Chapter 22

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On the second day of the Tokyo trip, the gap in wins continued to increase between Karasuno and the other schools. However, that wasn't much of Asuka's worries today. From the beginning of their warm-ups, she had noticed a slight change in Hinata's behaviour. He was more focused on the ball, watching its every move like a predator would to its prey.

She knew that look better than anyone. He was anxious to hit the ball. He wanted it. More than anyone else on the court.

The only problem was that he had become so accustomed to hitting the ball with his eyelids shut that he didn't possess the skills to do it on his own.

Asuka shook off her worries, thinking it would simply pass. However, she was quickly proven wrong when the orange ball of sunshine collided with the third-year ace. The girl knew at that moment that they were gonna have to reconstruct their entire team. If Hinata was to branch off and try to improve on his own, then the rest of the team would have to follow suit in order to continue to mesh together.

Volleyball is a team sport, after all.

The Tokyo trip was quick to end and Karasuno finally landed back in their home territory. While most of the boys grabbed their personal belongings from the club room and departed to their homes, two first-year boys decided to stay behind.

"Kageyama," Hinata called into the cool air. "Toss me the ball." Of course, knowing the setter, he couldn't refuse. However, Asuka could feel the tension between the two, especially after their previous conversation about Hinata wanting to open his eyes when he spikes. The olive-haired girl looked at Yachi and silently asked her to spectate the boys with her in case something happened.

So, the four made their way to the gym and set up the net with Yachi supplying the balls in the cart. Asuka, on the other hand, remained on the side of the court and watched them closely. Toss after toss, Hinata continued to swing and miss, unable to time his jumps with his hits. In fact, he seemed to jump a lot lower when he was trying to focus on the ball. Though she could've said something to offer advice, Asuka kept her mouth shut. She could coach them now and force them into success, or she could let them learn and actually hone their skills.

After a multitude of missed spikes, Kageyama began to get fed up with Hinata's cries for more attempts.

"There's a ton of other things you could be doing, like the attacks you've used all along, serving, and blocking, instead of repeated this attack you don't know if you can even pull off!" Kageyama's furrowed brow was enough for the two girls to tell that this wasn't going to end well. Once the boy's anger seeped out, it would continued to flood out onto everyone around him.

"But I have to make this quick strike work or my reason for being on the court will disappear!" Though Hinata's reasoning was totally sound, the taller boy continued to ignore his pleas.

"That's why I said there's no need for you to think on your own in this quick strike!" Asuka's brows furrowed at how harsh the boy was being. She knew of his past as the tyrant king, but she was shocked that he'd actually be this cruel to someone that was considered to be his partner. "The blockers won't catch you with my toss!"

"I won't be able to get any better like this," Hinata countered. Kageyama apparently didn't like being talked back to as he gripped the collar of the boy's shirt in his fist.

"The first round of the Spring High Preliminaries is next month. That's right around the corner." Yachi began to get nervous as he shook the shorter boy around. "When that time comes, what's our weapon gonna be? The perfected quick strike? Or the quick strike that's completely useless right now?!"

"I want the strength to fight on my own!" The girl on the sideline raised a brow. That was all she needed to hear to decide whose side she was on. She would support them both no matter what in their endeavors. She was their manager, after all. But she would choose helping Hinata become great over subjecting him to Kageyama's will.

"You're gonna destroy the team's balance with your selfishness!" Suddenly, Kageyama swung the boy hard enough that he fell to the floor, looking up at the tyrant king. "'I'll toss the ball to anyone, so long as they are essential to achieving victory'. The same holds true, even now." The setter turned his back on his teammate, seemingly ending the fight in his favor. However, that wasn't gonna cut it with the other boy.

"Kageyama!" The shorter boy charged the setter, striking a full on fist fight as they began throwing each other around, attempting to get the other to yield. Yachi was quick to run out the door and search for help, but Asuka stood her ground and approached the two.

"Oi, you two!" The girl's quick footsteps were silent to the boys, completely ignoring her attempt to get their attention. "Hey!" She tried to break them apart, but it seemed like they were in a totally different world. It wasn't until their arms made contact with her nose and jaw, sending her to the floor that they seemed to notice.

The gym was eerily silent as they looked down at her. Asuka brought a hand to her nostril, pulling it away and finding a hefty amount of blood.

"Asuka," Tanaka ran in and was at her side with Yachi following suit, "are you okay?" Though the older boy tried to offer her assistance, she swatted him away, not wanting to be touched or spoken to. She glared up at the two first-years before jumping to her feet and storming out of the gym with her belongings clutched in tight fists.

She wiped at her nose, not caring about the stain of blood on her arm. Asuka was absolutely fuming. These boys were utterly ridiculous. Screaming matches, bloodied fists, and for what? Pride? Absolutely ridiculous. It suddenly felt like she was wasting her time as they'd never be able to beat Shiratorizawa with their current attitudes. She might as well switch schools now since she was utterly doomed.

"Asuka," she heard her name called from a distance. However, she continued on, ignoring the calls. She just wanted to go home and go to bed. "Asuka!" She could hear the pattering of feet as he ran up from behind her, getting increasingly closer quite fast. With an irritated groan, she spun around and looked directly up at Kageyama with fierce eyes and a still (slightly) bleeding nose.

"I don't wanna talk to you right now."

"I'm sorry. Are you oka―"

"I don't wanna hear it right now, Kageyama." The boy almost flinched at her harsh tone. "Until you can understand why you're wrong, I don't wanna talk to you. Get yourself together." She turned back around, continuing her path to Tomiko's house. "When you do, you know where to find me."

Kageyama watched her figure fade into the distance with a frown. Even Asuka was on Hinata's side? What the hell was happening to them?

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