"Are We Not a Real Couple?"

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Omg so I saw this ace renga comic drawing on Tumblr so this is heavily inspired by that!

"Hey, Reki, are you ok?"
Langa asked, entering the redhead's room
and sitting next to him on the bed

"Yea I'm good. Why do you ask?"
He answered, grumbling and  looking down
at his shoes and playing with a yo-yo.

"I don't know. You just seem down. Is there
anything bothering you? And you don't have
to lie."
The blunette stated

"Are we a real couple?"
Reki asked

Langa was caught by surprise.
"Yea! Of course we are! Why wouldn't you think so?"

"It's just... every other couple kiss each
other you know? We don't really do that.."
the amber eyed male started

"I mean, we just recently started dating, I

don't think we need to go that far with kissing
yet. We just started holding hands in public"
Langa excused

"Yea but, what if we aren't doing this right?
Every couple kisses and ya know... does
the dirty thing..."
Reki added

"Reki, since when did you care about
doing something right?"
He asked

The other male paused for a moment,
"I don't know"

"I don't think there's a wrong or right way
to be a couple. As long as we love each other
and happy, then that's all that matters"
Langa explained

"You're right. But I wanna try kissing sometime..." Reki said

"We've never talked about anything more

than holding hands in public... why don't we
ever talk about kissing or anything more?"
He added

"Did I not tell you? I'm asexual..."
the taller male admitted

"Well no you didn't... so that's why..."
Reki muttered

"Yea sorry for not telling you earlier. I
thought I did tell you already"
he said

"It's alright.."
the redhead smiled

Reki looked at Langa with a somewhat confused face. It was like the blunette could read his mind
and knew what he was thinking.
"I know you're probably confused. We can kiss
and we can sometimes make out. We cannot go
any further though. Especially where our relationships' at now"
Langa explained

"Ohhh ok!"
Reki's face lit up

The blue eyed male got off the bed,
"Wanna go skating?"

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