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WITH ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD NO ONE COULD COMPARE TO HER. The way she'd make fun of him and laugh at her own jokes.

The way she could play it cool and make the room feel it to. How she would effortlessly skate around without a care in the world.

But those weren't the only things he found out to be true about his crush. When she was bored she would fidget with the golden hoop poked into her nose.

Sometimes she would pick her nails without even knowing it. Her hair was usually down in her face making her seem chill.

Even the way she dressed made him wonder how he'd gotten so far into what he'd call the actual first real friendship in his life.

He could sit here and watch her all day while picking out the little things only he had noticed.

Just being around her made him feel complete.

Bakugou first though the relationship he had with the girl would only be friendly. He thought she'd teach him to skate then leave him behind... but she didn't.

He didn't know what but something in her mind made her want to be there next to him and hang around for a little longer.

With the feelings he felt for y/n, Bakugou knew if he could get her attention in the way he wanted... then maybe they could last.

And by last, he meant last.

Suddenly he was snapped out of his thoughts when the sound of a sweet voice came through his ears. Okay... maybe not a sweet voice but it was y/n's, and that's what made it special.

"Hey you good there 'Suki?" She asked in concern. "I've been calling your name for like... ten minutes? I'm not sure." Her hands fidgeted like they normally did.

Bakugou cringed at the nickname she'd given him some time ago.

But she never stopped calling him that, so he gave up on trying. "I was just thinking dumbass." He lightly hit her head.

"Well don't hurt your brain, that might be the only thing you've got going for ya." Y/n said while sending a cocky smiled to Bakugou.

The ash blond wanted to yell at her there and then but retracted a bit not wanting to cause a scene, because lord knows he never does.

"Whatever, what are you doing today anyway?" He asked facing his full body to her.

With the same smile, y/n answered. "We'll be seeing how well I taught you. I can see how far you've come!"

"Let's just get this over with..."

"I can see someone's excited." Y/n sarcastically replied. Both her and Bakugou hopped onto their skateboards before leaving the park next to each other.

As odd as it sounded, Bakugou was at peace while doing this. For a moment he started to think y/n put some weird spell on him...

Then again, he was helplessly in-

"Suki! Stop spacing out you idiot. Or else I'm leaving without you!" He heard from in front of him. Y/n was already riding her board down the street away from the park, with Bakugou now catching up to her.

As they were finally side by side the ash blond was riding the right way. Somewhere in the time of him learning he a actually figured it out.

"Where the hell are we going." His gruff voice asked. It sent a jolt of surprise to the h/c-ette.

Y/n kept looking straight into the road before answering. "There are these train tracks I like to go to. I think you'll like then too..." when finally looking over she saw Bakugou's red eyes gazing to her own.

The beat in her heart quickened as her hands became more sweaty.

She hadn't felt this way ever in her life, so how could a moody teenager do the trick?

They both looked back to the pavement to avoid the awkward tension that was already there. Moments passed while the wind blew in their direction.

Not one word was spoken in the silence of the night. And Bakugou wasn't having a hard time keeping up with y/n which was making her even more nervous.

Just the closeness between the two was something no one could ever break. A bond that was grown in the span of only a few weeks.

Who knew someone so broken could have a relationship with someone who'd never done this a day in their life.

Suddenly y/n stopped in the middle of a street. But not any street, they were near the train tracks.

It seemed somewhat abandoned, which was the reason she liked it so much. "So... we're here..." she awkwardly said.

Bakugou snickered at the girls attempt to start a conversation. But at the same time, he felt the need to say something.

He wanted to spill everything out that fills his chest. The thoughts of her he would have...

Maybe she would reject him completely, and maybe Bakugou could live with that. He wouldn't know if he didn't try.

Yet his mouth wouldn't open. The words he played out in his mind for weeks wouldn't form. What was wrong with him?

"You alright there buddy?" Y/n ask with a lace of sarcasm. She sat on the many rocks next to the train tracks.

With a small blush, Bakugou nodded his head and followed her actions.

Rocks under his sneakers crunched with each step. When he finally sat down it was somewhat uncomfortable.

More silence encased the two. The trees above theirs head rustled in the moonlight of the night. There were some lanterns littering the sky.

Y/n played with the nose ring on her face. She spun it around the hole while waiting for someone to talk.

Out of no where someone decided to speak. The long awaited voice the other wanted hear along with the words that came with it.

The sweet sound of someone saying...

"I like you dumbass!"

Cliffhangers are fun for Mo-Chan. But I hope you've caught onto me not knowing anything about skateboarding because I'm not a sports girl.
Love you

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