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Everest is devastated after she learned Chase liked Skye. The only thing she could do was go back to Jake and talk about it.

Jake: Hey Everest, how are you doing

Everest: Not so good

Jake: Why?

Everest: You know how I like Chase

Jake: Yeah

Everest: He doesn't feel the same way. He likes Skye.

Jake: So are they together now?

Everest: No, but they are about to go on a date

Jake: I am sorry Everest, but there are other pups

Everest: I know, but Chase is the best

Jake: Not all things end up like we want them to. It is just part of life. Also I am sure someone likes you. You are a beautiful pup.

Everest: Yeah, you are right

Jake: Who would be your second pick?

Everest: I don't know

Jake: OK, I hope you feel better. I am going to get some wood. Want to join?

Everest: Sure

(I know this part is out of order, but the next parts will be in order. This is just some back story for book 2. That is why this is shorter than normal.)

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