished kissing her and then turned around to kiss me." She sniffled. "You playing us against each other is not fair. This isn't a game to me! I've opened up to you! I don't do that! And all I get in return from you is lies and secrets and hurt! You've done nothing but break me every single day." Her voice was hoarse.

"Acacia, please-"

"Figure your feelings out before you try anything with me again." She backed away from me. "When we get out of here, I'm gonna need some time." She then turned around and walked off.

I sighed and followed after her. I allowed her to be a few paces ahead of me. I thought about everything she said and she was right. Unbeknownst to me, I've been playing with both their feelings. I didn't mean to make it a competition. It's just that I found it hard to trust Naomi again and I've fallen for Acacia. My heart is at war because I don't know who it wants more.

Kimbra and Sloane have been no help at all. Sloane prefers Naomi because she views the relationship as toxic and Sloane loves any form of chaos. Kimbra wants Acacia because she views the elf as loyal. Kimbra also believes we deserve a happy and peaceful relationship that wasn't built on lies. Well, I am sort of lying to Acacia since she doesn't know who I really am. I know I need to tell her, but I'm scared of the rejection.

Naomi has a sense of comfort. I've known her longer and am more comfortable being in that relationship since it's all I've ever known. With Acacia, I feel safe and secure. I feel like she considers my feelings above others and is hella protective of me. Being with her is new and exciting, but also scary. With Naomi, I never really knew where I stood with her. She was always closed off and hesitant to admit her feelings. Acacia may not have said the three words, but she doesn't hide her feelings. She also had no issue telling my bullies off... something Naomi has never done.

I was thrown out of my thoughts by a crunch. I turned, but didn't see anything near us. I heard the steps hesitate to move again. I quickly sped to Acacia. She yelled when I pushed her behind me. I thoroughly scanned the place and focused on hearing anything. Our stalkers were dead silent. I then sniffed the air.

I smirked when I caught a scent. I was a little confused since one of the scents was familiar. I couldn't remember where I smelt the person before, but I recognized it. Acacia must've also detected other people because she conjured up her sword.

We locked eyes and nodded. We slowly approached the crevice in the large stone wall. I made sure Acacia was behind me as we rounded the corner. I flicked my wrist and had my claws ready. When I rounded the corner, the person and I were about to swing at each other, but my eyes widened at the person in the back.


And Z and Ken have finally met up again! It only took how long until their second meeting lol

What do you think of Acacia's words? Do you agree with her?

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