Chapter 3

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3rd person POV

Vega and Andromeda are laughing.

"Hey, stop it." Cissy said.

"Your eyelashes look fine." Vega said to Cissy.

The three of us looked at the mirror.

"We look different in our own way." Andy said.

"Yes, very different." Cissy said.

The three of them started to laugh again.

A music box started to play.

Andromeda and Vega looked at the music box mysteriously.

"What's that?" Vega asked.

"Lucius bought it for me. I plays when it senses love." Cissy said.

"Aw.. a new couple alert." Andy teased. Vega and Andromeda started laughing and Narcissa blushed.

Bella came out of her room. "Dad will be here soon."

"You are quiet." Cissy walked to her as Bellatrix wore her glove.

"Nervous?" Andy asked. Bella gave a little nod.

Andy went to hug her. "You just realized what you did, didn't you?"

Cissy and Vega started to hug her too. Bella then, mumbled.

The three of them let her go.

"Wait.. no.. you can't!" Vega said in shockness.

"There's no way you can! Bella, that's not love!" Andy said even more shocked.

Time skip

Cissy entered with Lucius. Vega went to talk to a boy names Aries. She had a little fun talk with him.

Bella came in with a flower on her hand.

Suddenly, someone grabbed Andy.

"Hey, let her go!" Bella yelled.

"What are you doing? This is a wedding!" Dad yelled.

"I'm taking you to the Ministry of suspicions of conspiring and attacking muggle things." She pointed at Andy.

"With He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." He continued.

"Casting Dark Mark into the sky." He continued again.

"No! Wait wait!" Cissy said and Vega went to run to Andy too.

"It wasn't her!" Vega said.

"Richardson, there must have been some sort of mistake." Bella helped defending her sister.

"I'm sorry, Black, I mean Lestrange. I'm just doing my job. Congratulations, by the way." He said and Andy left with someone.

"Hey! You can't just take her!" Dad yelled.

Time skip

"Bella, what did you do this time?" Vega asked to Bella.

"Just doing things to protect my family." Bella said.

"What?!" Vega asked, shocked.

Time skip

Bella produces the Dark Mark into the sky.

"Bella!" Vega shouted.

"Please don't tell me someone died!" Cissy yelled.

"He only killed a few muggles." Bella said.

"Oh, that's okay than, just a couple right?" Andy said.

Bella stayed quiet and Andy became shocked.

"Are we killing muggles on the streets now?!" Andy yelled.

Cissy tried to calm Andy down.

"This isn't right, Bella. We can't keep living like this!" Vega yelled.

Bella laughed while leaving.

Andy laughed and entered home.

"Bella!" Vega was about to run after her, but Cissy stopped her.

"Stop. We can't handle her." Cissy said, holding my hand.

Time skip
Vega, Andy and Cissy on a mission.

"Where do you think you sre going?" A Order of the Phoenix asked from behind us.

"Crucio!" Andy yelled, then pulling both of her sisters.p

Time skip
"This was a mistake!" Cissy yelled.

"It's fine! No one knows it's us!" I said while gritting my teeth.

Bella apparated to our room. Cissy immediately hid the newspaper behind her.

"Anything interesting here?" Bella asked.

"Not that I know." I said.

She walks to hear the radio.

"What are you doing here?" Andy asked.

"Is it crime to see my sisters doing? It's so rare getting to have these times again." She said.

"Such fond memories in this room. Suprisingly, I remember my memories. Like the time we dressed the goul with Andy's clothes, like the time we said that we had nothing to hide from each other. But why do you not tell me about the attack last night?" Bella said, walking to Cissy.

"I don't appreciate people jumping to conclusions." Cissy said, walking to us.

Bella argued with Cissy and Bella put her wand at Cissy's head.

"No!" Andy yelled.

"It was me." Andy continued.

"You? You ruined everything! He trusted me! And all the things I've did for my family. And all the things I've did for you! Using memory charms on Aurors. I hate memory-" bella yelled.

"That was your mess! All of this is dementors! Murders in our house!" Andy yelled.

"Does the Dark Lord suspect from any of us?" Cissy asked.

"He suspects from an outsider." Bella said.

"So, can we just move on from this?" Cissy asked.

"Maybe it's a good thing this happened." Cissy said.

"A good thing?! They'll never visit this house again!" Bella yelled.

"As I planned!" Andy yelled.

"Oh." Bella said.

"You need space, they need space. We need space! This is our home! Can't you see what the Dark Lord is doing to the Wizarding World, to you?" Andy said.

"To us?" Andy said.

"Stop trying to cover your tracks! Stop being so selfish!" Bella yelled.

"Selfish? Can it not get to your thick skull that you are putting us into danger?! Ans for what?! Your own gain!" I yelled.

"You were supposed to protect us! You are our big sister, Bellatrix! This is not what big sisters do." Andy said, grabbing her hand.

"Andy!" Cissy yelled, walking to her. Andy put her hand out, making Cissy move one step back.

"You disgust me! Everyone has been talking about the things you have been doing." Andy said.

"What I did are magnificent. I have the power you will never reach. Want to see?" Bella asked, showing off.

"Go on then, mastered the Killing Curse?" Andy asked.

"There's more creative spells than that. I could charm your clothes into strangles and tighten you. Or perhaps I could torture you? Or perhaps I could force you to do my bidding." Bella said.

"You really want to do this to us? Bella, you have changed. You used to be kind and sweet. Remember at the forest-" I said then get cutted.

"You don't want to get into this, little sister." Bella said.

"I'd prefer Andy as a big sister. You have changed!" I yelled.

"Cruci-" Bella said as I closed my eyes.

"Stop!" Andy yelled and accidentally slapping Bella hardly.

Bella stood up while laughing.

"Deary me. Scared to use magic on me, Andy?" Bella said, walking to her as I took my wand.

"Bella-" I said then get cut by Cissy.

"Bellatrix, Andromeda, Vega. We need to stop this." Cissy said.

Bella moved back and laughed.

"You really shouldn't have betrayed our family." Bella said, laughing.

So this is the end of Chapter 3. Let's continue to the next one. Shall we? By the way, I'm sorry but this is only a short story. Thanks for reading ❤️

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