The records were huge, dusty old books on rickety bookshelves. The girls had spread out, each of them pouring over old texts, Sybil regularly asking Esmerelda questions about various words and Mildred was enthralled in a textbook of Witch History. They could hear the commotion upstairs, but as dusk grew nearer, their pace quickened. After several hours, Ethel cried,
"Esme! Come here! Miss Cackle. I think I found something!" Within seconds the seven girls were crowded around one book. Ethel read aloud, "The Founding Stone. An object used to uphold a building's magical presence and power. Among other things, the stone can be used to tranfer magic from one witch or wizard to another." she looked at Esme. "If we can't remove Agatha's powers, maybe we can use the stone to transfer them. Two birds with one stone! We can get Esme's magic back and stop Agatha!" Her voice rose with each word.
"Ethie, I don't think that would work. We don't even know how to use the stone" Esmerelda replied
"No. Wait a second. She might be onto something. Now don't get your hopes up, but it's the best plan we have. It's almost dusk." said Miss Cackle. "Bring the book. Let's go." she waved her hand and the girls appeared in the Great Hall.
The Great Hall was filled with teachers, wizards, and witches from all around. The all looked grim, and some of them failed to hide their worry. Miss Cackle cleared her throat.
"Attention. These girls and I have been scouring the records. Apparently, if used correctly, the Founding Stone can be used to transfer powers. If we can get our hands on the stone, we can return Esmerelda's powers to her and Agatha will be powerless once more. Since we cannot remove Agatha's powers directly, this is a good option. The only problem is we have no idea how to use the stone, nor do we have any way to get the stone from Agatha." she looked at the Great Wizard. He looked at her sadly. He had no idea how to use the stone either. From the corner, Miss Batt piped up.
"If I can get to the stone, I can try a few spells. There are a few chants that are rumored to be able to transfer magic, but I have never seen them used before."
"Well, we will get the stone and you can do your stuff. We just have to hope it works. It is our last hope." Miss Cackle said. She turned to the girls. "You guys have been immensely helpful, but you should go to my office. It will you safer."
"No Miss Cackle. We can help. We have to draw Agatha here and get the stone from her. The more people the better." Enid replied, and the other girls nodded, even Maud and Esmerelda.
"Alright. Stay with Miss Hardbroom. Whatever you do, do not leave her." Miss Cackle said, and the girls nodded once more. Suddenly, a witch appeared out of nowhere.
"The sun is setting." she announced. This was met by hushed whispers and determined faces. The girls gave each other nervous looks. Esmerelda squeezed Sybil's hand. Miss Cackle took a deep breath and transferred to the courtyard. The other adults followed suit and the students rushed outside. Everyone was looking nervously around, when someone gasped and pointed into the woods. Agatha appeared from the darkness and approached her sister.
"So? I see you have organized an army. You are foolish if you think you can defeat me with this." she pulled the Founding Stone out of her cloak. Everyone watched it closely.
"Our magic is no match to yours, Agatha." Miss Cackle replied calmly.
"And yet you come at me with everything you have. Including Hallows I see. And Mildred Hallow and her friends." she was looking at the younger witches now. Esmerelda put her arm around Sybil and pulled her behind her. Maud gulped and Ethel took a deep breath, but all the girls kept a straight face and stood their ground. Miss Cackle smiled for a second, warm with pride in her girls.
"I don't want to fight you Agatha."
"Of course not Ada. But I doubt you are handing over your powers." Agatha scoffed.
"No Agatha. This school is better off in ruins than under your reign." she retorted.
"The school is nothing without Ada. She is a much better witch than you could ever be Agatha. And if you expected her to just roll over, you obviously do not know your sister." Miss Hardbroom had appeared behind Miss Cackle and was staring harshly at Agatha.
"That's what you think. With the stone, I can do whatever I want. I have more power than the Great Wizard himself." Agatha laughed evilly.
"Then are you aware that destroying the school will also destroy the stone." Miss Batt had also appeared at Miss Cackle's side. She looked at Agatha, almost smiling. Agatha looked at her sister.
"You knew this? Of course you did. This was your great plan?! Have me destroy the school and then overcome me? Well, that won't happen. The school is just a building. I can conquer the witching world with this stone." she cackled again. Miss Cackle looked at Miss Batt, who smiled slyly for a second, then reverted to her original harsh look.
"You will never get away with it Agatha" Miss Cackle spat, catching on.
"I already have Ada. Now. Hand over your powers, or.." she disappeared for a second, then reappeared with Esmerelda, "You know Esmerelda, you are becoming quite an unwitting accomplice."
"Esme!" Ethel cried. Miss Drill helped Mildred and Maud hold back Sybil and Ethel. Miss Cackle took a step forward.
"Agatha. You have done this before and it didn't work. Let her go." she looked pointedly at Esmerelda. Esme's eyes widened with understanding. She adjusted her arms and watched Miss Cackle closely.
"No more nonsense Ada. You can't stop me. The only options you have are whether to give me your powers or to let me move down the Hallow line." she looked at Ethel and Sybil and smiled. "You wouldn't want that now, would you?" Miss Cackle motioned behind her back to Miss Hardbroom. Slowly, the teachers spread out around Agatha. Miss Batt ended up directly behind Agatha, but she was too invested in her conversation to notice anything.
"Now. One last chance Ada. You know what you must do."
"Yes we do. Esmerelda?" Miss Cackle nodded and Esmerelda ducked from Agatha's grasp, bringing the Founding Stone with her. Miss Batt took it from her and vanished. Agatha gasped and reached toward Esmerelda, but Miss Hardbroom got to her first and they vanished as well. Agatha cried out and shot a ball of light toward her sister. Miss Cackle deflected it and they circled each other. By now, a large circle of witches and wizards had formed around the two. Esmerelda had returned to her sisters and they clung to her. Miss Batt was chanting slowly, holding onto the Founding Stone tightly. Ada and Agatha looked at each other, looking for an opening.
"Nice effort Ada. Your girls are smart, I'll give them that. But even without the stone, you are no match for me."
"Maybe not. But I'm not alone." Miss Cackle replied coolly. She suddenly grabbed her sister's hand and they disappeared. Miss Hardbroom grabbed Esmerelda's hand and they disappeared as well. The pairs appeared on either side of Miss Batt, who grasped the Founding Stone. Miss Hardbroom and Miss Cackle held each of Agatha's arms, and the Great Wizard chanted under his breath. Agatha tried to break free, but her magic had been temporarily dulled. She glared at the Great Wizard, who was concentrating hard, his arms shaking. Miss Cackle forced her sister's hand onto the stone while Esmerelda placed her hand on the other side. Everyone else joined hands, Miss Drill clutching Esmerelda's hand and Pippa, who had come in from her school, grabbed Miss Hardbroom's, who held tightly to Agatha. Miss Batt began chanting
"Stone of power, stone of magic. Protect your school and protect her students. Fight against our enemies, assist our teachers. Take this one villain's magic and return it to its owner." She looked expectantly at the stone, but nothing happened. Agatha laughed, but Miss Cackle and Miss Hardbroom looked at Miss Batt and joined in.
"Take this villains magic and return it to its owner." The stone began to glow and Agatha's smile faltered. Esmerelda's heart leapt and she joined in. Soon the courtyard was filled with rhythmic chanting.
"Take this villain's magic and return it to its owner. Take this villain's magic and return it to its owner! Take this villain's magic and return it to its owner!! Take this villain's magic and return to its owner!" The stone surged and Agatha shook. Esmerelda held tightly to the stone. Everyone watched expectantly, and soon Agatha fell to the ground. Miss Batt pulled the stone away from Esmerelda and wrapped it in her cloak. Esmerelda took a few steps back and everyone stared at her. She held out her hand, scared. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Suddenly she vanished. Everyone gasped. She appeared next to Ethel and Sybil. They looked at each other for a second, then Sybil threw herself around Esme and cried. Ethel followed suit. Miss Cackle helped Agatha up and handed her over to the Great Wizard. They disappeared with a final glare from Agatha. Miss Cackle rushed over to the Hallows and Esmerelda pulled herself away from her sisters. Miss Cackle smiled and stared at the girl.
"Good job Esme."
"Thank you Miss Cackle. Thank you so much." Esmerelda replied.
"How about you six go test out her powers, huh? I will deliver the good news to your parents and we can get you back here." The girls nodded enthusiastically and started to walk toward the castle.
"Wait. Look what I can do again." Esmerelda waved her hand and the girls vanished. Miss Cackle smiled after them. Everything was finally back to normal,
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