Well thats just unfair, don't you think?

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"Send the rest" Loki commanded looking down upon the battle. From the freakin huge hole in space a butt load (like a thousand) of chitauri soldiers and even a leviathan's flew out. On the ground the avengers look up at the hole that is growing bigger. They were way out of their element now. It's was now 6 against thousands. An unfair battle if you asked any one of them.

Steve's POV
"Guys" Nat said, a hint of panic in her voice.
"Call it babe" Tony responded. 'He called me babe' I thought. 'He must love me and not that barbaric green thing' that put a smile on my face and warmed by heart a little.
"Alright, listen up" I said, maybe a little to happily.
"Until we can close that portal up there" and I pointed to the giant hole.
"we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on the roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays." With that I turned to my boyfriend and smiles.
"Babe, you got the perimeter, take Marie. Anything gets more than 3 blocks out, you two turn it back or turn it to ash. Be safe"
"Oh I see how it is" Clint laughed and shook his head. "Wanna give me a lift?" He asked Marie, who was already on Tony's back.
"Right, better clench up, Legolas" with that Tony took off with Marie on his back and Clint hanging onto Marie's hand for dear life. He didn't look too exited, in fact he looks as if he might puke a little. Then I turned to Liz and Thor.
"Thor and Li, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down" I pointed at Thor, "You have lightning powers, light the bastards up" then I pointed to Liz, "And you have elemental powers, do something with them, use them well." Then Thor took his hammer and swung off into the air towards the portal. Liz took off and followed her brother. Now it was only me and Nat.
"You and me, we stay on the ground, keep ft he fight here." With that I turned to the hulk. "And hulk. Smash" upon the beasts face a huge smile spread across his ugly green face, his huge white teeth showing. Then he leapt up into the air and landed onto the nearest building and smashed a few chitauri soldiers and then he moved onto the next building. He threw the dead soldiers into the others who were one firing at him. Obviously they were wasting  their time and they must have annoyed the hulk because he back handed them with a raw. Then he grabbed them and threw them down on the floor.  In his most powerful leap he flew up into a chitauri chariot traffic jam and smashed them all I it the ground. 'That cleared that up' I thought.

Thor's POV
Me and my sister grabbed onto the tower.
"You ready sister?" I asked and looked at her whilst taking her hand giving it a gentle squeeze. She looked up slowly at me and gave me a little smile.
"Yes brother"
"Let's do this" I lifted mjölnir in the air and summoned lightning. A blinding bolt of hot white lightning collides with the hammer in my hand. I aim it towards the portal opening and fire the blast and chitauri soldiers go flying, left, right and centre. They flew backwards and back into the portal. Due to the shock waves soldiers who were not killed by the bolt were killed and dropped like flies. Even a leviathan gets ripped to shreds and explodes, all flesh and guts flying everywhere. Next to me Liz is gathering fire in her hands, the flame balls are growing and glowing a brilliant orange with red and yellow flecks. Once they were the size of watermelons she combined them and fired the huge ball of fire in the direction of the portal. Any of the chitauri in the way caught on fire and exploded, sending chunks of burning flesh to the ground below. The fire ball even managed to burn right through the leviathan, exposing its insides and showing its ribs and organs.  
"Nicely played sister" I commented and she smiles proudly.
"Not bad yourself brother"

Hey humans, it's Becca here. Sorry it took a while to post this and sorry it's short. Okay, so we r almost at the end :O and I need you to answer these questions.
1) shall me and mol write a new book?
2) if so what type of book? Eg- superwholock etc
3)in this book do you want the super family as the ending. Eg- Tony and Steve get married and find Peter on a mission or something.
4) do u want another type of ending?
5) are u actually enjoying this book?

Alright please answer the questions. And ima leave now. Anderson found the horse in his kitchen and I've gotta run. Laters

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