Bonus Chapter

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JUST AS THE MORNING SUN WAS ABOUT TO RISE. More like already risen and shining into his eyes.

The ash blond was sitting in his room alone on the morning of his birthday. He was already aware his girlfriend needed to go into work earlier today.

There was a little note written on the nightstand wishing him a 'happy birthday', but it just didn't feel the same without her.


That was his age today.


Not really though.

Bakugou trudged his way around the apartment to prepare himself for his day of work. But, man, he did not want to see his boss.

As much as he didn't like Best Jeanist, the guy really helped Bakugou get to his feet at the start of his hero career.

He knew it would take him a while to get to the top, but he was willing to take whatever steps he needed.

As he was working to become the top hero... his girlfriend worked at a coffee shop. Weird right? The girl who seemed like such a badass was making coffee for a living.

Well, over the years with her and Aizawa being a father-daughter duo they bonded over baking and coffee. That was the activity they would do together along with Eri.

And she still had a great relationship with her adoptive father and sister.

Now, as she was working, Bakugou was walking out the door to make way to work.

As he did so the angry man could only think what he'd be doing for his birthday tonight. Ever sense his 19th birthday all they'd ever do was make a nice dinner and watch movies together.

Nothing odd. He'd even get a call from his parents, now that was a hassle.

Bakugou was now at the agency, changed into his costume and ready to go. He walked into his boss's office. "Hey." He greeted.

The blond looked up from his papers. "Happy birthday Dynamight. 21, am I correct?" Best Jeanist asked.

Bakugou scoffed. "Yeah. It's dumb, let's go patrol because I need to do something."

Best Jeanist laughed as he walked out with his head sidekick. On the way they both saw a few other hero's patrolling alone the streets as well.

Nothing very exiting happened other than some screaming fan girls, who were screaming to Best Jeanist and not Bakugou.

Light talking filled their ears as the day went on without a single thing happening. The two finally made it back to the agency after about three hours of patrolling.

"How about you go home early, it's your birthday after all." The older man offered. To his request, Bakugou rolled his eyes and complied.

Now the 21 year old was walking home with the sun still in the sky. He listened to birds chirping and watched them fly in large groups.

He ran a calloused hand through his ash blond hair, sighing into the wind. Suddenly his ears picked up the sound of a voice he knew so well.

A familiar redhead ran over to Bakugou waving his hand back and forth. "Hey man! Happy birthday!" He shouted as he got closer.

"Tch, I'd be nicer if I could spend it with my girlfriend." The hero complained. Kirishima looked at him with the same grin plastered on his face.

His smile showed each sharp tooth he had. "Maybe you should get home, she might be there. I heard Mina over the phone last night talking to her... it seemed important."

Bakugou's eyes widened at this. "What the hell do you mean important! Is she fucking ok?!" He screamed. His scarlet eyes showed worry to his friend.

"Oh dude I didn't mean it was bad! It just seemed urgent." Kirishima rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"I'll just have to get home to find out."

They both parted their ways as the sun started to set into the night. Bakugou ran to his shared apartment as fast as his legs took him.

He felt the wind coursing through his spiky locks on the top of his head, due to the undercut.

This was definitely not the birthday he had in mind.

As he ran through the hallways he finally got to the door of his home. He took in a deep breath before slowly tuning the knob.

The first thing he noticed was the skateboard sitting by the door.

Dismissing it his large feet quietly took him down the hall to find the love of his life, y/n. He was staring at a cupcake on the table and seemed to be out of it.

Her h/c hair framed her face perfectly as always. The candle on the sweet treat lit up her s/c cheeks in the somewhat dark, along with the stud on her nose.

"What's wrong?" He suddenly asked. The low voice didn't so much as make her flinch. The women looked over to her boyfriend and smiled.

"Happy birthday 'Suki!" She yelled. Her arms opened wide for him to embrace her that moment.

Bakugou smirked before running to her and swinging her off the ground and around. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead then set y/n down.

She picked up orange card from the table and the cupcake with it. "The card first, then you'll get to make a wish." She eagerly spoke.

Little did Bakugou know was y/n's heart was pounding outside of her chest. The organ was nervous for the thing he'd see inside the card.

The ash blond opened the card carefully only for something to drop onto the floor. He read the card as he picked up a stick.

A stick with two pink lines.

The card read:

Happy birthday bitch, you'll be a dad soon!

Y/n anxiously held the cupcake tight, almost squishing it. Her eyes were trained on the baked good not daring to look away from it. She gulped down some saliva before talking. "So...?"

When she rose her head the sight made her eyes water. Before her, Bakugou had tears running down his face.

He started to laugh at the girl who was now also crying with him. "Fuck yeah! When the hell did you know?!"

He held her in a tight hug while both their nerves were rising. "Yesterday actually. I wasn't going to actually buy you anything like usual, and I just couldn't wait."

"How the hell did you get to work?"

"My skateboard, idiot."

Bakugou sighed coming down from the excitement. He used his large hand to push the hair away from his lovers face. "This was the best fucking birthday I've ever had."

Y/n cupped his cheeks while running the other hand along his tattoo'd arm. "Say 'hello' to them."

Next thing he knew the night was mostly spend talking to their new baby that was only two months along.

The joy they both felt never compared to much else, other than when they son was actually born.

But it was definitely the best birthday Bakugou had ever had.


Because his family was with him.

i love you <3

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