Chapter 28

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The last group of boys that hadn't turned in for the night were huddled around tables, scarfing down their dinners before the cafeteria closed for the night. The managers stuck around, serving the last few stragglers before finally getting their own meals and sitting at their own table.

Asuka sat with the girls from Tokyo, making small talk about how obnoxious Bokuto could be and how he was nowhere near as goofy as Hinata. She argued her point, telling them the whole story about how he was still barely learning how to spike properly and that receiving was beyond him. The girls giggled at her enthusiasm. She truly loved her boys but they were a bunch of morons.

"What do you think they're giggling about over there?" Bokuto leaned over Kuroo's shoulders, both their eyes locked on the table of girls. They thought they were being slick but the managers could spot their gazes from a mile away.

"They're probably gossiping about how stupid they think we are," he groaned.

"Or maybe they're talking about who they think is cute here." Everyone at the table rolled their eyes at Bokuto's innocent hopefulness. Like hell, they thought they were cute. The top-five spiker swivelled around to Hinata whose mouth was as full as a chipmunk. "Is Asuka really into your setter? Like for reals?" The small boy almost choked as he tried to reply, making Tsukishima scowl in disgust while sliding him a glass of water.

"Yeah," he cut in. "They're always all over each other. It's disgusting."

"Sounds like someone's jealous," Kuroo teased. However, the tall first-year just stared at him without blinking, slowly but surely making the older male uncomfortable enough to back down from his statement.

"Asuka and her friends never leave me alone at lunch. She's annoying..." There was a short silence at the table before Bokuto cut in a bit too loud.

"I think she's hot." Kuroo smacked the back of his hand into Bokuto's stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs.

"Shut the fuck up," he whispered, nodding his head a table over to where Kageyama was quietly eating with the third-years of Karasuno. They watched the boy carefully, waiting to see if he had any reaction to Bokuto's outburst. Thankfully for him, he focused solely on his dinner, ignoring everyone up until Asuka made her way over to sit beside him. Kuroo smacked Bokuto again and suddenly their entire table (including Tsukishima and Akaashi) was watching the interaction between the two. Surely this quiet guy didn't have game. There was no way.

Asuka slipped into the seat beside Kageyama with a gentle smile on her face. He looked at her expectantly before flinching as her fist met the top of his head. She crossed her arms afterward and huffed at the scowl on his face.

"Stop making scary faces at Yachi."


"Don't pretend you don't do it!" Daichi and Suga had to hide their laughter behind their hands while Asahi just smiled at them. "Every time you mess up you get this evil look on your face."

"I'm not doing it on purpose," he argued.

"Just don't do it anymore. She's helping you out, so be respectful." The girl stood from her seat and started to walk away.

"Maybe you should help me―" Her fist met his head once again, making all of the third-years burst out laughing. The boy went to yell at her harshness but the ringtone on her phone interrupted him. She dug the device out of her pocket and hit the answer button.

"It's Tomi. I gotta take this." Asuka headed for the cafeteria doors and made her way outside, away from the boys so she could talk to her best friend in peace. Tonight had been weird and she was grateful she'd get to talk to someone about it.

Meanwhile, Kuroo and Bokuto snickered at the Karasuno setter who silently writhed in irritation from her actions.

"So, he doesn't have game, after all," the Nekoma captain joked. Daichi shook his head at whatever his team had stirred up this evening and chuckled at the confusion that clouded over Kageyama's face.

"You would think so, but we literally can't keep them apart."

"Somebody got dibs~," Bokuto sang. All of this was only making Kageyama more confused.

"That sounds stressful." Asuka sighed into the phone.

"It is, but I'm having fun." It was a little cooler out now that the sun had set and the concrete steps of Shinzen were nice and cool to the touch, prompting for a good spot to sit while she gossiped about her day. "So, what's up with you?"

"First of all, I still can't believe you and Kageyama kissed!"  Asuka pulled the phone away from her ear as the girl squealed with excitement. "Anyway, my brother came home from college and surprised us! He's gonna be here for the week to spend some time with us before he goes back." The girl smiled though she knew it meant slightly bad news for her. "He's taking his room back for now."

"I figured."

"But you can stay with me in my room!"

"It's okay, Tomi," she reassured. "I'm not homeless. I still have a bed of my own."

"Yeah but―!"

"Seriously, it's not a big deal. Spend some time with your family. Don't worry about me."

"Okay. But come over if things get rough with your mom!" Asuka giggled and nodded though she knew Tomiko couldn't see. She could hear the doors behind her open and close, spinning around to find none other than Tobio approaching her.

"Tobio's here. I'll text you." Just as her best friend began to squeal at how cute they were once again, she hung up and let her eyes lock onto his figure as he came and sat right beside her. She smiled at him which he returned instantly when he looked at her.

"My head hurts." The girl giggled at him before gently patting his head where she'd punched him.

"I'm sorry. Maybe I was a little harsh." He huffed a laugh and leaned back on his palms.

"I heard you played with some of the other captains." Asuka rolled her eyes. It was hardly playing. All she'd done was get tormented by her own team about her love life.

"Barely. I played one rally because Kuroo-san kept saying I sucked at volleyball."

"Did you spike the ball in his face?" He was smiling at her again. Clearly, she'd been irate about the whole thing.

"I wish," she grumbled. "It's okay, though. I know he was just trying to get under my skin. He had good intentions."

"He likes you," he added quietly. She wanted to side-eye him, thinking this conversation had sprung from jealousy.

"He's obnoxious. Bokuto-san too." Kageyama laughed at that. He was grateful she wasn't interested in the high-energy type like Hinata. The Fukurodani setter is pretty, though." His eye almost twitched until she shot him a bright smile with a blush covering her cheeks. "It must be a setter thing, huh?" God, he could kiss that smile off her face.

"Good thing I got dibs," he murmured. Asuka burst out laughing at him. She'd heard that word one too many times tonight, but this one was endearing. She inched a little closer to him and nudged his shoulder with her own.

"Oh, yeah? What makes you think you've got dibs?"

"Don't I?" She laughed again with glee. She couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face and her freckles were disappearing as her skin turned red. Her smile was infectious; Kageyama couldn't help but grin back, brighter than she'd ever seen. It created butterflies in her stomach.

Asuka shimmied a little closer and tucked herself into his side, her head cuddled against his collarbone. She took in this moment, breathing in the fresh air and savoring the sensation of his body heat radiating onto her. She felt content.

"Yeah, you do." She leaned back and pressed her lips to his cheek before standing up. He eyed as she began to walk away, watching as her ponytail swung delicately between her shoulder blades.

"You missed!" Asuka snickered again and his flirtatious comment and made one final glance at him.

"Maybe next time, Tobio~!" He felt good watching her walk away with a smile. They were done with their petty fights, they were done holding grudges... They were happy together, just like they were supposed to be.

Unbeknownst to the two, a group of boys had crowded around a nearby window and was watching the whole ordeal. Daichi, Suga, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi (who wasn't lucky enough to escape like Tsukishima) all watched in discontent as the two first-years actually seemed to have a connection.

Never would they have believed that Kageyama Tobio of all people had game when it came to girls, yet here he was getting private time with the gorgeous Karasuno manager. It was safe to say the four third-years had lit a spark of envy watching them. Akaashi could care less.

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