At Hogwarts
3rd person POV
Bellatrix and Andromeda are fighting as usual as the others cheered. They never stopped fighting duels together. Cissy pulled Vega with her so she doesn't get lost.
"You have got to be kidding me." Vega said while rolling my eyes.
Cissy tooked her wand out and separated them. The spell exploded and made everyone shocked.
A little arguing part of the other students. The four of them pulled their wand out.
"Think what this really means?" Bella asked.
"I've heard of two wand cores, but four?!" Vega said.
"It means we can do anything incredible together!" Bella said very happy.
"It means we have a bond like no other." Cissy said, smiling very brightly.
They laughed and ran away from the other students.
Time skip at home
Vega's POV
We were laughing while running into our rooms.
"I want to see it!" Andy said, running to the other side of the bed.
We were laughing until dad and mum entered.
"I knew studying Legilimency would be useful!"
"I can see exactly what is going on." Bella argued back. Cissy, Andy and I froze.
"This is important! Magical purity is getting weaker! We need to ensure the Black line remains powerful! " Dad said. Bella took her wand and rolled her eyes.
"You need to set an example! You know muggles are making wars and destructing. Their weak-minded blood does not belong with ours!" Dad continued yelling.
"I'm going to marry a pureblood but for now, especially after I got my auror apprenticeship and what about all those NEWTs I have worked hard on! Besides, if I want to marry, I want it to be my choice. I don't accept being pushed around like a Witch Weekly magazine! Mother please!" Bella said getting up the couch.
"Be quiet. You're no longer at Hogwarts, Bellatrix. We've left it far too long ago. " Mum said as Bella walked away from the bed.
"I guess I better go pack my NEWTs now-" Andy said.
"Don't be silly, Andromeda, Bellatrix. " Mum said and Bella took the picture and gestured going to rip it. Dad immediately ran to her while taking his wand.
"If you do not comply, there is an easy way to do this! " Dad says as a light flashed out. Me and Cissy's eyes widened.
"Cygnus, she's forgotten enough of this. " Mum said.
"You are a disgrace to our family! You will marry first and then, you will leave this house. Then, I will no longer deal with you!" Dad said, walking away. Bella walked away.
"Our family is the noble and most ancient house of Black. You will all contribute to carry one the pure magical blood-line! If you don't obey what we say, you will be banished from this household. Do you understand?!" Dad said angrily and left.
"Are you listening, Bellatrix?" Mum asked to Bella and the three of us turned our heads looking at her.
Mum gave us a last look and left the room.
Cissy looked down, playing with her nails as if nothing happened. I looked at her confused and she looked at me. Bella opened the cupboard and said "He think the could take away my memories?"
"I'm glad you stand up to mum and dad, Bella. I agree with you." Andy trying to make Bella better.
"But what can we do?" I asked and she gave me a stare.
"I don't want to marry someone I barely knew!" Andy stated.
Time skip
Cissy and Andy are eating candies together, laughing while I looked at the leafs at the tree.
"Avada Kedavra!" I heard Bella yelled, trying to kill a flower.
"It's okay." Andy said walking to Bella, trying to calm her down.
"Avada Kedavra!" Bella tried again while I walk to Cissy and took a candy.
"Have an ear wax!" Andy said while putting a candy at Bella's mouth, making her spit. Me and Cissy were laughing hard.
"Right." Bella said.
"No!" Andy said while running away and laughing while Bella ran after her.
They both were laughing and chasing each other.
"Stop that's disgusting!" Cissy said and I followed her.
"You guys are acting like 4 year olds!" I yelled.
"Oh, wanna have an earwax?" Andy said, putting one candy in my mouth and I immediately spit it out. I ran after them both while laughing.
Suddenly, Cissy heard a voice from the bushes.
"Stop, Bella! It's an Unforgivable Curse, the Ministry is chasing after you!" Cissy warning us.
"Stop. Get behind me." Bella said while running in front on us. Andy and Cissy pushed me behind her. The four of us took our wand out.
Ted Tonks, the mudblood, got out of the bush, making me and Cissy put an annoying face. While Andy smiled.
"Tonks? I think he's at my year at Hogwarts." Andy said.
"Yeah, a seventh year Hufflepuff." Cissy added.
"A muggleborn." I added again, making Andy stare at me.
Bella laughed and walked to Ted. "Hello, I've got these leaflets for the and what exactly are these? Some sort of muggle defence." She took some and laughed. I laughed as well and walked to Bella.
"The Gigglyflits." He said, making Bella gave a weird face.
"I said I'll help them out because I wanted to make it a good one for them. I was walking to your house to put some trough the gate." He said walking to Andy.
"They play music at the pub? " Andy questioned as me and Bella put a weird face.
"Yes, apparently quite a lot." He answered the question.
"Do you not go down there much? There's no need to for us." cissy stated, then, looked at Bella and me. Bella and I nodded.
"Well, if you want to, you can come. " He said giving a paper to Andy.
Andy gave a weird face. "Thanks."
"Maybe see you tonight." He said to Andy. Me and Bella immediately took our wands and pointed it at him.
"Go away, mudblood." I said, being mean.
He walked away, then, me and Bella started to laugh.
"What an idiot!" I said while laughing.
"Did he seriously think we'd go to a gig?" Bella continued.
"We're not desperate." Andy said.
Me, Bella and Cissy walked away while laughing. Andy stared at Ted walking away. I ran to her and hugged her from the back with one arm.
"You know what?" I said.
"What?" Andy asked, curiously.
"Have some earwax. " I said putting a candy in her mouth and she spits it and starts chasing at me.
Time skip
"You seem to be very close to Rodolphus." Cissy said.
Bella looked back to her three sisters, sitting while laughing at bed.
"Lestrange?" Andy asked while laughing.
"Rodolphus!" Bella said while standing up, walking to us.
"He's even worse than Malfoy!" I said while laughing.
"Rodolphus! Wait, Rodolphus!" She said shocked.
"He invited us to meet the Dark Lord tonight. " She said walking to take her jacket.
"You three coming?" Bella asked.
" Of course!" I said, while standing up.
"If there is new magic being taught there, obviously I'm coming!" I said, standing up, giving Bella a smile.
"I'll go get my cloak." Andy said, standing up and walking outside.
"Rodolphus really?" Cissy asked.
"Whatever you can control of. Keep storing those memories. I suggest watching them in a Pensieve every night." Cissy continued.
Hey guys, this is the end of the first part. I hope you like it. I don't own any of the characters unless Vega. The rest belongs to JK Rowling.
Last time, I saw a comment saying that I copied the actual fanfic of Sisters of House Black. so, I'm gonna confirm that this was written by the younger me and I wrote this right after I watched the Sisters of House Black. I just decided to make it the same but just adding my own character, Vega Black.
The chapters about the Second Wizarding War are written by my own (not copied by anyone) so please read it if you want.
Thank you for reading. Stay safe and God Bless You!
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