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Natasha's POV:
I was fighting my crush. Yes I said it my crush. I know what your thinking assassins shouldn't have 'crushes' but I mean come on have you seen Barton? His cute button nose, those creases around his eyes when he's concentrating. Oh how I love the way he'll never back down from a fight. (Oh my TARDIS Becca did u seriously write this?) (well duh mol who else would?) (Edited-I'm so sorry for this XD- Becca)

What am I saying I'm a cold hearted bad ass bitch (I'm sorry for my bad language) I don't need men, but I want one. This love thing is confusing.
Thwack (mol don't edit my thwack how dare you) I was brought out of this stupid daydream by Clint smashing his fist into my side. Ow that kinda hurt. Back to the fight at hand I guess. I kick boxed his face sending him backwards. His eyes widened, revealing his gorgeous ones that were bluer than usual. Must be that stupid spell Loki put on him. My move must have startled him because it made him swing at me. But my reflexes kicked in and I grabbed his outstretched arm and twisted.

Baryons body's writhed trying to get free. That should hold him for a second I thought. But with his other hand he pulled out a rather large knife and he started slashing at me. Guess I was wrong. As he was swinging the knife I had to keep moving to dodge it. This resulted in me loosing my grip slightly. As I regained it I realised I had Clint in a lock hold. Oops. However this still didn't stop him thrusting the knife down trying to stab me.

Once he brought his arm upwards again getting ready for another swing, I had to do what surprised me. I bit him. Yup sunk my teeth into his wrist. But hey it worked. He dropped the knife and it slid across the floor, out of Clint's reach. His eyes followed the knife across the floor, giving me my chance to take him out once and for all. But not kill him because who kills someone they love? Wrapping my  legs around his neck I flipped him over. Thus taking him by surprise. Then I enclosed my arm around his neck where my legs were a moment ago putting him into a head lock. What do I do now? Looking around I saw pipe railing. Perfect. I dragged his dazed body over to it and smashed his head against it. Barton fell down hard with a huge thud.

He looked up. Eyes wide and with a look of almost realisation. You know? That look when you know something but can't quite put your finger on it.
"Natasha?" that one word broke my heart a little. Wait how can it brake something I didn't even know I had. Well I knew I had one but you know what I mean. So I had one last hit and he was out cold. He looked kind of peaceful. Ugh what am I saying?

Thors POV:
I was bouncing around this glass container like I was the ball in those pinball machine things those midgardiens use. Ping, ping, ping. This cell was spinning round and round and so was I. The world was so blurry it wasn't even a colour. Why did my brother hate me so. Sending me to my doom in a cell. This is no place for a god. It was at this point I realised how close I was to the ground. Too close for my liking. I swung at the glass but because of the constant movement I missed. I am the mighty Thor! This can not be happening! At least not to me! Closer and closer to the ground I fell. In a last attempt at survival, I positioned myself against the glass door. When I was less then a few centimetres from the ground I got ready to leapfrog out of the cell. As I did, the cage hit the ground and it smashed. I was thrown into a near by meadow and the shattered pieces were thrown across the shore

Coulsons POV: (that's right I went there)
From my position on this wall I saw Marie and Elizabeth thrown to the sides of the room, rubbing their heads and probably seeing stars. That monster called Loki was looking down the hatch in which he dropped his brother. His face held no remorse for that horrible action. He just stood there staring down the shaft, smiling like an idiot as if he just won the lottery.

Loki closed the hatch and turned to leave. In my now weak voice I mange to squeak out "your gonna lose." He turns and looks at me that smile still on his face.
"Am I?"
"It's in your nature" I croak smirking a little.
"Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky" he gave a slight pause and smiled wider "where's my disadvantage?"
"You lack conviction" I think I might shoot him just for the hell of it. I'm going to consider it a dying mans last wish.
Actually now I think of it what does this actually do. Oh god I do hope it doesn't shoot rainbows or something then I'd be even more screwed which might be thought impossible for a dead man.  By now Marie and Liz were by my side. They were fussing, Marie was applying pressure to my chest trying to stem the blood flow. Liz was standing by my side pointing the two prototype at her brother.

My vision was starting to fade. Everything had a darker colour then before, blue and black spots dotted my vision. It was quite funny actually. Made me feel like I was in a fun house looking in these funny mirrors where everything is disoriented. Sounds were blended together until it was just a buzz with odd words coming in muffled. I guess this could be my end.
"I don't think I-" okay I heard that bit clear. What else is he saying. My vision faded out for a few seconds and when it came back I saw Loki flying threw the air and braking through the wall behind him. Slowly turning my head I saw Liz breathing heavily.
"So that's what it does" I say hardly above a whisper. Then my vision fades out and everything is black.

Elizabeth's POV:
I blasted my brother with the weapon I took out of Phil's hand. Loki went flying through the wall.
"So that's what it does" I hear Coulson whisper as his eyes close and his breathing slows even further. No,no, no please don't die on me Phil. I rush over to Marie and she's now crying over his body as she lies him down. My eyes well with tears and they sting. He was a good friend and now he will be no more. Damn my brother always ruining things. I let a tear slip down my cheek.
"Marie my dear friend, stay with Phil, I'll be right back" standing up I realise just how angry I am. My fists are clenched and my vision is red. I will hunt you down brother.
"Where are you going Liz?" Marie questions through her ugly sobs.
"To avenge a good friend of mine." I state as I run towards the hole in which my bastard brother was thrown. Oh brother you will see a new side of me and you won't like it. The last thing I heard before I jumped after Loki was Marie scream my name but I already made up my mind. Phil was a great friend and he will not die in vain.

Sup humans becca here. Hope you like this chapter. How dare Loki kill Phil! I mean come on he was one of the nicest characters like ever! Anyway I'm still waiting for Sherlock to come out! I mean come on Moffat hurry up. I've watched the last 3 series 3 times already.
School starts on Thursday :'( so we will be going back to the normal schedule of posting on Friday. This time it will not be hectic and will be every Friday with little abnormalities here and there but hey we're only human. Hope you had a nice week last week and I hope you have a nice week this week.
Alright becca out. I'm off to c ryuke. Laters

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